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Thread: Help me pick out the next Final Fantasy game I play

  1. #1

    Default Help me pick out the next Final Fantasy game I play

    Hey, I am almost done with X. I have about five to ten hours or so. I'm at Gagazet Mountain. Anyway, it is a great game and all, but when I move on to the next one, I want it to be the perfect one for me. I'll tell you a bit about myself:

    I hated Final Fantasy III because I felt it was overly cheap and difficult. I wrote a twenty paragraph review on it, but I'll sumarize it: I felt the battle system relied almost entirely on the level of your characters. There wasn't much strategy to it, other than pressing the "Attack" button every single time. I also hated losing two hours + data from getting pwned by a final boss. I felt it was extremely stupid that I couldn't save right before a battle. I know people like it because it makes them not go, "Not a real threat. I can just try over again if I lose." But I'm not that kind of guy. I don't like anything be overly difficult. I played this game for over twenty hours.

    I hated Final Fantasy XII because of the battle system and all... the stuff I had to do. I guess the storyline wasn't bad, but I didn't like any of the missions. And it seemed to be rather slow paced. I didn't really know what I was supposed to be doing. I guess it takes awhile to really build up to the mission. I didn't play it for that long.

    After these two (This was in the course of two years, actually.), I was beginning to have doubts about the series. Then I played Final Fantasy X, and it really changed my perspective on the series.

    I thought X had excellent character developement, and I liked how all the characters had different views and reasons to fight. Also, the seven main characters all had enough dialogue, and none of them felt left out. Obviously Tidus and Yuna are a bit more important, but Wakka, Rikku, Kimihari, Lulu, and Auron all were given enough attention.

    Also, the battle system was spot on, as well as the leveling system. However, I thought it had a major flaw to it. I hated the fact that I could rotate all my characters in and get the same amount of XP for all of them. I thought this was kind of "cheap" and boring, because I would just rotate six guys in and defend, then have the seventh attack. I could expand on this, but I think you get the idea.

    The storyline mixed into the gameplay perfectly, I thought. It was kind of slow paced, and I prefer the game to be shorter. I think that the length could've been cut down considerably, and I absolutely hate level grinding. I also don't like overly dramatic characters, and I like villians that I can love to hate, like Seymour. I don't need fancy graphics, but I do like it to be artistically stunning with the setting. I really like badass main characters, but Tidus was fine, I guess.

    In short:

    About a twenty hour game. Not overly difficult. About the same difficulty as X at the end of the game. Cut-scenes that don't go on for too long, and a storyline that doesn't seem to drag on. Badass main character in place of Tidus. Battle system that awards XP as the way Pokemon does it. A battle system that actually requires strategy, like X; not III.

    Yeah. Which one should I play? Out of I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and XI?

    Thank you very much in advance. Sorry I wrote so much. I didn't mean to.

  2. #2


    u'll laugh, u'll cry, u'll want to save the planet. It has a theme park and such random amusements. Pick up chicks in the woods, find blokes in coffins. its all good

    or VI but i only really enjoyed the first part, it slows down towards the end

    VIII's good too but do IX before, iX is very good,
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  3. #3
    not that drug dealer CelestialStarDust's Avatar
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    I haven't played I-IV

    but VI had good character development as well.If you want a good battle system,try V. VII was wonderful,you will want to get sucked in.I think you should play those before moving on to VIII and IX.

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  4. #4
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    Unless you are into online multiplayer games like World of Warcraft, you should not play FFXI.

  5. #5
    diafnaoplzkthnxbai NeoTifa's Avatar
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    fft ftw
    Oh gods, why? ಥ_ಥ

  6. #6


    I'm going to recommend IX. Don't poison my Hawaiian Punch if you don't like it!

  7. #7
    Super-Rad Recognized Member Spatvark's Avatar
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    X-2, since you might as well play the sequel. I haven't gotten around to it yet myself, not having finished X, but I hear it's a lot of fun. The plot is somewhat asinine, and the characters annoying, but the battle system is alledgedly brilliant.
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Spatvark View Post
    X-2, since you might as well play the sequel. I haven't gotten around to it yet myself, not having finished X, but I hear it's a lot of fun. The plot is somewhat asinine, and the characters annoying, but the battle system is alledgedly brilliant.
    An understatement on all three factors.

  9. #9


    If you didn't like III for it's difficulty, then I can't recommend I or II (except the GBA versions, which reduces the difficulty considerably)

    IV requires a small amount of strategy since, from the beginning to the end, the game picks your party (again, except GBA)

    V has a really nice strategy element to it, which involves taking certain abilities from one job and crossing them with other jobs. Other than that, it' just a longer version of III, but is much better in every way. The main villain has a smurfing pimp cane.

    VI has great character development, and probably one of the best senses of strategy in the series, but it's also one of the longest, with all the side-quests in the second half (most of which you have to do if you don't want to suck) are fairly time-consuming.

    VII has a killer story, and a neat battle system.

    VIII has boring characters and a stupid story, topped off with the WORST magic system in the series. Don't play this game unless you have a high tolerance for pain.

    IX is my favorite, as it has the best characters of the series, and easily the best plot. While the strategy is a little lacking, it's definately not as bad as IV (which is still a great game)

    My recommendation would be (based off your preferences) V VII or IX

  10. #10
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    he probably won't care for x-2 as much since it's very open with its mission structure. something like ff8 is more structured. 6, 7, 8, or 9 focus a lot more on the characters, which you seem to enjoy. 1, 2, 4, and 5 are much more fighting based (and difficult).

    Or you could play chrono trigger!

  11. #11
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    You and I think differently, I found XII and III to be brilliant and X is easily my least favorite game in the series, imo failing at everything except looking pretty.

    From your preference. I recommend V-IX as these games hold a balance between good battle systems, moderate to low difficulty, and good characters and story.

    I feel you should hold off on FFI as it very similar to III. II is very different from the rest of the series and though very good, its battle system splits most of the fans (VIII is the same way) so you'll have to try it when you feel daring. IV has a pretty good cast and story but its battle system lacks the "bells and whistles" that fans introduced to older games can't seem to tolerate (unless you are playing the DS version, then you get the Augment system). Its strategy system is based on the fact your party has strict job classes and are only available depending on where you are in the story. (i.e. your party will be changing alot in the course of the plot).

    Its hard for me to give recommendations cause my tastes always seem to by opposed to the majority. By this I mean I'm not particulary fond of the two more popular games in the series (VII and X). I generally feel you should start at the beginning and work your way through the series, especially since as a newbie to the fold, you get the luxury of experiencing the series in order. If you are looking for excellent story and characters start with the 16-bit games and move upward and then move back to I and II when you feel like you want to say you played the whole series.

  12. #12
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Nothing is as easy as Final Fantasy X.

    I guess VIII is the closest you're going to get to a badass main character.

  13. #13
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    I'm afraid not liking overly dramatic characters rules out pretty much the entire series. But from what you said, VI-IX seem like a good range of games. I'd say IX is the best one but I'm so horribly biased it's not even funny.

  14. #14
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    If you like X alot, the games you're probably going to like the most are VII-IX.

    Those 3 games all have vivid, detailed, beautiful environments that really show off the imagination of the developers, the battle systems are relatively easy to pick up and get into, and the storylines take you on amazing adventures just like X.

    I would personally suggest VII, so you can see where the style of X kinda came from. The battles are more fast paced than in VIII and IX, and the story itself is kinda similar to X.

    VIII and IX will probably be right up your alley, too. I think you really couldn't go wrong with any of those 3, and taking in how much you loved X, I really couldn't recommend them more to you.

  15. #15
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Phoenix View Post
    I hated Final Fantasy III because I felt it was overly cheap and difficult. I wrote a twenty paragraph review on it, but I'll sumarize it: I felt the battle system relied almost entirely on the level of your characters. There wasn't much strategy to it, other than pressing the "Attack" button every single time. I also hated losing two hours + data from getting pwned by a final boss. I felt it was extremely stupid that I couldn't save right before a battle. I know people like it because it makes them not go, "Not a real threat. I can just try over again if I lose." But I'm not that kind of guy. I don't like anything be overly difficult. I played this game for over twenty hours.
    This is lies, the battles oft did turn into slugfests, but that's because the strategy came in picking your parties. Got a main boss coming up that loves Physical attacks? Rape him with some Rangers! Also, if you thought this game was too difficult I can't recommend I, II, or IV :o

    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Phoenix View Post
    I also don't like overly dramatic characters,
    Well this basically eliminates every FF xD

    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Phoenix View Post
    and I like villians that I can love to hate, like Seymour. I don't need fancy graphics, but I do like it to be artistically stunning with the setting.
    Well this basically includes every FF xD

    Out of all the games, I'd recommend on a pure 'omg I loved these' bases, IX, VI, V, and IV.

    Out of what you gave, I'd recommend IX or VI out of the pure mania of their villains, and having my favorite array of characters. Especially IX which I felt had possibly the best reactions to the story then all else (well except for Quina xD). I wouldn't recommend VIII as it begins to boil down to hitting the limit button over and over again, oh and because the main villain was a complete flop. VII is always recommendable, it has a very wide appeal. V just because how much fun I had with that game. And I'd recommend I, II, and IV, if you can learn to deal with difficulty (Big Bang ftl ;-; ).

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