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Thread: Say what you willl . . .

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    Default Say what you willl . . .

    But I love FFVIII


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  2. #2


    Why would FF13 feel sorry for FF8 ? Should be the other way around ?

  3. #3
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Yeah, I kind of feel that XIII took VIII's place as the black sheep in the series.

  4. #4
    WarZidane's Avatar
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    Isn't XV the black sheep at this point?

  5. #5
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Yes, but that's because like any long running franchise, FF suffers from the Zelda cycle (well until Breath of the Wild actually broke the cycle).


    So generally, the last entry is always the "worst" entry. At least until some time has passed and we can evaluate it better. With that said, FFII and VIII are still black sheep entries, and I have no doubt XIII will also stay in this category. I honestly feel XV will probably go up in it's standing once some time has passed and the raw emotions about it's troubled release have subsided.

  6. #6
    Darkhero's Avatar
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    I think XV will remain a divisive game, just not as derided as VIII or XIII in the long run.

  7. #7


    The main problem I had with VIII was that I couldn't get into the Junction system and instead of using the Draw function at all just spammed summons, which made the battles long and boring - but you could still win most (if not all) of them that way. If I ever played it again I would try to Draw more - I did enjoy the soundtrack well enough (which is sometimes a complaint) and the story/characters were OK for me, even if I didn't find them as engaging as VII or IX. But unlike those 2 games, which I didn't complete because (at the time) I didn't want them to end, VIII I dropped because I couldn't put up with the battles anymore. I was pretty far into the game - probably disc 3 or 4 - but I just never went back to it. And now when I can't even bring myself to complete the games in the series I enjoy more, I don't know if I'll ever go back.

  8. #8
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    I don't know how I feel about this game. I hate it, yet I love it. The junction system is stupidly broken in both good and bad ways. The characters are stupid and I can see where they're coming from. The only parts of the game I love are the soundtrack and the Laguna segments.

  9. #9
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent, Thunder God View Post
    The main problem I had with VIII was that I couldn't get into the Junction system and instead of using the Draw function at all just spammed summons, which made the battles long and boring - but you could still win most (if not all) of them that way. If I ever played it again I would try to Draw more - I did enjoy the soundtrack well enough (which is sometimes a complaint) and the story/characters were OK for me, even if I didn't find them as engaging as VII or IX. But unlike those 2 games, which I didn't complete because (at the time) I didn't want them to end, VIII I dropped because I couldn't put up with the battles anymore. I was pretty far into the game - probably disc 3 or 4 - but I just never went back to it. And now when I can't even bring myself to complete the games in the series I enjoy more, I don't know if I'll ever go back.
    Honestly, Drawing magic is like the worst way to get magic. It's great for finding new spells and obtaining some of the GFs but the best way to get 100 of a spell is to abuse the refinement abilities GFs teach. In fact, unless you're playing a low level run, I generally suggest you prioritize refinement skills over all other abilities except ones that open up new stats to be junctioned. With a little patience, you can actually have 100 Blizzara spells Junctioned to your weapon for elemental damage to OHKO Ifrit at the beginning of the game by just focusing on refinement skills.

    Junctioning feels daunting, not helped by the awful and cluttered tutorial menus, but it's surprisingly straight forward once you get the knack for it.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent, Thunder God View Post
    The main problem I had with VIII was that I couldn't get into the Junction system and instead of using the Draw function at all just spammed summons, which made the battles long and boring - but you could still win most (if not all) of them that way. If I ever played it again I would try to Draw more - I did enjoy the soundtrack well enough (which is sometimes a complaint) and the story/characters were OK for me, even if I didn't find them as engaging as VII or IX. But unlike those 2 games, which I didn't complete because (at the time) I didn't want them to end, VIII I dropped because I couldn't put up with the battles anymore. I was pretty far into the game - probably disc 3 or 4 - but I just never went back to it. And now when I can't even bring myself to complete the games in the series I enjoy more, I don't know if I'll ever go back.
    Honestly, Drawing magic is like the worst way to get magic. It's great for finding new spells and obtaining some of the GFs but the best way to get 100 of a spell is to abuse the refinement abilities GFs teach. In fact, unless you're playing a low level run, I generally suggest you prioritize refinement skills over all other abilities except ones that open up new stats to be junctioned. With a little patience, you can actually have 100 Blizzara spells Junctioned to your weapon for elemental damage to OHKO Ifrit at the beginning of the game by just focusing on refinement skills.

    Junctioning feels daunting, not helped by the awful and cluttered tutorial menus, but it's surprisingly straight forward once you get the knack for it.
    Thanks for the advice - I'll keep that in mind if I end up replaying. I wasn't even aware that there were refinement skills - shows how little I know about the system. And yeah, I agree that the tutorials weren't very helpful.

  11. #11
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Congrats on the milestone Foo!

    I still have FFXIII collecting dust in my gaming room so I can’t compare the two. FFVIII is still one of my favourite entries despite its many flaws.

    I thought the characters and the world they created were were incredibly rich. I still wish they could have done more with the party’s SEED status. There should have been a tonne of sidemissions that you could complete as part of your SEED duties.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Yes, but that's because like any long running franchise, FF suffers from the Zelda cycle (well until Breath of the Wild actually broke the cycle).


    So generally, the last entry is always the "worst" entry. At least until some time has passed and we can evaluate it better. With that said, FFII and VIII are still black sheep entries, and I have no doubt XIII will also stay in this category. I honestly feel XV will probably go up in it's standing once some time has passed and the raw emotions about it's troubled release have subsided.
    Well, don't ignore that the opinions might actually be valid.

    A lot of people started with VII. VIII was not as good as it. IX was worse still. X took a breather and was a better game than its predecessor. X-2 was largely despised. XI was not even the right type of game. XII was worse than IX. XIII was worse still. XIII-2 took the series further down. XIII-3 still further. XIV decided to not even be a Final Fantasy again. And XV was a car driving simulator.

    So, it's not that it's some cycle of just hating on the most recent game. It's that Final Fantasy has been steadily getting worse and worse and worse.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    Well, don't ignore that the opinions might actually be valid.

    A lot of people started with VII. VIII was not as good as it. IX was worse still. X took a breather and was a better game than its predecessor. X-2 was largely despised. XI was not even the right type of game. XII was worse than IX. XIII was worse still. XIII-2 took the series further down. XIII-3 still further. XIV decided to not even be a Final Fantasy again. And XV was a car driving simulator.

    So, it's not that it's some cycle of just hating on the most recent game. It's that Final Fantasy has been steadily getting worse and worse and worse.
    I can actually agree with most of that except for IX being bad and X being better than it.

  14. #14
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I honestly like VIII and IX are better than VII, X is where I felt the series began to falter, and XII was a decent reprieve that fell short of it's potential. I honestly feel most people will mark XIII as one of the weakest entries in the series and while XV will never join games like IV, VI, and VII as the most beloved entries, I feel people will eventually come around to it, much like what I've seen with FFXII which got a pretty good resurgence in popularity and vindication after the Zodiac Age was released.

    Yet the Zelda cycle does kind of stand because I feel the hatred against VIII was at it's strongest shortly after it's release and now more players have mellowed out and it's floated somewhere into the middle for most players. Same deal with IX. I was actually surprised FFX didn't do better with it's HD release to be honest. A quick glance at charts shows that it may have sold slightly better than XII's HD but only by a few thousand and only when you take in account Vita sales. Yet, for a game considered to be the "second best" in the franchise by Japan and some people overseas, I was expecting higher numbers and better reviews.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent, Thunder God View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    Well, don't ignore that the opinions might actually be valid.

    A lot of people started with VII. VIII was not as good as it. IX was worse still. X took a breather and was a better game than its predecessor. X-2 was largely despised. XI was not even the right type of game. XII was worse than IX. XIII was worse still. XIII-2 took the series further down. XIII-3 still further. XIV decided to not even be a Final Fantasy again. And XV was a car driving simulator.

    So, it's not that it's some cycle of just hating on the most recent game. It's that Final Fantasy has been steadily getting worse and worse and worse.
    I can actually agree with most of that except for IX being bad and X being better than it.
    IX really needs an HD port, to be honest. Even at the time of release, it's graphics didn't look great. It pushed the PS1 way too hard, even with the stylized aesthetic.

    There's also a lot of aspects of it that irk me, personally. I'm not a fan of several of the character designs (although personalities and story moments tend to be great), I despise some of the mechanics (Trance especially). And I absolutely loathe and hate the game for putting a unique reward in the game that you can only get by speedrunning it and skipping out on everything good about the series. RPGs exist to immerse yourself in the world, explore, watch events, and talk to people. Not to rush through.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

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