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Thread: Which jobs did you assign to who, and why?

  1. #1
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    Default Which jobs did you assign to who, and why?

    Question is in the title!

    I'm just about to start this bad boy off and interested to see what others rolled with.

  2. #2
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I actually just started my own playthrough. I'm not terribly far into it but so far Vaan is the Shikari (Ninja) class and Penelo is a White Mage.

    My choices for starting jobs for the rest of the party will be:

    Balthier - Machinist
    Fran - Red Battlemage
    Basch - Knight
    Ashe - Time Battlemage

    My secondary classes for each will be:

    Vaan - Monk
    Penelo - Black Mage
    Balthier - Ulhan
    Fran - Archer
    Basch - Foebreaker
    Ashe - Bushi

    I'm still debating about the secondary though, hell I may switch Fran's classes.

  3. #3


    Here's mine:

    Balthier: White Mage / Machinist
    Fran: Red Battlemage / Archer
    Basch: Knight / Bushi

    Ashe: Foebreaker / Uhlan
    Vaan: Monk / Shikari
    Penelo: Time Battlemage / Black Mage

    That works really well and I really enjoyed my playthrough, but maybe I'll make some changes next time, just to try something else.

  4. #4
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    I went with:

    Vaan: Time Battlemage + Monk
    Balthier: Machinist + Uhlan
    Fran: Red Battlemage + Black Mage
    Basch: Knight + Bushi
    Ashe: Foebreaker + Archer
    Penelo: Shikari + White Mage

    Basch and Penelo ended up being the total MVPs, Shikari + White Mage is basically adding the passive role of tank to the active role of healer and works beautifully, even kept the Main Gauche (a dagger you get in Jahara) equipped until the end of the game. And as for Basch, Knights are already damn good on their own and Bushi gives them extra speed, magic power for their White Magicks, and the insane Excalibur + White Robes combo which completely tears through any postgame enemies that don't absorb or nullify Holy.

    And the others were kinda there too I guess. Balthier was a good secondary damage dealer and flying enemy shredder, and Ashe had the absurd power spike of the early Vrscika which made her main damage dealer for a long time. Rarely ended up really using Vaan or Fran interestingly enough, despite how powerful black magic really is in this game.

  5. #5
    Edge7's Avatar
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    It's been a while since I played, stopped right before the Stillshrine of Miriam. These are from memory since I might've done a few more double classes.

    Vaan: Monk
    Penelo: White Mage
    Balthier: Shikari/Archer
    Fran: Time Battlemage
    Basch: Knight/Foebreaker
    Ashe: Black Mage/Bushi

    It's been a blast so far. The only choice I really regret is making Fran a Time Mage without giving her anything beefier; the time magicks currently available make her useful in certain situations, but this version's easier difficulty makes her feel superfluous; I can brute force my way through most fights, save for some of the tougher marks. Might look at the classes I have left over to see if I can make her a bit more fun to use.

    I really enjoy the animations for Monk!Vaan. He likes to do tricks with his weapons and it feels very in character. He's also super evasive, and has a pretty great consistency for attacking with multiple hits. I believe Balthier has the highest growth rate for speed, which is why I gave him the speed based weapons. Ashe I've always enjoyed giving her Katanas due to her magic ATK and so on.
    Last edited by Edge7; 11-16-2017 at 08:09 PM.
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  6. #6


    I can give the whys for the first jobs I assigned to each, but for the secondary ones it was simply because I just wanted to use all twelve.

    Red Mage on Vaan for his versatility, Uhlan on Balthier because I like how fast he is with spears, Archer on Fran because why the hell not, Monk on Basch because of his high HP and strength, White Mage on Ashe because I intended to give her Knight as a secondary and basically make her something of a paladin, and Black Mage on Penelo because she's the best at that.

    And then basically half the rest were either because I needed the versatility (Machinist on Vaan, Time Mage on Balthier, Foebreaker on Fran because all that Archer's light armour gives her enough HP to make a pretty good tank now, Bushi on Penelo because of its reliance on magick power for physical damage, Knight on Ashe because apparently I have a thing for paladins now, and Shikari on Basch because it was the leftover and I wanted at least one character who never used MP just because.)

    I avoided giving Machinist to Balthier because his attack animation with a gun is ridiculously slow, only to find I forgot he uses the same bloody one for crossbows!

  7. #7
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I still dont have access to secondary jobs, but here’s what I intend for my party to be:

    Vaan: Shikari/Foebreaker
    Penelo: Black Mage/Monk
    Balthier: Machinist/White Mage
    Fran: Red Battlemage/Archer
    Basch: Knight/Bushi
    Ashe: Uhlan/Time Battlemage

    The reason is pretty much I just felt this is the best balance between optimal lore and optimal gameplay versatility. So far Fran is my MVP. Red Battlemage is fantastic in this game

  8. #8
    Yes homo Mr. Carnelian's Avatar
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    I've only done one playthrough so far (probably do my second later this year), but the following is what I went with.

    Vaan: Monk/Black Mage - Healing from Monk, Magic damage from Black Mage
    Penelo: Shikari/White Mage - Physical damage from Shikari, Healing from White Mage
    Fran: Archer/Uhlan - This one felt like a bit of a misstep, not going to lie. These two didn't synergise that well. There were some good skills mixed in there, though.
    Balthier: Machinist/Foebreaker - Gun damage from Machinist, Debuffing from Foebreaker.
    Basch: Knight/Bushi - Heavy physical damage dealer.
    Ashe: Red Mage/Time Battlemage - Decent physical damage, good range of healing and black magic.

    My two teams were Fran, Basch, Vaan and Ashe, Balthier, Penelo.
    Last edited by Mr. Carnelian; 02-17-2018 at 12:39 AM.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    So far Fran is my MVP. Red Battlemage is fantastic in this game
    I've found as with most Red Mages that it seems to depreciate in value later on unless you use Esper licences to access the 'aga spells.

    Guess what I haven't gotten around to doing yet :P

  10. #10
    Total Sweetheart
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    I'm getting ready to start my first playthrough of the remaster. I was thinking of what jobs to go with and it seems a lot of people had the same idea as me. Kind of just going with jobs that either reflected lore, artwork or the character's personalities. Fran being an archer, etc.

    There are a few jobs that are toss ups, like black mage or monk, but I want to divide them up so that I use every job.

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