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Thread: Standing up for FF8

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    How is Rinoa a "useless, stupid, bimbo " ? Rinoa is the one that truly sees through Squall's facade, and she knows that Squall cannot just push people away all the time, and she tells him this. She knows that it's the happy memories with others that count, which is very deep and mature, and wise for her age. She smurfs up during the parade, but she was frustrated and just wanted to prove to everybody that she wasn't some useless girl who needed to be locked up in her own house.

    Rinoa has previously mentioned is willing to give up her own freedom and sanity to be locked away in some sort of prison in space for all eternity, so others won't fear another witch dictator possibly coming to power like Edea and Adel.

    That's the opposite of acting like a child.
    So far you've only cited one example of her being "mature". Every other time she does nothing but get in the way for the sake of her own feelings, the parade incident being the biggest example.

    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    You are mistaking obsession with just wanting the man to open up and trust people more.

    How so? Because from what I can see she is LITERALLY obsessed with trying to change him. If anything you're proving me right.

    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    He wasn't enough of a jerkass ? Wtf ?

    I think saying to Quistis to go speak to a wall after confessing that she's just lost her career and she feels like a failure is pretty damn top douchebag. This is coming from somebody who likes Squall and hates Quistis.

    Yeah I worded that pretty poorly, and as I said before he goes to far in some places, but at other times - especially with Rinoa - he seems to conveniently make an exception for her.
    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    She's not obsessed with Squall. At the beginning of the game it was just a cute flirt and dance for her, and her main crush at that stage is actually Seifer. During Timber she's frustrated and upset with him because she learns that this guy she had fun with at the SeeD dance, is a douche, and she actually asks him the question ( in her own words ) that he " has fun treating his team-mates so callously " ? At the beginning of the game, ( minus the dance ) she thinks that he's a heartless asshole.

    It's not till the parade and Squall stays that everything will be alright and to stay close to him, that she starts to look at Squall in a different light.

    Because Squall loves Rinoa. It's Squall that has feelings for Rinoa at the beginning, not her having feelings for Squall. Though due to having trust-issues, fears that loved ones are going to leave him- he fails to open up to those feelings till he feels like he was too late. Before the parade, Rinoa was clearly into Seifer.

    I feel like you wanted Squall to be this massive douchebag, and you got disappointed when you found out that his jerkness at the beginning was only because of childhood trauma and he's actually a boy who secretly wants to be friends with everybody and love Rinoa, but he's too scared too. He's not the character that you thought he was.

    As for the garden part and saving Rinoa from the cliff- Squall does mention how strange this is that everybody is trying to push him closer to Rinoa while a war is going on.
    She thinks he's a heartless asshole yet keeps trying to flirt with him no matter how many times he rejects her, and the more he pushes her away the more she keeps trying to latch onto him. How is that not being obsessed to you?

    When does Squall show any interest in her, especially in the first disc? Because I don't remember him expressing any feelings for her at all, especially when they first met and he tries to get out of dancing with her.

    Also it's not that I want Squall to be a massive douchebag, but rather him to be more consistent about being an introvert. Like I said before, he pushes away everyone who is nice to him EXCEPT for Rinoa. Every time Quistis tried to come onto him he either tells her to smurf off or outright ignores her, every time Rinoa does it he suddenly doesn't mind it as much. And him doing that doesn't make any sense since he never shows any romantic interest in her until way late in the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Because he doesn't have amnesia ? Otherwise he wouldn't of had dreams about his young childhood about Ellone. Does the game call it amnesia ? Because it's more like blocked-out-memories than amnesia.

    Well I just assumed it was amnesia since nobody else can remember anything about their childhood except for Irvine, and that's because he didn't start using the GFs until after he joined the party, or something like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Example View Post
    I c what u did there.

    Last edited by Example; 04-08-2018 at 10:38 AM.

  2. #17
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Example
    Every other time she does nothing but get in the way for the sake of her own feelings, the parade incident being the biggest example.
    I respect your opinions, and am willing to listen to other examples of her being "in the way for the sake of her own feelings", because at the moment, the parade is the only one I can think of, and even that can be excused in my opinion.

    I'm not saying at least part of her motivation wasn't because of what was happening between her and her father, maybe that did play into it, maybe it didn't, but the impression I got was that she did want to help, and was willing to discuss how to help - the scene wasn't "I have to do this prove a point", it was more of an "I have an idea that's unfinished, so do you know to do?" - she comes to the SeeDs to ask them if they have any thoughts on how to complete her plan, which was actually pretty professional of her in a way, as she knew it was unfinished, so she was willing to ask for help.

    I never really found any part of the game where she seemed in the way, but I respect your opinion.

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by MJN SEIFER View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Example
    Every other time she does nothing but get in the way for the sake of her own feelings, the parade incident being the biggest example.
    I respect your opinions, and am willing to listen to other examples of her being "in the way for the sake of her own feelings", because at the moment, the parade is the only one I can think of, and even that can be excused in my opinion.

    I'm not saying at least part of her motivation wasn't because of what was happening between her and her father, maybe that did play into it, maybe it didn't, but the impression I got was that she did want to help, and was willing to discuss how to help - the scene wasn't "I have to do this prove a point", it was more of an "I have an idea that's unfinished, so do you know to do?" - she comes to the SeeDs to ask them if they have any thoughts on how to complete her plan, which was actually pretty professional of her in a way, as she knew it was unfinished, so she was willing to ask for help.

    I never really found any part of the game where she seemed in the way, but I respect your opinion.
    Alright you got me there. Admittedly it's been a while since I've played it. But she did make it pretty clear that it was to prove a point, especially after Quistis told her off. In fact I'm pretty sure her being there and hiring the SeeDs in the first place was because she was angry at her dad for something. If she really cared about trying to help she would have known better than to run off and try to interfere with their mission, even if she had the best of intentions. Also constantly asking the SeeDs for help on their plans and being totally helpless without them wasn't very professional, as Squall himself said to her at one point.

  4. #19


    Oh man, this is nostalgic. Can we argue whether or not Rinoa grows up to be Ultimecia now? I miss Future Esther

  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Example View Post

    So far you've only cited one example of her being "mature". Every other time she does nothing but get in the way for the sake of her own feelings, the parade incident being the biggest example.
    I've provided two !

    The chat during the promotion musical concert.

    And her being willing to give up everything so others could be/ feel safe. Friendly reminder that this game makes it clear that while you are locked up within like a frozen shell in space, your thoughts are very much still active. It would be like locked within a sleep paralysis forever. This is shown with Adel's thoughts coming through the Timber TV screen.

    She even tells Squall that she has to do this.

    Rinoa :Ultimecia, a sorceress from the future. She's trying to achieve time compression. She's the only one who would be able to exist in such a world. She, and no other.
    As long as I'm free, she'll continue to use me to accomplish her goal.
    Squall does come for her in the end, but she says that she forever planned to stay in Esthar.

    Quote Originally Posted by Example View Post
    How so? Because from what I can see she is LITERALLY obsessed with trying to change him. If anything you're proving me right.
    Because it's not just her that desires Squall to be more open. Rinoa is just more stubborn about it. Stubborn is not being obsessive. And she does let things go if Squall is not up for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Example View Post

    Yeah I worded that pretty poorly, and as I said before he goes to far in some places, but at other times - especially with Rinoa - he seems to conveniently make an exception for her.
    Hmmmmmmmmm I wonder why that is ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Example View Post

    She thinks he's a heartless asshole yet keeps trying to flirt with him no matter how many times he rejects her, and the more he pushes her away the more she keeps trying to latch onto him. How is that not being obsessed to you?
    She's not flirting with him, the only time she teases him was during the dance when they didn't even know each other. Seifer was her big crush at the time. She starts flirting with him till about CD2- after the parade where Squall says those " stay close to me " words to her, and Seifer is shown to have faked his death and is working with Edea.

    Rinoa :He was always full of confidence, smart... Just by talking to him, I felt like I could take on the world
    I don't really know. I... I think I was in love.
    Selphie : Do you still like him ?
    Rinoa : If I didn't, I wouldn't be talking about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Example View Post
    When does Squall show any interest in her, especially in the first disc? Because I don't remember him expressing any feelings for her at all, especially when they first met and he tries to get out of dancing with her.
    Funny you mention the dance, because it was then that when it shows, the dance between them. Small, but subtle. Squall has trust issues, ofc he's going to try and get out of dancing with anybody, hence why before he was drinking alone in the corner while everybody else was dancing or was in the open.
    Yeah, Squall does pretend to be awful at dancing so he can get out of dancing with her, but as soon as he sees her smile warmly, everything changes, and Squall begins to dance perfectly, and even embraces her a bit while he watches the fireworks.

    Then Rinoa cutely taps him on his shoulder, thanks him for the fun and good times, and leaves. Squall however looks betrayed and heartbroken. Squall opened up, and somebody he got closed too walked away from him, like he fears.

    Quote Originally Posted by Example View Post
    Also it's not that I want Squall to be a massive douchebag, but rather him to be more consistent about being an introvert. Like I said before, he pushes away everyone who is nice to him EXCEPT for Rinoa. Every time Quistis tried to come onto him he either tells her to smurf off or outright ignores her, every time Rinoa does it he suddenly doesn't mind it as much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Example View Post
    Well I just assumed it was amnesia since nobody else can remember anything about their childhood except for Irvine, and that's because he didn't start using the GFs until after he joined the party, or something like that.
    I looked it up and I don't think that game calls it amnesia, though I could be wrong here, they just mention how scary and how odd it is that they have noticed that the GFs are causing memory loss. Yeah, Irvine was the only one in the team who didn't use any GFs till recently, so his memories of growing up with the others as a baby wasn't lost.

  6. #21
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    Another great thing about Final Fantasy VIII is it has the most awesome and best looking airship in the entire series.

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  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Because it's not just her that desires Squall to be more open. Rinoa is just more stubborn about it. Stubborn is not being obsessive. And she does let things go if Squall is not up for it.
    Stubborn to the point that literally every time she sees him she tries to force him to open up to her. That sounds a bit obsessed to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Hmmmmmmmmm I wonder why that is ?
    That's honestly a good question.

    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    She's not flirting with him, the only time she teases him was during the dance when they didn't even know each other. Seifer was her big crush at the time. She starts flirting with him till about CD2- after the parade where Squall says those " stay close to me " words to her, and Seifer is shown to have faked his death and is working with Edea.
    She says he's the best looking guy here and pretends to cast a spell on him saying "You're-going-to-like-me" how is that not flirting? Let's not forget her first reaction to seeing him on the train mission is to run up and hug him.

    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Then Rinoa cutely taps him on his shoulder, thanks him for the fun and good times, and leaves. Squall however looks betrayed and heartbroken. Squall opened up, and somebody he got closed too walked away from him, like he fears.
    Wouldn't that just make him even more afraid of getting close to someone? Especially how Quistis and (to a lesser extent) Selphie both tried to get close to him before he met Rinoa, and he brushed them off like nothing. And he shows no signs of being infatuated with Rinoa when he next saw her, not even in his inner thoughts.

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Example View Post

    Stubborn to the point that literally every time she sees him she tries to force him to open up to her. That sounds a bit obsessed to me.
    I feel like you are not really even reading what I'm saying anymore. Or even at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    She's not flirting with him, the only time she teases him was during the dance when they didn't even know each other. Seifer was her big crush at the time. She starts flirting with him till about CD2- after the parade where Squall says those " stay close to me " words to her, and Seifer is shown to have faked his death and is working with Edea.
    Quote Originally Posted by Example View Post
    She says he's the best looking guy here and pretends to cast a spell on him saying "You're-going-to-like-me" how is that not flirting?
    See ? You are not even reading to what I'm saying. What's the point in even having this chat ? This could of been fun, but, k.

    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Let's not forget her first reaction to seeing him on the train mission is to run up and hug him.
    She was happy that SeeD is here to help out to free Timber. She wanted/ hoped for Seifer.

    Squall :No, he's not a SeeD.
    Rinoa ...Oh.
    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Wouldn't that just make him even more afraid of getting close to someone?
    It's possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Especially how Quistis and (to a lesser extent) Selphie both tried to get close to him before he met Rinoa, and he brushed them off like nothing. And he shows no signs of being infatuated with Rinoa when he next saw her, not even in his inner thoughts.

    Squall was a bit disturbed by Quistis because she's his teacher. Selphie ? He tries to cheer her up a bit when it looks like her Garden Festival got destroyed when the Garden starts moving.
    Because they don't really start to "bond " till during/ after the parade, as said before.

    Their relationship before the parade :

    Their relationship after the parade :

    And during the parade :

    Squall : Just stay close to me

    Rinoa : Oh ! Those words !

    The dance is just a cute symbolic metaphor of their relationship. Squall tries to push her away > Rinoa refuses to give up on him > Squall falls for her warmness and the fact that she refuses to give up on him > they bond and dance together perfectly as Squall opens up.

    Squall/ Rinoa is the most underrated FF ship ever.

  9. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post

    Squall/ Rinoa is the most underrated FF ship ever.



    But seriously, I wouldn't call SquaNoa underrated, since their relationship is really a core part of the game. I would say it is the best and definitely the one that hits me hardest in the feels.

  10. #25


    Okay I guess you're right. Maybe once I've replayed FF8 we can have this discussion again, but for now you win.

  11. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Foo View Post
    Cloud/ Barret is so cute. I hope we will still be able to have this date in the remake.

    Quote Originally Posted by Foo View Post
    But seriously, I wouldn't call SquaNoa underrated, since their relationship is really a core part of the game. I would say it is the best and definitely the one that hits me hardest in the feels.

    Alot of people feel like it's forced and happens out of thin air and Squall suddenly loves her, when it's just Beauty and the Beast meets Final Fantasy.'

    Same here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Example View Post
    Okay I guess you're right. Maybe once I've replayed FF8 we can have this discussion again, but for now you win.
    Tell us how it goes !!!

  12. #27
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    FFVIII is one of my favourite three Final Fantasy games for gameplay value alone, and I actually like me some romantic mush occasionally so I had no problems with that part of the game. The plot is a bit nonsensical, especially the time compression stuff, but to be honest I can't think of many amazingly well designed plots in Final Fantasy history. The first game had time travel, for goodness sake. In another game, the bad guy is a tree. In another game, FFXIII's ending happened. FFVII has it's bizarre moments. I take all my Final Fantasy games with a pinch of salt. People take their gaming too seriously sometimes.
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  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foo View Post
    I can't tell if you gave Cloud your username or if Barret is just using slang.

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