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Thread: Standing up for FF8

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    Default Standing up for FF8

    I'm going to try and stand up for this classic game and defend it and show why it's not "trash ".

    • " The Drawing System Sucks " !

    You don't have to stand there and draw 100 Bizzard spells. You just need to draw as much spells as you desire and then escape from battle. You don't even have to kill the monster you are facing. In fact you don't even have to obey to this system as you can easily get magic from drawing monsters into cards or playing the card game and turning monster cards into items.

    • " The Game only focuses on Squall and Rinoa " !

    Because the game is about THEIR ROMANTIC STORY. Zell, Irvine and the rest are only sideline characters to Squall and Rinoa's romantic story. They don't have the development that most RPG characters do, because it's not about *them *. Final Fantasy VIII is about Squall going from a douchebag-y teenager not caring about a thing apart from him
    self to Rinoa's knight, and Rinoa going from a bratty teenager to willing to give up her freedom so others can be feel safe when *spoilers * becomes a Sorceresses. It's about their love, how their love for eachother helps each other and how they grow from a teenager to a young adult.

    While the story is not about the other teen heroes, there is some focus on Zell, Irvine gets his turn during the infamous orphanage plot-twist and Selphie has her turn in Trabia Garden. There is also alot of attention on Seifer and of course- laguna and his own love story and his friends. The only one that I would say actually gets neglected is Quistis. Quistis is only used as love triangle bait and then she is pushed away.
    But there is a big reason as to why the main symbol logo of Final Fantasy VIII is Squall and Rinoa embracing in warm red and orange colours.

    • " Apart from Laguna, the characters are so annoying " !

    Final Fantasy VIII is guilty of doing something a bit different and that is that the game focuses on teenagers. I've seen alot of people say that they either still relate to Squall now, or they related to Squall alot as a teenager. Same with Rinoa. The characters act a bit wild and rebellious because they are teenagers. They don't know themselves yet and they are working it out. Though as the game goes on, you can see them change. Squall becomes more caring, Rinoa becomes less selfish, Zell becomes more calm and shows leadership qualities, Irvine has a moment where he shows he can be more serious, Selphies shows that her carefree and "crazy " persona is nothing really but a shell. Quistis even calls out Squall's BS at one stage, instead of just letting it pass. Final Fantasy VIII does teenagres a bit more realistically, which some may enjoy as they can relate, or some may feel frustrated by. Though fans seem to forget that the main cast is a bunch of confused seventeen year olds.

    • " Ugh, that Junction System " !

    And ? What's so awful about it ? Equip a GF. Choose what you what the GF to learn. GF learns the thing. Enjoy some new gameplay. Equip, test and experiment with magics. Enjoy ! Not a torture lol. Also, as others have found out- you can also learn how to abuse it and have fun breaking the game.

    • " I hate Rinoa, she's annoying !"

    Rinoa is a naive and rebellious seventeen year old that wants to get "revenge on daddy " at the beginning of the game. Though she's the first to have the confidence to call out on Squall's BS, and she helps him open up and become a better person, by just being honest with him and letting him know what a arsehole he can be sometimes. She does start out to be immature and reckless, but at least she tries ? She is a damsel for a massive amount of the game, but you have to remember she's the only one that isn't a trained SeeD. She was only a impulsive and very naive rebel fighter that easily could've ended up in prison during her train plan. But Rinoa is a good Final Fantasy heroine. Why ? Because she becomes less selfish as the game goes on. Would you give up your freedom and sanity to be locked up and sent into space ? So others could feel safe ?

    • " I hate Squall, he's a ass " !

    Fair enough. I love Squall. Squall is one of my favourite MC's, but Squall can be a horrible person. I feel like you either like Squall because you feel like you can relate/ did relate, or you just don't want to be around him at all. Though this isn't a bad thing, as the game cuts away to the Laguna Dreams and you can spend 20-30 mins playing as somebody more sensitive.
    Final Fantasy VIII gives you a escape from the MC if you despise him.

    • " The Squall/ Rinoa romance is forced and is one of the worst FF romances ever " !!

    Hello ?! Did you pay attention to the game at all ? The game says many times that Squall has trust issues, fears that people are going to leave him one day, is pessimistic, pushes people away, and struggles to open up. It's a non-brainer that he doesn't open up till Rinoa is in a coma and feels like he's taken her for granted ! There is also the fact that the dance between Squall and Rinoa is more than just a cute dance. It's symbolic of their relationship. Rinoa never gives up on him and Squall stops being a dick, and opens up and dance perfectly with her. There's also Squall's face when Rinoa cutely walks away from him. Squall opened up, and Rinoa walked away. Squall's facial expressions show sadness.

    • " But the orphanage plot-twist " !

    It's lighty foreshadowed with the Balamb Staff mentioning that GF can cause memory problems, and Irvine refusing to shoot Edea. And this is Final Fantasy ? IN THE SAME GAME THE SCHOOL FOR SOLDIERS CAN FLY.

    This game isn't trash. Just misunderstood. That's the tea.
    Last edited by maybee; 04-05-2018 at 03:39 PM.

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