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Thread: Off-road Regalia Impressions

  1. #1
    fat_moogle's Avatar
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    Default Off-road Regalia Impressions

    Has anyone tried this out yet? I haven't played the main game again since completing it, but I might give it a go again at some point in the future now that this update has hit.
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  2. #2


    I really wish Square would have told their fans that Final Fantasy XV is an Early Access game, instead of selling it as a full-priced $90 title.

    The amount of improvements and updates being made to this game make me regret buying it on Day 1. Wish I had just waited a year and bought the completed game at a discounted price instead.

    None of these updates are enough to really make anyone come back to the game, but they're enough to piss off the loyal fans who purchased an inferior quality product at launch.

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  3. #3
    fat_moogle's Avatar
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    I agree with you to a certain extent. Sure it would have been nice to have these features available at launch, but they're not game changing enough to make me regret buying the game on day one.
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  4. #4
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I honestly think this is a dumb idea actually. I mean the Chocobo is pretty much there for "off-roading" and I never had any real issue with the driving mechanic being a point and click deal. This just feels like a silly idea implemented to appease the whiny members of the fanbase who hated the fact you can't really control the car.

  5. #5


    Doing jumps is kind of fun, but trying to find a good ramping off point is tedious. Also, the vocals while driving off road got old FAST.

    I would rather have a patch to remove Regalia F game overs for bumpy landings.

  6. #6
    fat_moogle's Avatar
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    So today I tried the Type-D for the first time annnddd it's pretty underwhelming. It's so ugly and it likes to get stuck on things and then you're all like REVERSE FORWARD REVERSE JUMP trying to escape the jaws of whatever rock or hard place you find yourself in.
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  7. #7
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    I honestly think this is a dumb idea actually. I mean the Chocobo is pretty much there for "off-roading" and I never had any real issue with the driving mechanic being a point and click deal. This just feels like a silly idea implemented to appease the whiny members of the fanbase who hated the fact you can't really control the car.
    I can see that, but I think some better, more clever driving mechanics could have easily cleared up the issue. The Regalia should be better as far as player control. At least as an option. Having an open world game feels somewhat under whelming when you can't even adequately control one of the main adventuring/open world interfaces, I.E. the car. Now I'm not adventuring, I'm following along literally on rails again.

    So here's the compromise. Make it able handle a little bit of off-road, but treat it like the luxury car it is. Hell, luxury "SUVs" aren't really SUVs. It can travel on paved roads, dirt roads, and some flat grass, but for the last two it has to go very slowly. Go too fast, and it get's really bumpy which damages the car, gets stuck, etc, etc. You have to get it towed back to Cindy for repairs. That's actually fairly realistic.

    So you're left with using it for paved road/fast/long-distance travel the most, and using Chocobos for true off-road tasks like deserts, the woods, mountains, rivers, and any grassland that isn't perfectly flat. Also for local area travel.

    Anyone who says that's too much detail to expect them to do needs to go back and look at the development cycle and budget for the game. They could have easily done it.

  8. #8
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I can agree the car controls could be better for sure, yet I never really saw a desire to drive on grass and technically the Regalia can drive on some dirt roads. Of anything, I found the driving to be boring which is why I was happy to leave it to Ignis. Hell, I even found the chocobos boring as well, but I feel this is due to the world map just being too damn big in general. One of my beefs with the game in general was that I often felt like most of my playtime was just me trying to get some where as opposed to having exiting adventures. I'll give SE kudos for having a few events randomly pop up while on the road, but they hardly make up for the sheer boredom of "are we there yet?"

  9. #9
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Yeah, I know it could drive on dirt roads.

    It still goes back to what I was saying. For people like you, they should have had some quick travel option, and for people like me they should have given you control over a much more convincing driving experience.

    You already hinted at the problem, which is the current driving experience is boring. Whether it's completely automated or player "assisted". It's an interesting situation. You have a game that's focused on the legend of the classic American road trip created by a culture that largely doesn't view cars in the same was as Americans. I know there's lots of cars in Japan, and plenty of car enthusiasts, but I'm not sure if the people developing this "road trip" motif were really on their game. Statistically, the amount of Japanese spending a long time in cars or going on the classic road trip for vacations has to be far less than larger countries like America or Australia. I think it shows.

    They wanted to incorporate large parts of the story telling with the car travel (listening to the radio), yet seemed to water down the entertainment value of the travel pretty badly. When you make a very important aspect of your story telling/gameplay that boring then you know there's a problem.

    They should have either created a way for you to get the story telling through other means, or created a more compelling way for people to want to spend time driving in the car to listen to the news reports on the radio.

  10. #10
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I agree that it would have been cool to have all this available day one but let's face it, whatever they had at day one would have stuff added to it over time because that's modern gaming whether we like it or not. I haven't touched any of the additional content in FFXV but I figure I might someday. I was definitely satisfied with the original game being worth the purchase and I happily ignore DLC. I don't think that if DLC never existed we'd have had all of this extra stuff in the original game.
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