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Thread: Rank the Characters (FFII Edition)

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Chocobo Rank the Characters (FFII Edition)

    Had this thread a few years back, figured it was time to do it again. All playable characters count so rank them from least favorite to you absolute favorite.

    Cast Includes:

  2. #2
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    I've only played through this once so it may change if i ever decide to play through it again.

    Minwu was super cool when he joined temporarily. Leon's story arc is definitely the most interesting. Firion and Maria were standard RPG fare... avenge family/find lost relative. I thought they could've done more with Guy, especially with his Dr Doolittle qualities... they should have made more of that. I love Dragoons so finding Ricard in the belly of Leviathan was awesome. I actually had a soft spot for Gordon as well despite his cowardly ways. Josef's arc was sad as he was also pretty great. Leila on paper should be great but I actually thought she was one of the weakest characters.

    If you want a list I suppose it would be


  3. #3
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    Leila. One of the only times I will rank the pirate character so low.
    maria. Shes ok I guess but doesnt do much apart from be leons sister.
    Gordon. Atleast this wimpy character doesnt hide when nearly dead!
    Firion. Doesnt do much either but looks pretty cool
    Guy. Guy speak beaver.
    Leon. Even though gba version gives it up right away in the dreadnought who the dark knight is. It was probably cool in the originals to see him beig Leon.
    Ricard. The first dragoon to exist. The leader of all dragoons
    Josef. With the execption of Galuf and Bangaa in nalbina dungeons. I havent cared too much when someone died. Josef is in these exceptions.
    Minwu. Um like he is a pretty awesome polish guy to be honest.

    uhh I mean. Yeah hes the best white mage.

  4. #4


    Leon - I don't like anything about this character. Storywise he does nothing for me, somehow being the least interesting member of a cast that has friggin' Guy in it, and every plot twist regarding him barely even manages the 'okay, whatever' mark for me. He's even worse combat wise, joining super late and offering absolutely nothing the primary party hasn't already been doing the entire game perfectly well without him; I don't even bother leveling him and leave him dead most of the time.

    Maria - I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate Maria -- she is my second least favorite female lead in the series, and the gap between her and third place is so large I can't even THINK of a third place. She, like Firion and Guy, does almost nothing unique narratively, and what little she does is . . . have a brother and be annoyed when people flirt with Firion. Okay.

    Josef - This man catches a bolder. I mean, he dies and all, but still.

    Ricard - This man is the last Dragoon and rides dragons and . . . well, he's the last Dragoon and rides dragons.

    Guy - I have nothing for or against Guy, because there is nothing to have for or against Guy -- he's just a guy in your party that talks to animals and doesn't leave you, which is why he is above Josef and Ricard.

    Firion - See Guy above, only swap the animal talk for totes wanted to bang a snake lady.

    Gordon - Strictly speaking narrative, Gordon is my favorite character, undergoing a believable transformation through the course of the game. Starting out he's just a coward living in his brother's shadow, but he actually steps up to the plate by the later half of the game and makes as much of a difference as anyone else (that isn't your party) in the story, and by the end of the game I can see him making a pretty solid king. With Hilda. Shipping done.

    Leila - You know what, I don't know why I like Leila as much as I do, but she's one of my favorites in the game. She's a bit flirty, she's a pirate, she hates the empire, and it's pretty nifty that she becomes one of the most important members of the rebellion after she leaves you.

    Minwu - Minwu is my favorite White Mage in the series, with a bevy of useful magic at his disposal and great stats when you get him, not to mention a pretty appreciable role in the game, storywise. It's a shame his sacrifice doesn't amount to anything short of the most useless spell in the game, but still, his heart is in the right place, and he gave us a dungeon with one of the game's only solid music tracks.

  5. #5


    Intelligent cool brave hero.
    Maria- I liked her. I loved how she was willing to fight for her brother. She's a step in the right direction.
    Firion- Nice main lead. Cute how he's a little shy around girls.
    Leila- She's a cool idea, just executed poorly. They really improved her character idea with Faris in FF V.
    Guy- He speaks Beaver.

    Meh on the rest

    Leon. What a dick.

  6. #6
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    So, everyone agrees that Minwu is the best character in the game? Good.

    He's pretty much the only thing I have a positive memory about when it comes to FFII. The other characters just kind of fade away. So I won't rate them. But Minwu is awesome.
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