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Thread: SaGa Franchise

  1. #91
    Black Magic Shopkeeper's Avatar
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    Now I, too, have Minstrel's Song.

    I still have yet to resume RS3-- keep telling myself I'll do it before bed, but then I end up too tired or too tormented by agonizing headaches to touch it. Anyways, I put in a good 4 or so hours into Minstrel's Song today, using Jamil as my main. I think when I played (what little I did of) the SNES version, I started out with Sif. Right away I noticed some huge differences from the original game and the remake-- and also some similarities between Minstrel's Song and the unimported SaGa 2 & 3 DS remakes. The cursor sfx is largely similar, and so too are some elements of the battle system. I'm enjoying the painterly effect and the soundtrack so far, and Jamil is cute as a button. I actually had to replay the first half hour because I got myself killed in the catacombs in Estamir Tunnels. Whoops! But that's ok, it gave me more time to get used to the field mechanics before setting out beyond Estamir.

    I got a couple quests done (Yassi Cavern and Saoki Cavern) and did some exploring around the Kjarat, Frontier, Rosalia and Dry Lands regions before I remembered I have a freaking comic to work on. I'm already thinking ahead even out of game, considering what I need to do to get to some currently inaccessible treasure chests and climbable spots. My gameplan is to move on to the Crystal Lake and Mt. Scurve quests that I opened up in Crystal City, then use the jewels I acquire from them to increase Jamil's Survival skills so that he can climb to inaccessible places and open "invisible" chests I noted in previous dungeons. I also desperately want to increase Hawke's axe proficiency so that he can be more useful in battle without draining DP from his weapons. So... yeah. I need all the Jewels I can get.

    So far I seem to be enjoying the party I've got. Aside from the aforementioned Jamil and Hawke, I have Barbara and Myriam, and of course the Minstrel. They're all very stable combatants, though I have my eye on Guella Ha. I dunno, there's just something wonderful about that character's appearance and I get the feeling he'd be an awesome addition to the party... but I'd have to cough someone up.

    Anyway, good stuff, man. Eager to play more.

  2. #92
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    So like I said, I decided to leave the dragon for later. Only played a little bit last night, but I traveled to North Point and took a too of the town. A lady wants me to find some nymph statues and I also replace my Amazon with a Sorcerer and kinda can’t wait to find some more actual characters now

  3. #93
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    I’ve reached Crystal City today and I have Sif in my party! I’ve also unlocked around ten locations today, so things are getting a bit overwhelming

  4. #94
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Yeah that tends to happen.You're begging for quests and characters in the beginning and then suddenly the game releases all of it on you at once.

  5. #95
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    Note to all playing Minstrel's Song:

    Do not-- I repeat, DO NOT enter the Geckling Cave on Walon Isle with a full bladder. Go to the bathroom first. You have been warned.

  6. #96
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Another tip is that there’s map on the first floor and you should go out of your way to find it before descending to the lower floors because you might end up taking that staircase on the lowest floor that takes you immediately outside. Also, the dragon is probably too tough for you if you’re here early.

  7. #97
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    Real update tho: I powered through quite a few quests today. Did Mt Scurve and then Crystal Lake, then went and got the first half of the Water Dragon Rite-- while also beating the dude that had initially killed me in my first hour of gameplay in the Estamir Catacombs. I then wandered over to Walon Isle and lost my s*** over a geckling that literally talks like Gollum. That's what that previous post was all about. I'm still reeling from that, actually. And then I saved some Gecklings from a weapon shop (???(more gecklings than I expected there to be)) and watched a geckling parade and lost it again. I had to call it quits for the day there because I was in tears and couldn't breathe and needed to pee badly.

    So that's my story.

  8. #98

  9. #99
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    I’m torn. I want to have Claudia and Gray in my party once I find them, but of the names characters I already have Sif, Diana and Guella Ha, all of whom I really like. I’m worried I’ll have to drop Guella Ha but idk if that’s ideal here

  10. #100


    Guella is awesome; I'd keep him if you like him.

  11. #101

  12. #102


    RIP Lizard master race. ; -;

  13. #103
    Black Magic Shopkeeper's Avatar
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    Update: I haven't played any RS:MS over the weekend, but I did get back into RS3 today and finally completed the quest in the East. I followed up with a brief jaunt to Pidona and rescued the fairy from the circus, then did some inventory management until my gamepad ran out of juice. I have a sort of love-hate relationship with the games Inventory system, in that it doesn't have an auto-sort button. It at least makes me more mindful of what I have or don't have and allows me to customize the sorting to my own whim, but it also takes extra time when you get a new item and you want it in a specific spot (IE: A Salve in with the potions/consumables). There's really no way around it, and I'm sure most people just leave the inventory to get all messy, but I can't-- I'm a bit OCD, so long as the focus of my attention has nothing to do with my bedroom.

    I do believe that before the weekend officially started, I played SOME RS:MS. I completed the saving Constance quest in Knight's Dominion and puzzled over Ligau Island, trying to figure out how the heck to trigger Mt Tomae's availability, and it turned out all I had to do was talk to the bartender at the pub in beast-infested Jelton, something I would never have figured out if I hadn't looked it up. It took me an entire hour trying to figure it out before I finally did. In that time, I also acquired the Falcata and a Dragon Egg... Instinct told me to avoid the dinosaurs in the nest at all cost, and I managed to until I had to head back out. I tried to beat the first one that caught up to me to no avail so I wasted LP and booked it, and then got caught up with another and wasted MORE LP... then at the last second just one step away from the exit, I got caught in one last encounter from behind. At that point everyone was down to 5-1 LP and I couldn't run anymore, so I had to tough it out. I gotta say, that was the diciest battle I've ever been in so far. It took me several rounds and a defensive strategy to eventually beat the damn thing, and what made the stakes even higher was that I hadn't saved for a while (how stupid of me) so the adrenaline was pumping the whole time. Made the victory all the more rewarding, that's for sure.

    Those dinosaurs are no joke, man.

  14. #104
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    Finally found Gray and Claudia, so now I think I have a party that I’m gonna keep. I also did a quest in Melvir in which a woman was terrorized by a butterfly at night. I kinda had to go into maze wood twice because the first time I only picked up the pendant - turns out I also had to pick up the plants there to let her know where I’d found it. It’s not like I could tell her where I found it or anything

  15. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by Black Magic Shopkeeper View Post
    Those dinosaurs are no joke, man.
    That's Grey's first quest in the SNES game, too. You gotta pray and run your ass off once you find that egg. xD

    Out of curiosity, do you give that pendant away or keep it? There's a pendant in the original game you find in Mazewood, but you get it for a different quest and in what I assume is a different way since you didn't mention a giant talking tree. It wasn't the most intuitive process, so I'm wondering if they switched it up in the remake.

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