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Thread: Disappointing FF Titles

  1. #16


    Ahh....I see. Okay.

  2. #17
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    That damn numbering system has a lot to answer for...

    Even though I do think it's a great game, I'd probably say FFVIII. It's only because it followed my favourite entry in the series. I was expecting it to be just as good if not better than FFVII. It wasn't, so I was disappointed. I still regard it as one of the top five entries in the series though.

  3. #18
    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    In the US, final fantasy vi was first released as final fantasy iii on the snes, so that’s where your confusion lies!

    It’s hard to pick what was the most disappointing game. My least favorite in the series is either XIII or XV at this point. That being said, I liked XIII and got pretty into when it first came out. I just can’t replay it and get super bored with it now. XV was pretty disappointing for me throughout, but I still had fun with it for a while. It’s probably the most disappointing to me that I still don’t really enjoy.

    IX and XII were games I hated at first. IX had that weird art design that I just couldn’t stand, and XII just felt too different to me I guess. It also didn’t help that my copy of IX was screwed up to where I couldn’t get past disc 2 or 3 I think. They are both towards the top of my favorites now though.

  4. #19
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    In terms of games that actually disappointed me, probably VII and X. XIII is certainly my least favorite entry but like Fynn mentioned, I didn't go into that entry with high expectations either.

    VII starts off pretty strong and I still love the first disc for the most part, but then I felt just about everything falls apart in the second disc with the plot trying to figure out where it's going, red herring after red herring just to squeeze out another ten hours of "Who is Cloud" and the battle system loses it's luster as you start getting access to more broken materia and limit breaks that make the second half of the game more of a chore than actually fun.

    X looked really cool and I initially loved the idea of it following one of my favorite Japanese myths, then I played it and was really underwhelmed. The story is slow, the characters are not as interesting as the writers would like you to believe they are because most of them are just basic archetypes we've seen a hundred times by this point or straw spokespeople for the various one sided themes the game is trying to tell. The battle system sounds great on paper but ends up being thirty to forty hours of playing matching as you bring in the right character to OHKO the monster. If you bother to equally level up everyone, the battle system slows to a crawl as you have to waste turns letting useless party members get a turn, weapon development sounds fun until you realize you'll almost always find something better from chests or monster drops until the end game, the mini-games are more annoying than fun, Spira sounds like an interesting place but the flow of the game due to the linear nature of it's design and the way the world is explained to you makes it feel like your stuck on a guided tour , and the twist concerning Tidus is just completely stupid and the writers trying too hard to come up with something mind-blowing without stopping to realize the cosmological ramifications of their choices. Overall, X is just kind of a chore to play for me cause nothing is terribly gripping about it, so I lose interest pretty quickly.

    The After Years sounds cool on paper, a cool sequel to one of my fave FFs with a Duel/Triple tech system, hell yeah. Yet the plot is a sequel plot, new bad guy but the whole thing is just a ploy to basically recreate the whole story of the original but "differently". It's a shame too because several of the new characters are charming, but quickly drop off the face of the earth in the plot after their initial chapter. The layout of the plot and gameplay caused by it's initial origin as a mobile title is also annoying. I think the only plus for the game is the difficulty, but the final dungeon is a nightmare and I want Tokita to give fans an apology for that grindfest.

    Revenant Wings seemed cool, a kiddie RTS title set in XII's Ivalice seems like a no-brainer to me but the game is to FFXII what X-2 is to X, a serious tonal shift that does no just service to the original material. Not surprising that the X-2 and RW were made by the same director and creative team. Watch as Vaan and Penelo lose their human traits so they can devolve into anime caricatures of themselves. Watch as major scene stealing characters of the original like Ashe, Basch, and Larsa show up to do nothing because they were contractually obligated to make an appearance. The plot has some interesting ideas but borrows way too much from FFX and diverges from the established Ivalice mythology a bit too much. The gameplay is also pretty bad, being 90% snore fest before it suddenly gets a ridiculous difficulty spike in the 11th hour.

  5. #20
    Edge7's Avatar
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    I wanna preface this with the statement that I still enjoyed this game, but reaching chapter 6 or 7 of FFXV and realizing the game pulled A Xenogears REALLY depressed me, PARTICULARLY because, unlike Xenogears, I enjoyed FFXV's gameplay way more than its story.
    Returners Represent!

  6. #21


    12. A thousand times 12.

  7. #22


    Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance.

    The original FFT is one of my favorite entries in the series, with a story I love, characters I can become invested in, what is still my favorite implementation of the Job System, tons of memorable storyline battles, and some super spiffy secrets on the side, just because Square used to love us.

    FFT:A has . . . none of these things, and nearly every change in the game I felt was for the worse, with the completely new additions doing nothing to make up for what was lost. The story, while an interesting premise, does nothing to grab me and cannot hold my interest; I neither care about nor especially like any of the characters; splitting jobs by race failed to improve the game by even the slightest margin and somehow always leads to less variety in my squads; skill gating via equipment locks is absurdly annoying and contributes virtually nothing strategically, other than artificially slowing down the early game; I cannot remember a single storyline battle in the entire game, as opposed to the original where I remember a surprising amount of them; the law system wastes my time, simple as that, and fails to add any real depth to the experience -- I just null the two or so things in the game I actually care about and ignore everything else; placing new locations on the map Legend of Mana-style was just . . . why? I get it, it's a fantasy world, whatever, it adds nothing gameplay wise other than making me look up where to place everything and in what order to get the best rewards -- it is a pointless and underhanded way to reward foreknowledge of the game, and nothing else.

    You know the worst part, though? I don't even think the game is particularly bad, for its faults I still think it is one of the best portable tactics games I've encountered, it's just such a letdown as a followup to the original title, and that's one of those things that has always killed the game so hard for me. It's like when I play Circle of the Moon for ten minutes before I put it down and just play Symphony of the Night instead, you know?
    Last edited by Rez09; 11-25-2017 at 07:37 AM.

  8. #23


    The two most disappointing titles for me, FFII and FFIII, I wasn't hyped for, so there wasn't really a letdown.

    Final Fantasy XII was the one that initially put me off. I was having fun playing it, but the characters were dull and the story just never really picked up. It wasn't until my second playthrough to complete it where I let the exploration and monster hunting take center light that it began to shine.

  9. #24


    Final Fantasy Tactics, sorry. Kept on hearing how good it was and how overlooked and underrated it was, and got bored within the first hour or so. Found the Advance games a bit more colourful and fresher.

  10. #25
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Final Fantasy Tactics, sorry. Kept on hearing how good it was and how overlooked and underrated it was, and got bored within the first hour or so. Found the Advance games a bit more colourful and fresher.
    Thank you for this wonderful counterbalance to Rez’s terrible opinion.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  11. #26

  12. #27
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    Well, you're all completely in the wrong because both games are absolute gems that are the best thing to happen to this garbage series and Matsuno can do no wrong

  13. #28
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Well, you're all completely in the wrong because both games are absolute gems that are the best thing to happen to this garbage series and Matsuno can do no wrong
    You're almost right. They are both absolute gems but not the very best things to happen to the series, which itself is not garbage.

  14. #29


    Crisis Core. I was so hyped to play it since everyone was raving over it saying how amazing it was and it was even better than FF7 itself, naturally I was bitterly disappointed. I've since eased up a bit on the hate for it, and it's honestly not that bad when compared to a true soulless piece of cancer like Advent Children or Dirge of Cerberus. Genesis still sucks though.

    I tried playing the DS remake of FF4 and found it underwhelming in pretty much every regard, I got as far as the mom bomb or whatever boss fight before quitting.

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