Dare to be different
Dare to be different
Honestly this is a no-brainer for me. Shame all you other punks (Psy excepted) don't appreciate a character that's actually fun.
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
I was out last night and I had asked Matt to do one thing for me - post the gosh darned polls on time. WELP.
Anyway, I will probably be closing the polls early today to keep up with my regular schedule, as 10pm doesn't really suit me for getting the new polls up. Sorry! Get your votes in - you've got 5.5hrs!
Zidane, of course! He's so funny and he's a very interesting character
It's been 20 years since I played my first Final Fantasy, and IX's characters still have the more depth than any entry in the series. Just beat it on my phone a few weeks ago. Still my favourite game. Not even close.
Real heros dont need votes ~ Snow Strife
Like I said, punks that don't appreciate characters who are fun.
Bow before the mighty Javoo!