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Thread: Blind Bloodborne playthrough thread HYPE

  1. #61
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    You can't really get hit by the little spiders or you will lose. I didn't really have an issue dodging them but it does seem that patiently killing them is a more common and popular strategy.

  2. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Both summons are kind of useless beyond getting the enemy's attention. In fact, most of the A.I. companions are only really good for a distraction. If the A.I. roulewtte works out for you, you can sometimes get the underlings to focus on them while you deal with Rom.

    I would suggest trying to kill all of her underlings first so you're less likely to get gang raped by the lot of them. Also if you have a Lightning Paper, use it on your weapon for extra damage. Blunt weapons also work, so use the Kirkhammer's two-handed form as well. Rom is considered to be the toughest non-optional fight in the game, but some players tend to have an easier time than others. I find that patience in clearing out the minions before going for the kill works best, especially in the last stretch of the fight.
    Quote Originally Posted by Spuuky View Post
    You can't really get hit by the little spiders or you will lose. I didn't really have an issue dodging them but it does seem that patiently killing them is a more common and popular strategy.
    Thanks guys! I opted for bringing as many vials as I could and doing a hit and run tactic, sprinting past the little spiders, get 2-3 hits in, roll away. I died just after landing the finishing blow on Rom.

  3. #63


    Ventured into spoiler unseen village #2. Same map but different things going on makes its purpose very confusing for now but i havent cleared it yet. Here's some more critique for the game: i know we just whacked the spider and the moon is red and things should be difficult now, but the game goes all dark souls 2 on us with enemies in locations just to have them there rather than to create a specific engagement highlighting a certain mechanic of the game or strategy. Yes, more of them makes it harder, but its a lazy mans difficulty. Result: im sprinting past everything because it works. Also smurf infinite spawning enemies, the occasions where infinite spawn makes good game design is extremely rare and unseen village is not one of them. Its a shame because Byrgenwerth was so simple and small but still so fun to explore and now this mess follows it up.

  4. #64
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    To be fair, the enemies are not completely infinite spawning. There are certain enemies that spawn the enemies (and make them more powerful) so the gimmick is to find them and eliminate them to make the area less annoying. Despite that apologist sentiment, I agree that Unseen Village Redux was a bit of a kick to the teeth after Byrgenworth.

    In other parts of the game. How many people have you rescued? There are a few places I've wondered if you found yet as well.

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    To be fair, the enemies are not completely infinite spawning. There are certain enemies that spawn the enemies (and make them more powerful) so the gimmick is to find them and eliminate them to make the area less annoying. Despite that apologist sentiment, I agree that Unseen Village Redux was a bit of a kick to the teeth after Byrgenworth.

    In other parts of the game. How many people have you rescued? There are a few places I've wondered if you found yet as well.
    Not many i think i checked the doors in Yharnam regularly at first but after the same prompts every time i kinda gave up. spoiler i rescued the unfriendly old hag and the bandage guy who probably killed her, then the church lady who gives out blood. Last time i checked she was still alive. I sent the hooker and her neighbour to the clinic to which i have to admit only found the backdoor while googling a map when i got superlost in forbidden woods. Then i found out what they got turned into. Super intriguing stuff!

    Edit: Spoiler I expected the bandage guy to do some murdering but Iosefka doing dark things definitely caught me by surprise after sending some folks there. Props Miyazaki!
    Last edited by Pete for President; 06-20-2017 at 11:03 PM.

  6. #66
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Yeah, I really liked the whole twist with the Oedon Chapel and Isofeka Clinic stuff. It will be interesting to see which ending you get.

    Are you thinking about getting the DLC?

  7. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Yeah, I really liked the whole twist with the Oedon Chapel and Isofeka Clinic stuff. It will be interesting to see which ending you get.

    Are you thinking about getting the DLC?
    I'm curious too. I dont think I'll get the DLC just yet as I have this PS4 i'm borrowing only for a couple more days. I'm not even sure whether I'll be able to finish the game in time!

    Progress I made friends with Gatling Gun Guy but then thought 'hey I'm not sure I went up this ladder yet' and killed a beast and made my new friend hostile again. Then I killed him! Served him right for shooting at me in the first place. Then I checked on Church Lady but she got killed so I fought Bandage Murderer and slayed him after he wooped me a couple times. Then I wanted to teleport to Grand Cathedral but it didnt work so I checked it out and Crow Lady wooped me there. Back to Unseen Village where I sprinted through the whole thing (cause smurf all these enemies) collecting treasure and I met the boss. Bell Lady shot me dead with fire. Good to see Skeleton Dog (dark souls 1) make it's return in this game. All in all some pretty painful times in Yharnam.

  8. #68
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Yeah,Djura will be friendly if you approach him from the back entrance and talk to him, but aggro's if you attack him or any beast in the area. On the brightside, you unlocked his gear in the Hunter's Dream.

    Eileen the Crow has an interesting quest-line that's easy to miss. If you screw up the order, you fight her instead of her normal end, which involves one of the nastier Hunter fights in the game.

    The Beggar is Bloodborne's version of Yurt the Silent. He'll kill every NPC you save until you uncover his true identity and kill him... or just send him to Isofeka's Clinic and never worry about him again.

    Barring a bunch of optional stuff you probably missed, you're not terribly far from the end. Bloodborne is pretty short compared to Dark Souls. Did you ever find the real Hunter's Workshop?

    Shame you won't get a chance to play the DLC but totally understandable. Barring the pain in the ass fight with Laurence, it has some of m,y favorite boss battles in the game. The Hunter's Nightmare is also just cool conceptually and has some great lore with it.

  9. #69
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    The DLC is much harder than the main game, and has much better boss fights.

  10. #70


    You're about to go to probably the most intense area of the game. Some might argue it's the cheapest. Prepare your mind and body

  11. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    You're about to go to probably the most intense area of the game. Some might argue it's the cheapest. Prepare your mind and body
    I may have met the final boss? I'm not sure. SpoilerI took a coach to Cainhurst thanks to a letter found at the Clinic and I met the Queen. I did not survive for long. I liked the area. Smurf the Nightmare Frontier. What this game doesn't do well is open maps like Forbidden Woods and Nightmare Frontier. The confrontations with enemies are kinda stale because there's little terrain advantages/disadvantages and despite being open these areas are cluttered and exits (even the non-secret ones) are hard to find. The hallway stairway corridor street designs work way better IMO.

  12. #72


    It wasnt the final boss! Wasnt even a queen i guess but thats messages messing with my head. I did beat Micholash and thoroughly enjoyed that fight!

  13. #73
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Once you survive getting off the front lawn, Cainhurst is one of my favorite places in Bloodborne, still blows my mind it's an optional zone as well. I enjoyed the boss battle there as well.

  14. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Once you survive getting off the front lawn, Cainhurst is one of my favorite places in Bloodborne, still blows my mind it's an optional zone as well. I enjoyed the boss battle there as well.
    I really thought it was the final area haha!

  15. #75
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    No, but it would have made a pretty good one. Same with the Fishing Village from the DLC.

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