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Thread: FFXII: TZA Impressions

  1. #31
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Probably having bad luck with the Thief's Cuffs. Fortunately there's an *actual* guaranteed chest for them in the Mosphorn Highwaste camp, so while having two is nice (and absolutely recommended for some rarer steals) you can at least get the one pretty easily.

    I do recommend trying Zalera now. The path to him will be a good test on whether or not you're ready for him because you can get swarmed real easily. Also I think you can do the Bloodwing hunt on the way by now, so that's convenient. You can also do Antlion by now I think? That's another fun and extensive hunt sidequest.

    Also unfortunate to hear about your dislike of the Bazaar system, since the power of the Bazaar ultimate weapons has been upped to separate them from the weapons you get in high level dungeons.

  2. #32
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karifean View Post
    Probably having bad luck with the Thief's Cuffs. Fortunately there's an *actual* guaranteed chest for them in the Mosphorn Highwaste camp, so while having two is nice (and absolutely recommended for some rarer steals) you can at least get the one pretty easily.
    Good to know, I was just a bit annoyed because I remembered they were suppose to be in there and even looked up the area but that chest never spawned. I'm running into so many Rare Game now that they can be really useful.

    I do recommend trying Zalera now. The path to him will be a good test on whether or not you're ready for him because you can get swarmed real easily. Also I think you can do the Bloodwing hunt on the way by now, so that's convenient. You can also do Antlion by now I think? That's another fun and extensive hunt sidequest.
    I'll grab that Hunt as well then when I finish up the next few. I was thinking of taking him on anyway since the hard part of the fight is the time limit and the fact he's invulnerable with the undead around.

    Also unfortunate to hear about your dislike of the Bazaar system, since the power of the Bazaar ultimate weapons has been upped to separate them from the weapons you get in high level dungeons.
    I've never liked building weapons. Give me a cool dungeon with lots of enemies and the reward of good gear any day. I just don't like grinding for materials, even with the Chain mechanic, some of the drops are abysmal and I hate having to look up guides for all the materials and making sure I drop them in at once so I don't accidentally use up some rare item on an inferior piece of gear. It's just tedious to me, and it's not even something exclusive to XII. I never liked it in Star Ocean or FFTA2 either. I prefer being rewarded for completing a monumental task, not for sticking with a chore like grinding for item drops. It's a large part of why MMOs don't appeal to me.

  3. #33
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Zoom zoom! I'm a few hours in and just realized you can zoom the play up. whoops

  4. #34
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Didin't do a whole lot, but got some hunts in. I got the Thief's Cuffs, turns out I was in the wrong section, though considering how often I was in the other section to get the Rare monster in the area to spawn, it still didn't spawn very often.

    • You know, the Trickster and Vorpal Bunny fights are wonderful examples of how XII just does Mark Hunts better than later FFs and a few other JRPGs I can think. Largely because the enemy has unique qualities or the fight brings in some interesting element to throw everything on it's head. In the case of the Vorpal Bunny, you don't really fight it. The damn thing runs away from you and you have to chase it down, but the enemy's strategy is to run past the hordes of other creatures in the forest so before long, you're dealing with every enemy in the area. It's such a simple if clever idea and makes the fight really stand out. The farther I get in, the more I fall in love with the idea of Mark Hunts cause XII does them so elegantly and smart, which just makes the imitators that come after feel so hollow. It's like they missed the whole point of what made them so cool in the first place.
    • I love how much foreshadowing there is in this game. I often feel that part of the reason people have issues with XII's plot and world is because everyone stops talking to NPCs after awhile and they change up their dialogue a bit more than people think. In addition to bringing to light some interesting elements of the plot like Vayne's success in Rabanastre and Marquis Ondore faking illness so he can go and lead the Resistance, you also get lots of foreshadowing of later Mark Hunts like learning that Diabolos is a story parents tell kids to scare them straight in Bhujerba, the Garif's blood war with the MindFlayers and their destiny to fight the Catoblepas. These are the elements missing from both XIII and XV that makes their worlds fall a bit flat for me.
    • I have just realized that duel-wielding appears to be a martial art style unique to Archades. Barring the lowly soldiers, every prominent Archades born character uses this fighting style. The Judges duel-wield weapons, Larsa and Reddas do so as well. Funny enough, if you really watch the way Balthier fights, his style is flamboyant and odd looking as he uses things even like spear one-handed, which likely suggests it's because he's use to fighting with two weapons. It's an interesting visual touch that I imagine most people, including myself, missed on the first go around. If you want another fun visual cue, Ashe was trained to always use a shield, so even when using two-handed weapons, she holds it in such a way to suggest she would have a Buckler or small shield with it as well. Bashe's fighting style is the most direct and practical. It's also based on real classical ways to use most of the weapons, showing that he's had formal training.

  5. #35
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Still on my way to Archades, just finished Salikawoods. Fought King Bomb and decided to check out the Necrohol of Nabudis and the Nabradia Deadlands.

    • The Mosphorus Highwaste doesn't get enough props from it's visual design. Not because it has great art design, but because of the layered nature of the whole place. It's interesting how much of the region is inaccessible without a Chocobo and it was a neat design choice.
    • I completely forgot about looking for the Moogle Team in the Salikawoods. Nice little touch for a place that feels like the happy version of the Golmore Jungle.
    • I love the aesthetic design of the Necrohol and Deadlands. The Mist effect is just a really cool effect and gives these areas a way creepier vibe.
    • I really do feel the requirements for running into Rare Game has been modified to make it easier cause I am running into lots of rare creatures pretty easily. The one in the Necrohol gave me scare when I saw it had close to 100,000Hp. Yet I pulled out a win despite all the status magic.
    • While the whole Zodiac Spear thing is gone now (you get as a reward for the Hunt Club now) I was pleasantly surprised to get my grubby little hands on some great buff/debuff spells like Silencega, Faith, Bravery, and Vanishiga. Now if I can only find the damn Dispel spell...

    • smurf the Necrohol of Nabudis. Oh man I forgot how much of a nightmare that place was and the health the enemies have is pretty staggering. What really makes everything in here a pain to fight besides just their sheer numbers is the fact most show up with Haste on. I started having a much easier time once I put Ashe into the main party and had a Gambit set up to cast slow on them.
    • I had to give up on a Mark Hunt finally. Roblon is just a smurfing nightmare to deal with. What's funny is that I can't actually tell you if the Mark itself is a mean enemy, and I'm still confident I can take him, the problem is that the area he's in is swarming with Undead. It's hard fighting the guy when there are ten Dead Bones with Haste, Protect, Shell, and Reflect all cast on them flanking you as you make a mad dash for them, and the worse part is that the elevation in the area makes it really easy for the party to target Roblon and then go rushing towards it, summoning every undead on the map to come after us. I may be able to deal with this Hunt now, but it's going to involve some playing around with the Gambits. That or I can simply wait until I get access to Dispel and the -aga class elemental spells for better crowd control.
    • I feel like the easier difficulty has kind of borked the equipment system in some ways. I beat a recent Mark Hunt that only opened up due to the Mosphorus Highwaste finally being legitimately accessible and my reward for the Hunt was Shielded Armor which grants a permanent Protect on the wearer. The problem I have here is that it's like a Rank 5 Armor and my characters already have access to rank 7 and 8 armor, so the reward is kind of useless to me. This has been kind of happening a lot lately in the mid section. Hell, I just won what I believe is a Rank 11 or 12 Mystic Armor helmet from the enemies in the Deadlands as a rare drop. Penelo is almost outfitted with end game gear at this point and can tank better than my Heavy Armor units.

  6. #36
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Beat Roblon and discovered I should have had the Dispel spell by now and simply missed it awhile back. I'm going after Carrot next, but first decided I wanted to finally deal with the last two Espers I have access to.

    • Finally got Dispel, which is great because I ran out of Dispel Motes ages ago. Can't believe I missed it in the Tomb of Raithwall.
    • When my party accidentally pissed off a Leamonde Entite (Darkness based) being in the Nabradia Deadlands, Vaan managed to somehow snatch one of their rarest items before we ran for our lives.
    • Finally beat Roblon, part of my former defeat is due to my own negligence and the other simply involved taking some Dark Souls strategy. So I've been pretty lax with Buff spells, largely cause it takes too long to fully buff a team with single spells, but since I finally got Protectga and Bubble, I through those on to help deal with the Dead Bones. After that, it was just simply a matter of using team with long range weapons to snipe and aggro one skeleton at a time. I still managed to get a Chain going for nearly fifty enemies, which is insane for such a small area. Roblon for the most part was pretty helpless without the undead horde backing him up and his strategy is to cast Fear on you to wipe out your MP so you can't deal with the undead. Pretty clever.
    • I almost beat Cuchuclane (sp?) on my first try. The hard part is dealing with Disable, but if I outfit everyone with the right accessory this should be pretty easy, especially since it will reduce the amount of time my party wastes trying to cure all the status ailments.

    • Some of these treasure chests are really hard to see since they blend into the background, how I missed Dispel.

  7. #37
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    I managed to clear the Necrohol on my playthrough mainly cause I farmed for the Arcturus and Vrscika early on. Getting the Black Robes and maybe a lucky Maximillian drop or two on there is pretty much GG, no more danger until the end of the game. I think using a Shikari with Main Gauche + a good shield as your leader (so he gets all the aggro) and having a dedicated healer should get you through even without strong weapons though.

    And man, missing a spell like that sucks ^^ that's kinda the downside of treasures now having more valuable and reliable drops, you can easily miss something you kinda need to have in the long run =P

  8. #38
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    So I have reached Archades and I'm working on Chops.

    • I still enjoy the Carrot mission, and it's one of my favorite Ivalice running gags. While she whooped my ass the first time around, I beat her the second attempt by having my melee leader swing past her and make her direct all her Breath attacks away from the long range fighters.
    • Back to foreshadowing, I'm already hearing the rumors of the Clan Hunter and Centurio is worried it's Monid.
    • Took down Queklain (I'm just using his badly translated name from FFT cause it's easier to spell). I just needed to get the right accessories and stick to long range weapons and spells to maintain offense. That leaves only two Espers I've unlocked to fight (Zeromus and Exodus) and I can kind of start the quest to go fight Chaos, but we'll see about that.
    • Forgot how gorgeous Phon Coast was, one of the really nice areas despite being kind of mundane.
    • I really love the cutscene between Balthier and Ashe when he reveals part of his backstory. In my first playthrough, when he said he was a former judge, I really thought he was the missing Judge Zechs. In truth, looking back on the cutscenes of this games while also playing Tactics Ogre on the side, almost all of the story scenes are played out just like Tactics and his older entries. They still maintain his directing and writing style perfectly and in hindsight, his previous games are also light on "party interaction" outside of choice moments. There is actually a cute moment when you reach Archades where Vaan and Penelo reflect on their journey and Penelo mentions Vaan has grown up a bit, only for Basch to pat him on the back and make a joke about "knowing the trouble with working for nobility" of which Penelo quips if Basch is finally revealing how he really feels about serving Ashe. Overall, I am convinced more of my initial observation that XII's writing is a bit more subtle and highly underrated compared to other FFs.
    • I forgot how funny the Mandragora Fight was in the Sochen Cave Palace was. Especially the WTF outro cutscene where their spirits ascend to heaven.
    • I love the design of Archades, and my favorite part of the Chop quest is how much it kind of reminds me of Xenogears and when your party finally reaches that place. The whole game, you're dealing with the army and the assholes of the place, occasionally seeing the backstabbing politics as well. Then you finally reach the place of dread and unlike other Imperial capitals you infiltrate, the place feels pretty normal with self-absorbed but basically normal citizens dealing with normal day to day things and completely oblivious to what their government is doing to the rest of the world. It's an interesting parallel to real life I would imagine.

    • I've come to the conclusion that XII's easiest excuse for making a battle 10x more difficult is simply to have have you deal with high spawning undead while trying to deal with the real focus of your mission. I had barely finished the Roblon fight which was basically a support unit who defends itself by being in the undead lands only to fight Zeromus who works almost the exact same way. Not helped by him being the first of the "sealed command" boss battles. Got trounced really badly by him simply because I would have ten undead on the map with him and no effective way to crowd control since magic is sealed in this fight. The undead's habit of inflicting Stop with their normal attacks isn't helping. I'll have to come up with a more effective defense to deal with him. It is an interesting parallel to Tactics Ogre (and FFT and Vagrant Story in hindsight) as Matsuno seems to really love making undead the one type of enemy you don't want to deal with ever. Some of the most dreadful missions in TO have been maps filled with nothing but undead.
    • I feel part of the problem with the Tchita Uplands is that they are too big and way too easy to get turned around in, thankfully the Zodiac Version dropped the obnoxious treasure chest mechanic in this region, but it does feel like a region where nothing terribly interesting happens and is way too big for it's own good. Not going to be helped when the Cerobi Steep opens up since that area feels like more of the same.
    • I'm conflicted with the Chop quest. I mentioned the positives above, but I also can't help but feel this is a bit of an arbitrary quest with really contrived justifications within the plot. Like I overall enjoy it, but I feel like it could have been better implemented.

  9. #39
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    On my way to Giruvegan, but going to stop and do some Hunts and the boatload of quests that just opened up.

    • I always seem to forget how deliciously hammy Dr. Cid is in this game. I love the fact he's just as fast with his quips as Balthier is. You can really see he takes after him.
    • Zeromus was finally taken down thanks to getting access to the new weapons in Balfoheim. Now I just need to deal with Exodus and Chaos.
    • Balfoheim is easily my second favorite city in the game in terms of design and feel. It's amusing talking to the residents and listen to them argue over whether Reddas coming in and cleaning up the place was the best thing to happen to the place or an affront to everything pirating stands for.
    • Did the Runaway Cockatrice quest, which was still hilarious. Helped by all of the the Cockatrice having Cockney accents. The loot given was nice as well.
    • Greatswords!
    • The fun part of this playthrough is running into things I didn't notice in the last playthrough, like how after the Medallion quests in Rabanastre, the Orphans all move into the abandoned apartment and form the Buccaneer Brigade, with Kytes and Filo arguing over who is leader.
    • Two of my favorite Mark Hunts just opened up in Clan Centurio: Oblito, the "what the hell happened to Ba'Gamman" fight; and the Man of Mystery Hunt, or Gilgamesh Part 1.
    • Started the Hunt Club quest as well, now let's have fun being jumped by the thirty or so secret Rare Game I missed in previous areas. I do appreciate the fact that rewards have apparently been reworked and this is the quest that nets you the Zodiac Spear and Zodiac Shield.
    • Debating on whether I should tackle the Great Wyrm yet. I have the key item needed to start the quest.

    • Despite doing everything right, I can't seem to get the last part of the Nabradia Medal quest to activate so I can finally go fight Chaos. I have a suspicion it's locked behind a story event, like I need to complete Giruvegan first but it's still annoying that I have to wait.
    • While the fishing minigame is a nice surprise, it's nowhere near as funs as FFXVs. Not helped by the command prompts being in the tiniest font and the color for Circles and Squares look similar from a distance. Adding shoulder button prompts in the second area is asking a lot of my feeble coordination. The Wyrmhero Blade may have to wait.

  10. #40
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    • The fun part of this playthrough is running into things I didn't notice in the last playthrough, like how after the Medallion quests in Rabanastre, the Orphans all move into the abandoned apartment and form the Buccaneer Brigade, with Kytes and Filo arguing over who is leader.
    Oh man I never knew that! That's super neat =P

    • Debating on whether I should tackle the Great Wyrm yet. I have the key item needed to start the quest.
    You mean Hellwyrm? That one's kinda still way above your current level I fear. And even if you can survive against him, it'd be one long-ass fight. I usually wouldn't recommend tackling it before the Pharos, specially since it's also one of the few fights you can stack massive Holy damage against and revel in the results.

    • Despite doing everything right, I can't seem to get the last part of the Nabradia Medal quest to activate so I can finally go fight Chaos. I have a suspicion it's locked behind a story event, like I need to complete Giruvegan first but it's still annoying that I have to wait.
    Pretty sure there's nothing of the sort. Did you get both pieces, then talk to the guys at the entrance to Nabreus, and then go to the place where you fought Roblon?

    • While the fishing minigame is a nice surprise, it's nowhere near as funs as FFXVs. Not helped by the command prompts being in the tiniest font and the color for Circles and Squares look similar from a distance. Adding shoulder button prompts in the second area is asking a lot of my feeble coordination. The Wyrmhero Blade may have to wait.
    IMO it's best to leave fishing until after Gilgamesh anyways, otherwise it's very easy to get burnt out on it before you're done with it.
    Last edited by Karifean; 12-17-2017 at 02:02 PM.

  11. #41
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    See the issue is that the second guy never showed up. I got the Silver Medallion in Archades, and I completed the four medal quest in Rabanastre and handed them over to the Nu Muo who left, that guy still hasn't shown up at the entrance, and so when I talk to the Nu Muo that is there, he simply replies I met the Silver Medallion guy and doesn't unseal the shrine where the Roblon fight is so I can obtain the final medal. I'm not sure if there was something more to the Rabanastre quest, like if the guy pops up somewhere in town and I need to talk to him or not. I vaguely remember having a similar issue the first time around as well.

    In truth, I'm not sure if I really want to deal with Chaos yet, I'll see how the Exodus fight goes first, but I will likely save Chaos for after Giruvegan since he's a Rank III Summon. I'm still having issues distributing the ones I have cause it feels to me like Bushi and Knight get the most bang for their buck while classes like Archer and most of the Mage classes are left in the dust.

    As for fishing, while I know I can't undertake the Matamune quest until after I finish the second Gilgamesh fight, I would still like to get the brunt of the leg work down, especially since I have to score perfect scores a set amount of times to unlock new fishing spots until the third area.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    • They still maintain his directing and writing style perfectly and in hindsight, his previous games are also light on "party interaction" outside of choice moments.

    Fun fact, Jun Akiyama, the Scenario (AKA cutscene) director of FFXII, Vagrant Story, the original Kingdom Hearts and the Scenario Planner of Final Fantasy Tactics, was one of 4 people Matsuno explicitly mentioned when assuring the FFXII project was in good hands following his departure. I think it speaks to the talents of his associates that FFXII still manages to feel so Matsuno-esque.
    Returners Represent!

  13. #43
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    See the issue is that the second guy never showed up. I got the Silver Medallion in Archades, and I completed the four medal quest in Rabanastre and handed them over to the Nu Muo who left, that guy still hasn't shown up at the entrance, and so when I talk to the Nu Muo that is there, he simply replies I met the Silver Medallion guy and doesn't unseal the shrine where the Roblon fight is so I can obtain the final medal. I'm not sure if there was something more to the Rabanastre quest, like if the guy pops up somewhere in town and I need to talk to him or not. I vaguely remember having a similar issue the first time around as well.
    If the Nu Mou leaves Dalan's place, you're done with the Rabanastre side. Are you sure you returned the medallion of love to the Archades one after getting it?

  14. #44
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karifean View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    See the issue is that the second guy never showed up. I got the Silver Medallion in Archades, and I completed the four medal quest in Rabanastre and handed them over to the Nu Muo who left, that guy still hasn't shown up at the entrance, and so when I talk to the Nu Muo that is there, he simply replies I met the Silver Medallion guy and doesn't unseal the shrine where the Roblon fight is so I can obtain the final medal. I'm not sure if there was something more to the Rabanastre quest, like if the guy pops up somewhere in town and I need to talk to him or not. I vaguely remember having a similar issue the first time around as well.
    If the Nu Mou leaves Dalan's place, you're done with the Rabanastre side. Are you sure you returned the medallion of love to the Archades one after getting it?
    Pretty sure I did. I'll double check. Updates have been slow due to RL stuff so I haven't played much.

  15. #45
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    Okay, mostly dealt with Exodus and some Mark Hunts, so not much in terms of advancing the plot.

    • Karifean, was correct, I simply forgot to speak to the Nu Muo after collecting the Silver Medallion, so Chaos is in my future.
    • Gilgamesh is still my all time favorite Mark Hunt in this game, while I love the FF Shout Outs like Orthrus and Deathgaze, Gilgamesh is such a fun character and his fight is so unique that it really stands head and shoulders above the rest.
    • Thanks to hindsight and having pure luck of keeping my party levels consistent, I happened to be a level that was not divisible to any of Gilgamesh's Blue Magic, making the second round much easier to deal with.
    • I finally obtained the full Genji Gear and Masemune, and holy crap are they still good. Even the armor has advantages since they give the counterattack ability. Lady Ashe is now on par with Basch in terms of frontline melee.
    • The journey through Site 11 of the Lhusu Mines also netted me a tone of great weapons and armor for everyone. I almost feel bad for the creatures in the Great Crystal not named Ultima and Omega Mk. XII. Seriously, Orochi, Zwill Crossblade, Dragon Whisker, Whale Whisker, and the Genji set. Did I mention Scathe was in here as well?
    • I was also able to obtain one of the new swords added into the game, the Karaya I believe, will be interesting to see how it measures up.
    • It will be interesting to see if Excalipur has any use in this entry. It always makes me sad that despite always being a joke weapon in the series, people forget it actually had a great lethal joke use in it's debut game of FFV.
    • I am also grateful I made the right call for some of my Esper Purchases, Ashe is more useful now that she has a group heal and Raise, while Fran is going to benefit from the extra options of wearing heavy armor when I don't need her for a mage.

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