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Thread: Trains!

  1. #1
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    Default Trains!

    I spend a lot of time on trains now when I commute to NYC because I hate driving there. Combine that with the time I spend on the subway system, it all adds up.

    So what do I do with my time on the train?

    Sometimes I read a nice book. I've decided to reread the wheel of Time, and it's really interesting to see all the details I missed the first time I read it.

    Or I'm on my phone on LinkedIn or rarely Facebook.

    Finally I may just be playing a game on my 3DS.

    What do you do when you are traveling and not driving?

  2. #2


    There are rarely moments when I'm not the one driving these days, but when I'm not I don't do anything. I get car sick, so even as a passenger I have to keep my eyes on the road and not read or play a game.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Ganon View Post
    There are rarely moments when I'm not the one driving these days, but when I'm not I don't do anything. I get car sick, so even as a passenger I have to keep my eyes on the road and not read or play a game.
    I get really car sick too, so I can't read or play games either! I usually just stare out the car window and think.

  4. #4
    Bri's Avatar
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    Just stare out the window mostly

  5. #5
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I much prefer to take the train than drive. When I commuted on one I used to bring a book, but now I'll only do it if I have a really long journey of 2-3 hours so I know I can actually finish it on the trip. On shorter one-off trips like the 50 minute each way one I did yesterday, I usually have my iPod on and like everyone else in this thread, stare out the window.

  6. #6


    I get car sick pretty easily. I can get away with sending a few texts but anything more will have me feeling super nauseous.

    I envy you people that can do other things in a car.

    Pull my Devil Trigger!

  7. #7


    I am super jealous. A train would be a perfect time to catch up on reading or mobile gaming. But I don't have that opportunity. I think most of my entire state has done away with commuter trains and I'm not aware of any subways in Ohio

  8. #8
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    I commute all the time on the train to work and I love it. I almost always read on the train and my reading speed has shot up. I've read eight books this month! I get about an hour there and back on the train and an hour for lunch so that adds up, especially if I decide to read at home as well.

    So basically I like it. Pretty much the only thing I dislike about it is the cost: it's a healthy cut into my paypacket...

  9. #9
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I hate driving, but I hate crowded and delayed trains and commutes to train stations even more. I would prefer a nice leisurely commute that starts not far from my door and where I can sit down and which does not require much attention from me. I used to take a bus to work that arrived empty and had a stop right outside my apartment. Those were the days.

    I don't mind planes. They are cramped but not crowded in that you at least get your own seat and your own space.

    On train/bus/plane rides I generally play a handheld gaming system or read a book. They are great opportunities to catch up on these things because you are basically stuck there for the duration and can do little else. I enjoy those moments, though.

    I cannot wait for these driverless cars! As long as they are built like tanks to absorb crashes from all the old school folks who will cling to manual driving, sign me up.

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