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Thread: So it's been a year...

  1. #16
    Total Sweetheart
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    I played on Xbox One.

    Based on the achievements I unlocked playing the DLC chapters, it was something like 3% of players also unlocked those. It was so rare it made the diamond 'ding!' sound.

    So not taking into account people who bought the season pass but didn't play it yet, I imagine it means that roughly 3% of people who played the main game also bought the DLC.

  2. #17
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    I'll probably dust it off for Episode Ignis, and then leave it stewing again until all the season pass 2 DLC is out before deciding if I want to buy those or not.

    My feelings about the game are still the same, it was a fun romp, the bromance was strong, but ultimately the core story part of it felt light and incomplete.

    Even if the 2nd season pass contains good DLC, I'm still reluctant to consider buying it as I don't want to give Square Enix the message that I'm okay with having to pay for the base game, 2x season passes, a feature length movie - let alone the 3(?) mobile games etc, to get the "complete" experience. So yeah, I dunno. I mean for games like Mass Effect 2 for example, I bought all the DLC and didn't feel swindled because the base game was a great, fully rounded experience, and the DLCs were high-quality. In XV's case, Episode Gladio was trash, Prompto was a definitive improvement, will have to see how Ignis goes.

    SE have mentioned that they're viewing games as a "service model" going forward, so sadly I worry that FFXV's structure is going to become par for the course.

  3. #18
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    I still haven't tried it and I partly blame FFXIII for that, but tbh when I looked at the gameplay pre-release I didn't warm to it as I'm not an action-rpg fan. Gimme some time-based gameplay any day. I think I'll give this a go though eventually.

    Str8 Pimpin'

  4. #19
    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    Decided to break down and start playing again. I’ve decided to try to do a new game + and play through the story to the point of each dlc so that I remember what’s going on. We’ll see how my opinion will be after going through it again.

  5. #20
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Funny enough, in my latest issue of Game Informer I got in the mail, they also did a One Year Later article on FFXV discussing it with the staff their trials and tribulations as well as plans for the future. Most of it was old info if you've kept up with interviews, probably the only new info was the challenges of making the Open World elements which is more interesting from a background setting since Tabata mostly explained how their development schedule was still based on their more linear design, and then the issue with XV being developed as a service model and the team's failure to really get that across to the fans before launch.

    **************************************************************************************************** *****
    As for my own thoughts, I enjoyed FFXV, even if it wasn't really the type of game I genuinely like. I'm not fond of Action-RPGs outside of Dark Souls/Secret of Mana style games, and I generally dread Open World tropes. I largely had fun and I enjoyed the main cast and the novelty of the road trip style they were shooting for. I appreciated having more to explore and I loved the design of the actual dungeons you can find with the party banter and amusing events like the Mine Shaft with the Goblin infestation that feels like a horror movie as the little smurfers kept pulling stunts on you along with ambushes. The plot is weak, but serviceable, it's the cast that feels more lop-sided with half of them being really well developed and the other half kind of feeling like they were there to fill a quota. I may change my mind on these elements once I get around to the DLC but I'm waiting for the bulk of it to be released before venturing a new playthrough.

    Frankly, I felt XV succeeded better than expected considering the tumultuous development it had and the unfounded fan expectation placed upon it when it was still Versus XIII. I feel my general disinterest in Versus XIII helped save me from too much disappointment. With all that said, the game has some weak elements in the story and gameplay; and while it did generally surprise me with several cool elements and moments, it didn't save the game from me feeling like it was a middling experience. Not bad, but not great either. Perhaps a second playthrough with all the DLC can change that, but that may be awhile since the team seems to be gearing up for some new ideas for that in the coming year. None of this was helped by playing the fantastic Persona 5 and currently playing through FFXII:TZA which both are still really flooring me and showing how SE was way ahead of it's time ten years ago, whereas XV kind of felt like SE's attempt to appeal to the modern market base.

    I'd still recommend the game, but I doubt I would hype it up as some of my more personal favorite FFs.

  6. #21
    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    I’ve been going through the story pretty fast on new game + since I’m mainly just doing this to remind me of what’s going on around each dlc chapter, and I’m feeling more positive towards it than I thought I would. It’s all still pretty fun. I may even try to do some more of the hunts and side quests I missed originally.

    I still see a ton of missed potential though. It just feels like they dropped the ball on anyone outside of the main four. i also feel like if you don’t stop to do a lot of side stuff (which I felt didn’t add much to the story and world anyways), you go through the story really quickly. It just all feels a bit unfinished, and I wish we could explore more outside of the main four because the world, mythology, and characters seem like they could be pretty interesting.

  7. #22


    I've never played it, but I hear mixed things about it in general. Personally, the only time the game captured my interest (in terms of the footage I've seen) was probably one of the older trailers, but apparently a lot of stuff from that never made it into the actual game. It was this one:

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