I love this show. I think they absolutely nailed what I was hoping for.

It's based on Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, and I'd say it's worth a watch not only to fans of the game, but for horror fans or fans of dark themes in general. They really do the source material a good service.

The characters are nuanced. They didn't go for a cookie cutter hero vs villain scenario. Trevor Belmont has flaws and he's not just an "I'll save you, fair damsel!" kind of guy. And even though Dracula is a villain, we do get a look at his motivations which go deeper than being some bored immortal. There's even an undercurrent of science vs religion, and people being afraid of what they don't understand.

It's an easy binge watch with only 4 episodes, but season 2 has already been confirmed.
