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Thread: Blind Bloodborne playthrough thread HYPE

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Now that you passed him, did you find the music box?
    I did not :0

    I explored onwards until I got killed by spoilerGatling Gun Guy on top of the roof! His shotgun chunks like half my HP.

  2. #17
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Welcome to Old Yharnam, I suggest a torch for your left hand weapon.

    Have you tried any of the Chalice Dungeons yet?

  3. #18


    Fighting the Spoiler Bloodstarved Beast and here's my first criticism of the game: what the hell is going on sometimes. The faster pace of the game makes for much much harder telegraphing of moves and once stunlocked things are just over. The "rules" are just not clear. Is there poise? Do some moves have hyper armor? I dont have a clue.

  4. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Welcome to Old Yharnam, I suggest a torch for your left hand weapon.

    Have you tried any of the Chalice Dungeons yet?
    I'm in a dungeon now fighting an Undead Giant. He's hard :0

  5. #20
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    Chained Undead Giant is literally the hardest boss in the game I'm pretty sure

  6. #21
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete for President View Post
    Fighting the Spoiler Bloodstarved Beast and here's my first criticism of the game: what the hell is going on sometimes. The faster pace of the game makes for much much harder telegraphing of moves and once stunlocked things are just over. The "rules" are just not clear. Is there poise? Do some moves have hyper armor? I dont have a clue.
    There is no poise for you, though some monsters do have some which heavier weapons will work on to stunlock them. The game is really based more on dodging and punishing as you have pretty decent invincibility frames for dodging, and there is an item gained later that lets you use Quicksilver bullets to give you a psuedo-teleport spam move for 30s. Aggression and speed are your friends, so the defensive game is primarily about dodging, flanking, and using your gun for riposte attacks. The Blood Starved Beast for instance is incredibly susceptible to the gun riposte. Most enemies, including bosses, can be riposte with the guns, bigger enemies can also have their limbs damaged, allowing for you to do more damage (usually when the head gets "broken" and breaking limbs will have them stunned so you can pull off a visceral attack on them.

  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Spuuky View Post
    Chained Undead Giant is literally the hardest boss in the game I'm pretty sure
    It sure felt that way to me

    And yeah, BSB is there to basically force you to get used to quick dodges and quick recovery. And as Wolf says, once you're confident enough, it's super susceptible to gun repostes. It's one of the more erratic bosses. Also the poison is meant to scare you, if you stay up it's arse and manage to keep the aggression up, you get a significantly lower poison build-up than if you're just running from it and getting attacked; as there seems to be more/quicker poison build-up in front of it than behind it, and WAY more built-up from getting hit by it (which makes sense)

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete for President View Post
    Fighting the Spoiler Bloodstarved Beast and here's my first criticism of the game: what the hell is going on sometimes. The faster pace of the game makes for much much harder telegraphing of moves and once stunlocked things are just over. The "rules" are just not clear. Is there poise? Do some moves have hyper armor? I dont have a clue.
    There is no poise for you, though some monsters do have some which heavier weapons will work on to stunlock them. The game is really based more on dodging and punishing as you have pretty decent invincibility frames for dodging, and there is an item gained later that lets you use Quicksilver bullets to give you a psuedo-teleport spam move for 30s. Aggression and speed are your friends, so the defensive game is primarily about dodging, flanking, and using your gun for riposte attacks. The Blood Starved Beast for instance is incredibly susceptible to the gun riposte. Most enemies, including bosses, can be riposte with the guns, bigger enemies can also have their limbs damaged, allowing for you to do more damage (usually when the head gets "broken" and breaking limbs will have them stunned so you can pull off a visceral attack on them.
    Aha, thanks for the info. I think with the Bloodstarved Beast there was so much skin and limbs and things flailing around I found it really hard to distinguish one move from the other. I co-oped it again as a summon and managed to land some parry shots, but it's hard to be in the right position quick enough to pull off the visceral attack, unless you're directly in front of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spuuky View Post
    Chained Undead Giant is literally the hardest boss in the game I'm pretty sure
    It sure felt that way to me

    And yeah, BSB is there to basically force you to get used to quick dodges and quick recovery. And as Wolf says, once you're confident enough, it's super susceptible to gun ripostes. It's one of the more erratic bosses. Also the poison is meant to scare you, if you stay up it's arse and manage to keep the aggression up, you get a significantly lower poison build-up than if you're just running from it and getting attacked; as there seems to be more/quicker poison build-up in front of it than behind it, and WAY more built-up from getting hit by it (which makes sense)
    I'm also struggling to pull off visceral attacks from charge attacking from behind. Can I just attack from behind or do I need to move to the front after I land the stun charge attack?

    I farmed some echoes and items and finally managed to beat the Undead Giant. Beat spoiler the 3 watchers first try after that.

    Another gripe I have with the game is that it's really frustrating to land the parry gun shot but then still get hit by the enemy attack, not getting in the visceral attack. Also there seem to be some hitbox issues with the black-caped generic human/beast enemy in central Yharnam.

  9. #24


    For visceral back-attacks, you charge your attack, hit, they drop to one knee, then you just do a regular attack from behind, I don't even think you have to step forward, and you definitely do not have to move to their front. You can totally stick your hand through their spine

    As for getting hit during a reposte, I don't recall that being an issue. You do have to shoot them during an attack animation, but you mostly only have to wait for their start-up for that attack, it doesn't have to be directly in your face. So you may have extremely good timing from the sound of it if you're waiting for the very last possible second and taking a hit. You should be fine shooting them a tad sooner to stagger them

    Then again, pretty much everyone in the starting area are annoying until you get to a point in the game, or character strength where they don't matter. It's a great place to farm for bullets and vials. But I never tried to dazzle my way through much of that. I was more concerned about "parrying" the bigger fellas like knights and ogres

    Also, for your Bloodstarved Beast parry positioning, are you using your dodge to move around the stage, and not just to dodge? Usually if you knock him down with a bullet, it means he was aiming to attack you, and there's a good chance you can dodge toward him a couple of times within the time frame to get the visceral on him. But you were co-opping so he may have been aiming to hit your partner. In solo it's almost guaranteed since you're the one he'd be coming after, he'd have to be within range to hit you, and aimed at you, so everything should be lined up and within distance

  10. #25
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Yeah it sounds to me like you're having bad timing, but I had similar struggles in the beginning as well. You can use visceral from behind as well, you just tap attack after charged attack to instigate it. If it's not working, then chances are you're too far away due to the range of your charged attack, or in rare cases, the charged attack may have re-positioned you out of range. You generally want to be on top of them practically to get the visceral. With some practice, it will start to become second nature, though I will mention that not all enemies are worth trying to go for the parry. A wonderful example is the Blood Lickers from Cainhurst and the Hunter's Nightmare, it's damn near impossible to pull off a parry against them and pretty lethal as well.

    There are a few ways to handle the Blood Starved Beast, again like Father Gascoigne, he's really susceptible to fire damage. The guy also has trout for tracking, so if you simply keep circling/dodging to your left, he tends to miss you but continue on his three hit combos, leaving him open for counters. If you plan on doing more of the Chalice Dungeons or the DLC, you'll get pretty good with him since he shows up a few times in those places.

    Also the torch is a great left handed weapon in Old Yharnam, especially if you found the Hunter's Torch which does a bit more damage.

  11. #26


    Thanks for all the info guys! I'm getting the hang of those visceral attacks. The creepy guys in suits still hit me at the same time my gunshot lands (superweird) but I'll get it at one point.

    Turns out I was doing the chalice thing but was also able to continue the Yharnam mission. I had no idea there was an extra door at Cathedral Ward. I do recall Gehrman saying something about Oedon, and I looked but didnt find it. After dying to spoiler fiery hound in the chalice dungeon a couple times I decided to google. Found the doorway. Met Vicor Amelia. She tears me apart.

    Also changed my build up and now I'm rocking the hammer. Instant fav!

  12. #27


    That door only opens after a certain point, so you didn't technically miss it. I think it's after your third boss fight? Which is usually Bloodstarved Beast

    The creepy guys with staffs are called Doctors, and I think they give everyone trouble to start out with. Their timing may be a little different. I still take hits from them once in a while. But they're also pretty slow so it's not hard to rally your health back by immediately attacking them after

    On that note though, it wasn't common knowledge when the game first came out, but just to let you know, when you kill an enemy, they have their death animation before they fall down, and you can continue to rally back health during that animation. So feel free to beat up the dead as they are dying if you are still missing health that you can get back

    The hammer is a great weapon, it rips up enemy poise, but being so slow it takes a bit more finesse in its timing. But having a straight sword option is great as it's such a versatile weapon. You get a couple of them in the game, and it's such a reliable alternative to a main weapon

    And yeah, Amelia seems a lot different from Cleric and Bloodstarved. She always gave me trouble with my first times with each character. But you eventually get used to it. Again, you wanna get up her butt, and try not to get too concerned when you can't see your character through all the fur lol..

  13. #28
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    That door only opens after a certain point, so you didn't technically miss it. I think it's after your third boss fight? Which is usually Bloodstarved Beast
    I'm pretty sure it's just always after you kill the BSB. My 3rd boss was Amelia and it didn't open then.

    I played the entire game without meaningfully using parries or viscerals; but I got the Whirligig Saw probably unreasonably early and that weapon is some OP trout.

  14. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Spuuky View Post
    I played the entire game without meaningfully using parries or viscerals; but I got the Whirligig Saw probably unreasonably early and that weapon is some OP trout.
    did you just run and dodge until you got it?? (SPOILER)Pretty sure they suggest level 80+ before even going to the DLC, let alone making meaningful enough progress to get that thing

  15. #30
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    I didn't fight stuff, but I am an expert at exploring Souls zones without being hit at this point (as long as I'm not trying to kill anything). I got all the weapons pre-boss in the DLC basically as soon as I discovered the DLC. Came back much later to actually fight things.

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