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Thread: Best entry in a while?

  1. #1
    CimminyCricket's Avatar
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    Default Best entry in a while?

    I haven't enjoyed a final fantasy through an entire play through in one sitting since FFX-2 (not the story, that was garbage, but the gameplay was so fantastic). XII took me something like 6 years to finally sit down and beat and I quit XIII about a quarter of the way through and never played the sequels. I've played the only versions off and on over their life times.

    XV has kept me engaged in the game play and had me going for a bit with the story. Did it do the same for you?

  2. #2


    Sorry, but got to disagree greatly here. To me, the game feels like a hollow mess with parts missing and then later being "glued in " by DLC and character storyline growth being stuck behind paywalls. Also the open world environment feels empty. Noctis is a good main lead and his friends are great characters too with a strong bond, but the romance story between Noctis and Luna...... feels so tacked in.

    Is it better than XIII ? It was hugely flawed, but it had a fun battle system and it was a whole complete game. XV also has a heavy hack n slash battle system which I can't (personally ) stand.

    While XIII is more of a mixture of old and new when it comes to fighting monsters. It's extra content was another two complete games and any XIII related DLC was very optional items like clothes or somebody to fight in a coliseum. Not important character development that should of been in the main game. So weirdly sounding enough going to say- no here. I actually enjoy XIII more than XV. Both games feel rather hollow, though XIII is more complete and put-together. I would rather have a completed mess, than a oddly glued- together paywall mess.

  3. #3
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    It was good and had charm and heart, but it wasn't a classic for the ages as there were also some key things missing. I get the impression they were rushed, and although this may sound strange for a game that was stuck in development hell for years, I think if they'd taken more time with the implementation of the final vision of the game it maybe could've been something special. The Royal Edition rubs salt into those particular wounds. Overall I prefer it to XIII and Type-0, but I wouldn't say that it's streets ahead of those games either. They all fall into that "good enough while it lasted, probably won't replay anytime soon if ever" category.

  4. #4
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Yes and no? I mean I enjoyed it, it wasn't exactly amazing, but wasn't offensive either. Really middle of the road if you ask me, but that might be due to my general aversion to open world sandbox like titles, and my insufferable pickiness with Action-RPG combat that tends to snub most of them. The core cast was great, the villains ranged from adequate to awful, and the supporting cast was hit or miss.

    On the other hand, it wasn't FFXIII, and as everyone on this forum knows, I really hated that game. That's not hyberpole either, the rage and evil intentions that well up within me when even discussing that title is rather well documented by now. So it would certainly qualify as a "best entry in awhile" for me cause last gen was just a whole lot of failure being thrown in my face. Though to turn this around in another way, I replayed FFXII recently through the Zodiac Age, and as the last entry I actually enjoyed, it was kind of eye opening to see really how far ahead of it's time the game was and how brilliantly it was designed. This is not something I can say about XIII, XIV 1.0, and XV which is just a little sad for me, but a trend for the series lately.

    I also don't play the MMO entries cause they are not really for me, but I often find that a lot of the FF friends I have, who are still genuinely happy with the franchise, tend to play them, so it's not like myself where the words "Massively Multiplayer..." means I have to wait another two to three years for another title to be announced and another seven after that for development.

    So yeah, I enjoyed FFXV, but not to the point where I'm shaking down my friends and telling them to play it cause it's so amazing.

  5. #5
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    The combat system and open world combined to create a system that I absolutely hated, so no, for me its not just the worst FF game to come out in a while, its the worst FF game ever made. I would play through Mystic Quest again before replaying this game. About a quarter of the way into the game, I stopped doing everything optional and just brute-forced my way through the main storyline to finish it. I have no desire to go back and see what I missed or the DLC content that was added.

  6. #6
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    I would play through Mystic Quest again before replaying this game.
    If these two are your least favourite FFs, I can only assume you are not a fan of jump buttons and thus are my mortal enemy.

  7. #7


    For me, yes, FFXV is the best entry in a while. The last one that had made me feel that much was FFX, so yeah, it's been a while. I laugh, I cry, I smile... FFXV story is great, and we really feel like we're traveling with the guys. The characters are wonderful, and Noctis and Luna's romance is probably one of my favorite one of the series. I think it was original to have a long-distance relationship based on writing to each other in a video game. We still see how much they care for each other. And the bond between Noctis, Prompto, Ignis and Gladio is amazing too. Deep friendship between men, who cry together and are not afraid to say they care for each other, is pretty rare in video games so it made me really happy.

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    CimminyCricket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    The combat system and open world combined to create a system that I absolutely hated, so no, for me its not just the worst FF game to come out in a while, its the worst FF game ever made. I would play through Mystic Quest again before replaying this game. About a quarter of the way into the game, I stopped doing everything optional and just brute-forced my way through the main storyline to finish it. I have no desire to go back and see what I missed or the DLC content that was added.
    That's harsh. Mystic Quest was garbage

  9. #9
    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    When i first played XV, I enjoy it for a while but ultimately found it disappointing. Replaying it recently, I’ve softened up to it some more and had fun with all of the dlc and speeding through the story on new game +. I still notice a lot of potential that was never met though. All of the main characters besides the main four weren’t given enough screen time and development. All of their stuff felt rushed. The world was pretty but also felt a bit lifeless too. And the hunts felt pretty unmemorable compared to the way XII handled hunts.

    I get burnt out on open worlds a lot, so that might be part of my problem. But I’m playing Zelda now, and it just seems to do the open world a lot better. Still a lot of empty space with the same mobs, but actually exploring was more fun to me in Zelda. I do kind of wish we could have had something like the MP3 player in XV implemented in Zelda though. Also, Zelda has more memorable npcs that have their own schedules and react to weather and such whereas XV sometimes could have the same 4 generic npcs all sitting around a table together.

    In the end, XV isn’t terrible, but I find XIII-2 more enjoyable to play in the end. It had the potential to be one of the bests though since XV had a decent plot, good characters, and interesting design choices mixed into the unfinished and rushed feeling of a lot of the game.

  10. #10


    When I first played FF15 I originally went through it really fast to play through all the story, and was ultimately disappointed. But it's exactly how you shouldn't play it. It's much better a game to play with the story merely as background.

  11. #11
    CimminyCricket's Avatar
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    Yeah, I don't think it's any where near the best FF, but after how bad (I thought) the FFXIII was and with all those little side piece releases that this was the best release in a long time!

  12. #12
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Every FF is going to polarise the fans to some extent. I'm one of the lucky few who seems to enjoy every FF.

    Sidenote for those thinking modern FF's suck: World of FF is still the best single player FF game outside of V, VII and VIII.
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    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post

    Sidenote for those thinking modern FF's suck: World of FF is still the best single player FF game outside of V, VII and VIII.
    That little list just gave me a tiny heart attack

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    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I like fun over politics in my games. I still like the other games though. FFII is probably the closest to a game I've not liked, and that was only because of the battle and leveling system.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

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