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Thread: New Year's Resolutions: 2018 Edition

  1. #16
    Total Sweetheart
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    So it's almost the end of January.

    How many people's plans have crashed and burned?

    I guess it's something like if you set a weight loss goal as a resolution, and you don't get it going by February, you're just going to push it off until your next resolution. Citation needed.

    I'm still going strong, and have already done a few things I thought I wouldn't.

  2. #17
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    I have many ideas for stories and games in my head. I'd like to start getting them out of this dumb old brain and complete one. Or at least make meaningful progress!
    What sort of games do you make?

    I'd also like to work on my game more, but my time has been getting sucked away a lot lately. But I'd like to feel more creatively productive in 2018.
    (and in response to LWL, this is going poorly )

  3. #18


    The main one is to decide on what I want to do for the rest of my life, and go back to college to finish the degree for it. I have a Liberal Arts degree (basically just clears out gen eds so you can transfer to a 4 year program) but I refuse to take out student loans (I've heard way too many horror stories of how quickly that debt piles up) and I'm having a hard time justifying the costs for the fields I'm interested in (did you know becoming a librarian requires 6 YEARS of college, yet makes less than most 2 year degrees!?).

    Next up is to finish those cosplays that have been hogging up space in my closet for years. I've made pretty good progress on getting my Tales cosplay up and going, but I've still got the Fabric for a Pokemon one just sitting in a box, and I just added to the problem by buying fabric to make a Kikyo one. I'd also like to cosplay Cynthia and a white mage at some point too...

    Next is to get a better figure, which is on the list every year but is always the first thing to get dropped. I remember hating being overweight in highschool, now I wish I could go back to being that size. I have started getting 6 inch subs instead of footlongs for lunch and I've made an effort to put more veggies on them, but that's honestly all I've done and there's clearly no difference to be had in the attractiveness department.

    Mostly it's just trying to get a plan for the future so I can be happier. Or at least financially self sufficient. Having more friends would be nice too, but that's easier said than done.

  4. #19
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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  5. #20
    Darkhero's Avatar
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    My main goal is to be more positive. Been working on it for a while and I've been making progress.
    - Get a part time job. Done, although it's left me with less free time for other things
    - Stream more consistently. With job + coursework and the past couple winters being hard on my health, I've put this off until May
    - Beat more games and finish the ones I started (see above)
    - Read more
    - Take up a new hobby or learn something new computer/technology related
    - Be more active on the online
    - Start contributing/making something (not sure what yet, maybe a journal would be a good start)
    - Be less self-conscious about myself
    - Survive

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