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Thread: WK's Top something or other... let's just say "games" and call it good list.

  1. #61
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    I had no idea Un Jammer Lammy was an actual thing. Parappa the Rapper passed me by and I've always been more than happy with dodging that bullet. This seems much more up my street though. I wonder if it's on PSN?

  2. #62
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Kind of sad to see Xenoblade so low but what can you do

    Still need to look deeper into this list. There's quite a bit of unexpected stuff here!

  3. #63


    Never use Joe Chin's chains for them!

  4. #64
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    I had no idea Un Jammer Lammy was an actual thing. Parappa the Rapper passed me by and I've always been more than happy with dodging that bullet. This seems much more up my street though. I wonder if it's on PSN?

    I believe so, it's a pretty cute game overall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Kind of sad to see Xenoblade so low but what can you do

    Still need to look deeper into this list. There's quite a bit of unexpected stuff here!
    As I said in my first post, most of these rankings are tentative, and change on a whim. I've actually rearranged a few future entries cause as I really started to think about it didn't care for my initial ordering. Oddly, the game I'm kind of wishing I had ranked higher at this point is Chrono Cross, cause I kind of forgot how close I was to that game back in the day until I really started to write about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rez09 View Post
    Never use Joe Chin's chains for them!

  5. #65
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Where is Style Savvy on this list

  6. #66
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    Has anyone else started playing any of the games on this list? I've gone for the first Wild Arms. I know it's the 2nd game on this list but I thought I'd start from the beginning. I'm not too far in at the moment but I've just gathered my party together and I'm in the first dungeon so thanks WK for getting me to play something that I otherwise wouldn't have. Wouldn't have otherwise? No English.
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  7. #67
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    You are inspiring me to make my own version of these top 100 lists. I think we'll have a lot of overlap, and our Number 1 is probably the same game. However, I guarantee you Jamma Lamma or whatever it's called will not be on my list!

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  8. #68
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpkin View Post
    Where is Style Savvy on this list
    Sad to say, but I've never played it, though I'm not opposed to it, as I've heard some surprisingly good things about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by fat_moogle View Post
    Has anyone else started playing any of the games on this list? I've gone for the first Wild Arms. I know it's the 2nd game on this list but I thought I'd start from the beginning. I'm not too far in at the moment but I've just gathered my party together and I'm in the first dungeon so thanks WK for getting me to play something that I otherwise wouldn't have. Wouldn't have otherwise? No English.
    I feel that's the real draw of these types of lists is that you find out about a lot of cool games you probably missed one way or another. Fynn's list got me to pick up Radiata Historia, though I have yet to start it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    You are inspiring me to make my own version of these top 100 lists. I think we'll have a lot of overlap, and our Number 1 is probably the same game. However, I guarantee you Jamma Lamma or whatever it's called will not be on my list!
    You totally should man, its actually been surprisingly fun going through it. Though I'll warn you that after every entry, you'll probably want to be playing that game.

    I doubt Um Jammer Lammy would be on most people's lists, but as I said, I both love quirky Japanese rhythm games, and it was also the game that got me into the genre as well. So it has a special place in my heart despite being a game you could beat in an hour.

    I'm not sure if we share the same #1 actually, but I would be pretty confident that both of our #1's are in each other's top tens. Frankly, I feel I have maybe one game in my actual top ten that will sorta surprise most people, unless you really paid attention to my old posts. I don't talk about this particular game like a broken record like the other nine. I'm pretty sure most of my top ten will not surprise anyone, and a few people here could probably list all ten, but perhaps not in the correct order.

    I have been thinking of typing a post concerning a few omissions from this list. Games people know I own or have played that I'm sure everyone would imagine being on this list, but didn't for one reason or another.

    I'll have the next entry up soonish.

  9. #69
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Style Savvy Trendsetter and Fashion Forward are actually super good games. You should try em out. FF also has hairdressing and makeup too if you want more than dress up

    And yeah I love these lists to find suggestions of what to play too

  10. #70
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    I'll build my top 100 at some point. And have like ....... zero overlap with anyone, except for at least Psychotic appreciates SR2.

  11. #71
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    78. Well, this going to be the complete opposite of the last entry. The Mega Man X series is Capcom's darker and edgier take on the MM franchise that started on the Super Nintendo, but any X fan will tell you that X4 is probably where the series really took to that ideal vision. Simple crash course plot, the X series takes place a few centuries after MM's timeline and mankind now lives side by side with robots possessing total free will called Reploids. Though this society tries to live in peace, there is a lot of distrust between humans and Reploids and the path their futures will take them. Since humanity has unshackled machines from the Three Robot Laws, the inevitable robot uprisings do occur and these Reploids are deemed Maverick by society and hunted down by an organization called, non-surprisingly, Maverick Hunters. It's eventually revealed in the third game that one of the causes of the uprisings is a mysterious virus that drives Reploids mad, but its origin is unknown and only accounts for some of the Maverick behavior. This information has always been in the background of the series, but X4 is one of the first games to finally bring the social dynamic of X's world to the forefront, and non-surprisingly, it begins the trilogy of the darkest entries in the X continuum. The story proper begins with a terrorist attack on the floating city of Sky Lagoon, led by what appears to be a group called Repliforce. Repliforce is a Reploid military outfit that was created to replace the Maverick Hunters who were seen as both ineffectual, and too close to humanity and their interests in human/reploid relationships. The destruction of the city comes as a shock to everyone, especially Repliforce's leader, the General, who quickly realizes this is a frame up job. Humanity calls upon the government to label the organization as Maverick's and to send in the Maverick Hunter's to deal with them. Realizing they can't prove their innocence. General enacts a plan to take over a military orbital cannon and transform it into an independent Reploid nation. X and Zero of the Maverick Hunters are sent to deal with Repliforce but feel uneasy about the whole situation as despite being designed to eventually replace them, Repliforce and the MH were largely on friendly terms. Zero especially has many friends among the ranks, including the headstrong Colonel, and gentle sister, Iris, of whom Zero has strong feelings for. Unwilling to disarm out of pride and a fear of unfair treatment, Repliforce goes to war with the Maverick Hunters. It soon becomes obvious that there is a spy among the MH, as Repliforce continues to always be one step ahead of X and Zero. At this point, the plot differs depending on whether you are playing as X or Zero. For the most part, X gets the shaft in the plot department as his story deals with uncovering the traitor which after three games of putting down various traitors to the organization, it's apparently his M.O. now. Of course there isn't any surprise as there is only one unique character in his story line, and his name is Double of all things... yeah. The only real point in playing X's story is that he has a fairly dark ending that serves as foreshadowing for the MM Zero franchise, where X begins to wonder if he too will go Maverick one day, and asks Zero to take him out if he does. Zero is the real star of this game as he not only gets the most character development, but his whole story is just better written if a bit cliché. Zero's story centers on two plot threads: the conflict between him and Colonel, with both being too prideful to back down from their orders and find themselves in conflict; which ultimately serves as a point of tension with Iris, who is sides with the MH and wants to be with Zero, but also wishes to protect her brother. The second plot thread deals with Zero's past. He's haunted by dreams of a weird man calling him his greatest creation. For fans of the MM franchise overall, Zero's past becomes a huge bombshell for the series and sets up an unseen conflict between X and Zero the series had been only teasing about up until this point, as well as changing the way people view many of the legacy characters within both MM and MMX. For most fans of the series, MMX didn't really begin until this game, and it's still regarded as one of the best entries in the series from a narrative standpoint. It's also praised for being the first game to allow the player to actually play as Zero as a full character. He was a fan favorite NPC in MMX, out of action for most of MMX2, and was a special, but limited character you could only use in stages in MMX3, except for one special boss fight where he can be used to gain a special upgrade and change the ending. So having the fan favorite finally become a fully playable character was a treat for everyone, especially the MMX team, as it becomes blatantly obvious that Zero gets most of the attention in both the story and game design. Bosses and stages are slightly modified to incorporate Zero's close range fighting style, and unlike X, Zero doesn't simply obtain boss moves, he actually gets a whole set of techniques that range from combat moves to useful skills like Double Jump. It quickly becomes obvious the game balance is based around Zero's campaign as level design seems to always work better with Zero's move set, and bosses offer a greater challenge against Zero and his new play style. X on the other hand feels like the game's easy mode as he can curb stomp most of the bosses with little effort and personally, I feel X4 has the weakest selection of boss weapons for X in the series. His armor upgrades are nice, but require a lot of skill to make them not become your Achilles Heel, as both the boots and one of the weapon upgrades can actually make X's scenario more difficult due to their wonky design. To add insult to injury, Capcom USA was too cheap to hire a new VA for the game and instead used the same cast they hired for MM8, including letting the VA for Mega Man voice X using the child voice she gave to the Blue Bomber, so a lot of X's scenes are unintentionally funny because he sounds like a six-year-old despite X being noticeably taller and more mature than his "older brother". Zero's VA is pretty decent, though he seriously hams up the dialogue in a few scenes. While the boss selection is not the worst in the series, that would be X7, X4 doesn't exactly have the most memorable bosses barring one. Magma Dragoon is probably one of the best Maverick Bosses in the series for not only having a bit more of a story outside his stage, but also because his fighting style is a shoto-clone from Street Fighter. The levels are, as usual, gorgeous, and thankfully the level design is a huge improvement over the large and kind of empty stages from X3. I love the fact that the Mecha Armors are still a feature, but sadly, this is probably the last game where they still hold some significance, which is a shame after X3 tried to really make them a feature. Music is solid as usual, but Capcom is usually pretty good on that front, and MM series are all well known for their strong soundtracks. The heavier emphasis on plot, as well as the game's darker and more dramatic plot, really both elevated this game and the series for longtime fans. Inafune was happy to finally have his originally intended main character take center stage, and the fans rejoiced in being able to play as Zero. Overall, it's not hard to see why this is considered to be one of the best games in the series.

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    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    X2 is my favorite, but that was mostly because it was the only one we owned growing up. The MM and MMX series were both fantastic.

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  13. #73
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    77.Oh man, this takes me back. For a long time, this was actually my favorite Mario Game, but jumping through the series a few more times, it's like my third favorite now, but I absolutely appreciate how unique this game is. While a lot of people know that this game is a reskin of an original title called Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic, what some of you may not have known is that the game had actually started as a test bed for new ideas for a new Mario game. So an experimental Mario game became another series, which then got turned into a Mario sequel. The original it's based on had was made to correspond with a special event Nintendo was doing with Fuji Television. The mascots for that event are the characters in this game, which was a family of four set in a dream world based on Arabian Nights. This game was into a Mario game for the US market, and proved so damn popular that it was originally released in Japan as Super Mario Bros. USA. So in a way, it's kind of like Mystic Quest's older and more successful brother in terms of being a cross market title. So with that history lesson out of the way, let's talk about one of the most interesting Mario games. What I love about this game is that it breaks away from the original title. The heart mechanic to give you some leeway for damage, the multiple characters with their own strengths and weaknesses, the lack of power ups, and the use of the new pickup and throw mechanic were all neat ideas that really set this game apart from the previous installment and also allowed it to feel distinct from its successors as well. The game actually had bosses with unique tactics required to beat, as opposed to just facing Bowser every four levels with a slightly different move set but the same basic strategy to win. I love jumping on Birdo's eggs and grabbing them to throw back at him. The game shifted from just stomping to actually using enemies as weapons themselves, and this really brought a lot to combat for the series. The level design is often hit or miss, partly because like its predecessor, this game isn't much to look at as you can tell from the screenshots, but I appreciate the Arabian art style and loved flying around on magic carpets. It should also be noted that I love the enemies in this game, Shy Guy is one of my favorite Mario enemies. In fact, and I know this will likely be considered sacrilege to some folks, I actually like SMB2's enemy selection more than the regular Mario games for the most part. I just love the little guys, and I'm always really happy when they make appearances in other Mario games.I feel the real draw of this game is being able to use four different characters and finally having Mario and Luigi be more than just palette swaps of each other. Tackling the various stages with different characters with their own unique styles gave this game a hell of a lot more replay value than some of the other Mario games. I had a blast one summer where I did complete runs using all four characters. The game also has a pretty killer soundtrack, with one of my favorite stage tracks from the Mario franchise. I'll leave a little treat at the bottom to listen to. Overall, this is a pretty solid Mario, not Mario game.

  14. #74
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    I've just finished reading through your lists. I was glad to see Ogre Battle and Wild Arms on it. Ogre Battle was definitely a game I was glad I tried out on a rom instead of an actual cartridge. I can't imagine how much harder it would have been without save states. I haven't actually played through WA2 yet, but I really enjoyed playing the first one, and two is sitting on the shelf just waiting for the right time to put it in.

  15. #75
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Good old Doki Doki Panic!

    I agree it's a unique entry for the Mario series. I don't think I ever completed it without using the warp pots. Birdo and especially Wart at the end were lots of fun to fight.

    I also love these lists as it does make you think what your own list would look like. If I get run over and spend months in hospital then I'll probably do my own then

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