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Thread: Blind Bloodborne playthrough thread HYPE

  1. #1

    Default Blind Bloodborne playthrough thread HYPE

    Hi! I'm a huge Dark Souls fan! I get to play Bloodborne! I'm EXCITED

    Please keep the thread spoiler free : )

    Couple hours in! Some impressions: love the atmosphere. It's dark but classy. Love the knocks on doors. I died lots. I'm surprised by the scarcity of spoiler lanterns. It seems they went back to Demon's Souls system in terms of warping/checkpoints. Not knowing this gave me some frustration.

    So far the hardest part is navigating. Way more than Dark Souls I believe Bloodborne gives you nothing to go on where to go and when from the start. Ended up at spoiler Father Gascoine as my first bossfight without any levelling or weapon upgrades. Was probably not the way to go.

    Also must've missed shortcuts cause it was a loooooohoooooooooong way to the boss I believe I should've ended up first.

    More tomorrow!

  2. #2


    I love this game way more than any souls game. Got the guide for the main and DLC and the art book. Love the lore and atmosphere

  3. #3
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Yeah, I met Father Gascoigne first as well. He promptly annihilated me. Central Yharnam does have quite a few shortcuts though. Also, have you been talking to the locked up residences?

    What build/starting weapons are you going for?

    Yes, the game does feel like Demon's Souls a lot more than the traditional Souls games.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Yeah, I met Father Gascoigne first as well. He promptly annihilated me. Central Yharnam does have quite a few shortcuts though. Also, have you been talking to the locked up residences?

    What build/starting weapons are you going for?

    Yes, the game does feel like Demon's Souls a lot more than the traditional Souls games.
    I got annihilated by him too haha. I chose Troubled Past for stats, Axe for weapon (despite knowing it scaled with Strength, not Skill) as it looked so cool. When I found the Saw/Spear I went for that and its faster swings seem to work better for me at this point. Chose the single-bullet gun but found out it does miss the skinny enemies sometimes which is frustrating. 'Parrying' is even more satisfying than in Dark Souls when it does work!

    Have been talking to the residences but none would want any of me (yet) : (

  5. #5
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    The Axe is a surprisingly popular weapon for many players it seems. It does have great range in it's two-handed form and with the write Blood Gems, it can be a beast of a weapon against the bigger four legged bosses due to it's wide sweeping range and stagger potential.

  6. #6


    It's got such crowd control and high stagger and range, it's really the best weapon for new players, hands down. Though if you're like me, it almost feels like cheating after a while lol so I never used it as a main weapon, but it is undeniably one of the best, especially for the first leg of the game

  7. #7
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I chose the Threaded Cane and never regretted that decision. Being a Skill Build helped. Shame the only other decent Skill weapon is a DLC exclusive weapon.

  8. #8


    My arcane character had skill as secondary and (SPOILER) the rapier you get towards the middle of the game was pretty phenomenal when buffed with arcane and a good set of gems. I actually stopped playing the base game with her because it was too easy

    And you get an awesome dual wielding set(SPOILER) from a character either toward the beginning or end of the game
    depending on your choices

    Threaded cane was the way I went with my first character as well. I can't pretend I didn't get hammered in the beginning though. But it was the first Souls type game I actually got into so I didn't have the experience series veterans had

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    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I was a Skill/Strength build so the (SPOILER)Rakuyo was my go to weapon by the end of the DLC, but I stuck with the Threaded Cane for most of it. I mean it pulls off four different damage types.

    I wish I had put more points into Bloodtinge cause the (SPOILER)Chikage was a great weapon.

  10. #10


    So I just tried Spoiler Father Gascoine about 6-7 more times and got him to about 20% 3 times now before getting annihilated. It's like fighting Gwyn shieldless. I'm struggling with the parry timings still. Beat him as a summon once, but I want to beat all bosses solo myself! Tough fight. I also ran out of silver bullets so I guess I gotta do some farming.

  11. #11
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete for President View Post
    So I just tried Spoiler Father Gascoine about 6-7 more times and got him to about 20% 3 times now before getting annihilated. It's like fighting Gwyn shieldless. I'm struggling with the parry timings still. Beat him as a summon once, but I want to beat all bosses solo myself! Tough fight. I also ran out of silver bullets so I guess I gotta do some farming.
    Two tips:

    1. If you have any of them, use oil urn and Molotov Cocktails on his second transformation to bring the hurt.

    2. Go all out aggressive. This was my issue with the fight was that I was playing too defensively and this is one of many fights that will teach you to take it to them instead. If your weapon has good Rally potential, you should be able to trade blows and outlast him.

  12. #12


    If you're talking about his final stage, get used to dodging to the side. A lot of people make the mistake of just dodging backwards as a reflex but you want to train yourself not to do that because all of his attacks move mostly straight forward when he's not jumping around. So if you dodge back you just put yourself in line to get hit more. You want to get comfortable and get used to trying to stay up his arse. It's a handy tool to have in your belt for most boss fights. Staying calm, and staying close

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete for President View Post
    So I just tried Spoiler Father Gascoine about 6-7 more times and got him to about 20% 3 times now before getting annihilated. It's like fighting Gwyn shieldless. I'm struggling with the parry timings still. Beat him as a summon once, but I want to beat all bosses solo myself! Tough fight. I also ran out of silver bullets so I guess I gotta do some farming.
    Two tips:

    1. If you have any of them, use oil urn and Molotov Cocktails on his second transformation to bring the hurt.

    2. Go all out aggressive. This was my issue with the fight was that I was playing too defensively and this is one of many fights that will teach you to take it to them instead. If your weapon has good Rally potential, you should be able to trade blows and outlast him.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    If you're talking about his final stage, get used to dodging to the side. A lot of people make the mistake of just dodging backwards as a reflex but you want to train yourself not to do that because all of his attacks move mostly straight forward when he's not jumping around. So if you dodge back you just put yourself in line to get hit more. You want to get comfortable and get used to trying to stay up his arse. It's a handy tool to have in your belt for most boss fights. Staying calm, and staying close
    Thank you both for the support! I just bought some molotov cocktails! I will dodge to the side! TIME TO HUNT

    Edit: beat him first try with this haha! Thanks guys : )

  14. #14


    Woot. Congrats. He's one of my favorite bosses, I also find him to be one of the harder bosses, but it could just be me. But enjoy the rest of the game that just opened up. It only gets better

  15. #15
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Now that you passed him, did you find the music box?

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