Quote Originally Posted by sharkythesharkdogg View Post
I've tried way it in the past (Like PS1 era), but I'm so used to D-pad that I felt like it set me too far back.

I thought the transition be easy from time in the arcades as a kid, but the home sticks just didn't feel the same. I've heard the sticks now are much better, but it's been many, many years since I've been to any sort of arcade. I think any ability I had with a stick would be gone.

I imagine stick would be better if I put the work in, it's just tough to accept letting go of all that time learning movements on the D-pad.

Plus good sticks are $100 dollars or more.
I'm surprised. I guessed you would have played on stick if you used King. I try do some of King's chain grabs, but they don't work properly the vast majority of the time. Even his giant swing grab can't come out successfully 50% of the time. That's where I think stick really excels along with movement inputs. Maybe it's the way I'm holding the pad (I play with my two thumbs), I dunno!

Quote Originally Posted by fat_moogle View Post
Anyway I've been practising my Jin if anyone wants a game! Haven't fought you for ages Rocket but I see you online busy with FFXII!

We can play later. I think we're the same time-zone so any time after 5pm is good with me! I assume I have you added on PS4? If not my PSN is (SPOILER)novi_glitzko. Let's test that Jin!

Quote Originally Posted by sharkythesharkdogg View Post

I think to keep it balanced, they might try a modern female character though.
I think this is almost a guarantee. Wouldn't it be great if we had someone like Chun-li? I know we already have Akuma but having such a well known character would be cool to play with in a different fighter style personally as I didn't know of Akuma before T7.