Just beat the game (not really saying much, there's a ton of post-game content). My thoughts are somewhere between Skyblade and Sephex. I never really grew up playing the 3D Mario games; I didn't get very far in Sunshine (maybe like, 25ish Shines?), and I SUCKED at Super Mario 64 DS. Nah, my jam was Banjo Kazooie and Jak and Daxter. I liked how seamless those games felt, but I also liked how every maguffin felt placed in its own special area; a level within a level as it were. Mario Odyssey has those, but just as many of them can be found right off the beaten path; it's a nice way to reward exploration, but it lacks the same feeling of catharsis other Moons might have.

With all that said, as a kid, I would've been thankful for those easy moons; it would only mean I could see more areas in the game I would otherwise lack the skills to unlock. As a kid I was always more keen on exploring areas than beating challenges, so I know the "easy moons" are making some people happy.