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Thread: SaGa Franchise

  1. #256
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time!

    Finished getting Rune Magic and fairly happy with the results. The final challenge was just a fairly straight forward dungeon but the boss was this cool undead dragon. Afterwards, since I was already in the area, I finished Sei's Tomb. Fight was a cakewalk, but I found the engagement amusing. I am sad I lost the three artifacts. Kusanagi is one of the best swords I've seen so far in the game, but I honestly think the mirror/shield needed to open the pathway was more useful. The magatama accessory was decent and the Murokami katana lost their luster awhile back, but that shield was great since it no-selled water attacks and lowered damage from heat based attacks in addition to being able to block physical and magic attacks.

    With the last two quests out of the way, I went ahead with Red's story. I stopped a drug factory in Kyo. I faced off with Metal Black X who is sort of a rival to Alkaiser, though oddly I didn't have to switch to his henshin form for this dungeon. What super cool though was him dropping a decent piece of armor and the fact my robot managed to learn a tech from him because he's a robot. Even better, the skill is actually really good. Afterwards, I returned to Manhattan to take on the CEO lady who sic the space pirates on my ship. This dungeon turned out to be obnoxious. Like two thirds of it was climbing stairs a la Shinra building, except this one was filled with enemies and mini-boss fights. The boss fight with her was super easy, I was trying desperately to spark the final non-event Alkaiser move but Red decided to spark defense techs against the boss's useless techs instead. So after I thumped her, I went back to Yorkland to face off in Kraken swamp to finally earn it.

    I'm not going to do a full breakdown of my whole team this time, but I do have some notes on a few of them:

    Red - Has almost mastered all of the techs barring Guns. He's missing maybe two defensive techs from swords which are incredibly difficult to spark to begin with. I'm sure he's missing a few melee attacks as well but he's managed to spark all his Alkaiser moves. He's a beast of a character at this point.Gen isn't too far behind himself and he even managed to spark one of those two defensive techs I mentioned.

    Cotton is back to being a Dullahan and I'm making sure not to teach him any new skills so he stays that way. The best thing about this monster form is that it actually has a built in shield so he can no-sell techs like the rest of my team. Thunder has stalled a bit, his Thunder dragon form is good, but I want to make him a Black Dragon but he's having a hard time getting the skills or staying alive. I have no idea what to do with Slime, so he's been all over the place and has no real direction but I wish I could finally get him into a stronger mosnter form, he keeps sticking to mid-tier ones so I may need to check his skill list to see what's causing the problem. Maybe I'll make him a Kraken or Snowfolk.

    Fuse has managed to spark all the Gun techs and Emilia only needs like one more to join him. Guns have some issues but at least some of the final skills have been fairly good making my opinion of the weapon class improve. The two biggest issues is that there are only like ten or eleven skills tops and only half of them are of any use. Not that swords and melee don't have a similar ratio of Great to mediocre skills as well, but both of those weapon types have like thirty skills a piece so it just feels like guns are weaker in comparison. The ammo mechanic is also a scrappy mechanic in this game and it's annoying that while there are three times as many guns as there are other weapons, only a third of them can be used with gun skills. I feel like Gun skills would be pretty awesome if you could use them in conjunction with Missiles and Laser cannons and their superior base damage.

    Annie, Fei-On, and Lute are all still annoying me. They don't like to spark anything and they get targeted and killed more often than I would care to admit. Fei-On is especially annoying because he's managed to spark all but one of the techs needed for the DSC attack and the one he's missing isn't even terribly difficult to spark.

    Having spent more time with Time Lord, I now see why Mystics get a bad rep in this game. They are an odd build of a race. Like he has pretty great stats due to the monsters I've absorbed but his skills don't pack as much of a punch as his human compatriots. He only has four skill slots for magic and I'm mostly using it for Time Magic which is more support than anything. Mystic magic is also not quite as impressive as I had hoped. I may need to consult a guide to see if I can step up his game. The biggest issue I'm having so far is that he is incredibly slow to gain WP/JP so even though his HP is commendable, he has little WP and MP to make use of some of his most broken spells/skills.

    I only have one more Black X leader to take down and then I'll likely head in to face off with the big bad themselves. The mini-guide I'm using mentioned I only have three more places to go so I'm fairly close to ending this story arc. I'm debating about whether I should keep going with SaGa Frontier 1 and choose another character since the game is relatively short or if I should move on and start SaGa Scarlet Graces? If I do a second run, I'm thinking either Blue or Asellus as my next choice since one will give me the full magic experience and I like the idea of playing as a villain protagonist while Asellus has the most interesting story and it will give me a chance to really delve into the Mystics as a race. On the other hand, Scarlet Graces is shiny and new, and unlike the rest of the franchise, it doesn't have as much as a following so this will be more of a true blind playthrough for me.

  2. #257
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Minor update!

    I've mostly been trying to build my monsters up and ended up seriously leveling everybody up. Used a guide to get Time Lord some choice skills and I now have him just trying to build up his low WP/JP stats. Sadly, I finished the Rune quest before recruiting him, so he never received the gift and I can't do the broken Overdrive/Stasis combo that makes him top tier material. In truth if I had done more research, I would have made different choices for my magic.

    Cotton is still fine as a Dullahan. I did drop Scissors for an Ice spell and I do have a certain tech I would love to give him, but skill farming for monsters is a pain when said skill is rare and the monster that possesses it is also rare. I'm pretty happy with him as is.

    I managed to turn Slime into a Kraken and managed to give the little critter a pretty good skill list by accident. Fun how the ''no plan'' monster turned out so well.

    Thunder finally became a Black Dragon, one of the top tier monsters in the game. The only issue I have is that I did not teach him enough skills so his HP is the lowest of my three monsters despite having the best stats. His skill set is also not quite where I want it to be but it's hardly bad. He just has few boss options and most of his skill set is for ending trash mobs.

    Guns have grown on me. Red is trying to spark the Gifted versions of the magics I taught him, and I somehow missed Mind magic and went to Kyo to obtain it's gift. Annie refuses to spark mid-tier skills, but to give me a middle finger, she has managed to spark a good chunk of the final sword skills. Fei-On finally earned the last skill needed for DSC and most of my party now have HP in the 700s.

    I'm currently exploring the ruins of Shingrow looking for the last member of Black X I encountered in the earlier chapters.

  3. #258
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Small update. Still stuck in Shengrow. The first ruins I went to turned out to be optional, though I did find and beat up the optional boss from there. The rest of the scenario is kind of pulling a Wagnas on me where you explore a long ass dungeon to face off with the big bad, only for them to run away and then you have to explore another long ass dungeon and fight them again. I've been a bit too tired lately to play much sadly.

    With that said, I'm really debating on whether I'm going to start Scarlet Graces next or doing a new game of SaGa Frontier 2. I've been thinking about that game lately and of the ones I really loved, it's the only entry I haven't done a second playthrough of. I also still might want to tackle Blue or Asellus' story in SF1.

  4. #259
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Red Chapter complete!

    Finally finished Red's chapter after I discovered I was going the wrong way in Shengrow. The Black Ray dungeon was tricky but memorable and the Black X bases was fairly straightforward. Happy to have Alkaiser for the last dungeon and I even managed to spark his ultimate move in the Metal Black fight.

    Wasn't expecting the boss rush but seriously whooped all their asses with my overpowered party. Like seriously, the final boss was probably the easiest in the series with the possible exception of SaGa 3's final boss. While I still have a lot of chapters to go through. I can now safely say I've beaten every SaGa game up until the most recent entry.

    Favorite party members: Red, Gen, Time Lord, Cotton, Fuse, Riza, and Rouge
    Favorite Race: Monsters
    Favorite Techs: DSC, Life Sprinkler, Kasumi, Deflect, Bound Shot and Nova Rising
    Favorite Magic: Light, Arcane, and Time
    Hardest Boss: Duel with Shuzer
    Favorite World: Shrike, Time Lord's World, Devin, and Koorong
    Least favorite party members: Annie and Fei-On
    Least Favorite race: Probably mystics
    Favorite side mission: The Rune and Arcane quests, Sei's Tomb
    Best member of Black X: Shuzer and Metal Black.
    Best Battle Theme: Battle Theme #5
    Wish I could have recruited: Silence, Asellus, and Blue

    Overall, this was a funky game. I loved the fact it played heavy lip service to the style and setting of the Game Boy entries with the variety of races with different leveling mechanics and the schizo tech setting. I was a bit sad that weapon variety is very limited compared to the previous entries but the techs were flashy and the combo mechanic gave a lot of life to several techs you might have passed over for something stronger. I also didn't mind how magic was done in this entry and the Gift concept was interesting even if some of the advanced magic wasn't always terribly useful without the right magic/tech combo. The other issue I can say about the mechanics is the fact the game takes a little too much from the GB entries and has some balancing issues. Humans are definitely the best race to have a party of, and hand to hand is easily the best weapon option in the game. The other races are fun to tinker around with, but I can see how a munchkin/speed runner player would just go full human and stick to abusing DSC to wipe the floor with everything.

    I really appreciated the ability to recruit three parties of five which you can choose at the start of battle. Gave combat more longevity and it made using recruiting characters more fun. Kind of wish the RS3 remaster had added a feature like that in. I also like the fact the plots are more individual in this one. Unlimited SaGa followed suit as well but I kind of like how SF1 lets every main character shine completely through the plot whereas RS1 and 3 sort of start off the plot about your character before just transforming into you wandering aimlessly doing all the events until you reach the criteria to fight the final boss that all the characters will fight. The personalized touch was nice. I also commend the team for making all of the characters interesting. Unlike the other entries where you choose among a large group of protagonists, I find all of the characters pretty interesting with the possible exception of Lute. The replay value feels pretty strong in this entry for me.

    With that said, the writing is still very stilted in execution. Had I played this back in the day, I would have blamed the so-so localization and the half finished nature of the game; but having played enough of the series by this point, I know that's just how Kawazu and his team write. Music is pretty snazzy with some standout tracks in the battle theme department.

    Overall, a pretty solid entry, and I can see why so many people love this entry. I don't think it edges out SF2 as my favorite of the PlayStation entries but it's a solid second choice. I think once I tackle Scarlet Graces I'll do a ranking. If I was to jump in again and start a new character, I'm thinking Asellus will be my next choice. I want to give the mystics a second chance to impress me.




  5. #260
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update time!

    I did start another go of SF1 with Asellus and I was about to finally leave the Mystic home world nut I managed to break my urge to replay entries I've already done and jumped into SaGa Scarlet Graces.

    It has been a weird experience with a lot of adjustments. The game has retooled a lot of the gameplay and feels a bit like a giant mishmash of concepts from the whole franchise. The interface is most reminiscent of Unlimited SaGa though without the dice mechanics. The game world is point and click and has a clever pop up book aesthetic that is fairly charming. The world map is the only part of the game you can explore. Towns are just as they were in US and simply a menu to choose whether you want to chat with people, check out a smith, or meet a healer. Dungeons don't exist anymore, instead they are a set of encounters that are bookmarked by story scenes.

    The game is a bit more story heavy than other entries but still retains SaGa's whole spiel of ''wander around and do side objectives'' so while Urpina is on a journey to find her father and save her homeland, it hasn't stopped me from investigating a peninsula's 100 rumors, or battling pirates off the coastline.

    Combat has also been majorly retooled. Three of the mainstays are still here such as sparking techs, Roles, and formations; but combat is a very different beast. It now uses something similar to CTB where you can see the turn order of your party and enemies. Using different moves alters said turn order dramatically and there is a heavy emphasis on manipulating said turn order like in Xenosaga. The biggest reason is to activate Unite Attacks. if an enemy smashed between two of your party is killed when the order queue has them sync together,. they will perform a Unite Attack on one of the remaining enemies. The catch is that enemies can do this too, so losing an ally can sometimes cause a chain reaction that causes you to lose the whole battle. Also new is the Interrupt mechanic. All of those worthless counter moves in the series past finally have a use as you can set them up to target specific enemies and they will activate regardless of the enemy targeting the character using the move. Interrupts usually have some special effect to it such as Matador having a delay effect that knocks the enemy to the end of the turn queue, or Seismic Smash hitting all non-aerial enemies with a low chance to paralyze them.

    Despite all of these tools, battles are challenging and I've died quite a few times. Unlike FFX's version of this, enemies are tanky as hell so getting those unite attacks off is more challenging than it seems. Throw in SaGa's tradition of awkward healing abilities and it's easy to get your ass kicked. Battles also have special criteria that lets you earn more rewards in combat.

    It's been an interesting ride so far.

  6. #261
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Been playing a lot of SaGa Scarlet Graces, I'll do a proper write up when I can collect my thoughts. It's a quirky game for sure.

  7. #262
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    Okay, now that I actually got some sleep, let's do this properly.

    Update Time!

    SSG is interesting. It's got a bit more story focus, at least in Urpina's quest, I've heard Leonard's quest just tosses you into the sandbox. It still has it's regional map design, but there is honestly more to do in it. Every region on the map has some little story element going on in it which keeps you busy and adds some character to the game. Of anything, the world design in this game is some of the best in the series. VA work is minimal but serviceable. I think of my current party, only one character has a pretty awful voice and his design is ugly as well. I may strip him of his katana and bench him for the rest of the game.

    So plot wise, there are thirteen gods, the god of fire went rogue and tried to destroy everything, the other twelve gods tasked a human mortal to deal with him instead and said mortal built a mighty empire to smack this fire god down every 150 years that he appears. The seventh time he showed up, the empire managed to actually kill the guy for good. Then the empire has an existential crisis, because what do you do when your entire society is built around god busting and said task is accomplished? Well obviously have a massive power struggle that ends with the emperor and his entire family getting assassinated and then plunge into various civil wars for the next seventy years. It's fairly obvious.

    So for Urpina's quest, she's the daughter of Maximus Julianus (why yes, we're now in SaGa Roman Empire), one of the four Noble Lords whose house served the late emperor. He has a dream of restoring said empire and just needs the other nation state's that splintered away to get back in line. So the tale begins with him leaving to go knock heads together with his main army leaving his two children to safeguard his kingdom while he's away. Antonius stays in the capital to govern but progressively enough let's his sister take on his former duties of wandering around the kingdom to check up on all the local towns and deal with any trouble brewing. You see, despite the fact Urpina looks like a Greco-Roman idea of a nymph, she's actually a badass sword master like the rest of her family. Though she wasn't allowed to go on a dangerous journey to learn the family's secret art of dual-wielding.

    Anyway, he scout duties are going okay until she sees a mysterious robed figure leave the borders through castle Parna, which is ruled by the SaGa equivalent of the Bolton family from GoT. Then the land gets hit with an earthquake and a giant ''Earth Serpent'' rises from the ground and spreads terror. I put that in quotation because it really looks like a giant demonic centipede made from fire and ash. Once Urpina's group quells the best, they discover a mysterious army in black has invaded the kingdom in the confusion and laid siege on the capital. Powerless to help, Urpina and her guardian Mondo opt to sneak out of the occupied lands and try to find her father and his army so they can return together to retake their home.

    I am still in the first chapter of her plot, but it's been going rather well. I found her father, who is in his own trouble that requires some rescuing. Learned the art of dual-wielding, discovered that most of the surrounding countries to her own both despise House Julianus and don't give two smurfs about restoring the empire. Discovered the black army is in league with the Earth Serpent as they tend to show up after it appears. She came home finally to discover the invading army has left, but took Antonius as a hostage. So now we're chasing the army that took him. All of this seems to involve an old artifact called the Emperor's Saw which is associated with House Julianus. The saw is needed to fell the Earth Serpent once and for all, but other forces want it destroyed as well. So yeah, it's been an interesting ride so far.

    Combat, as I mentioned before is like the CTB system but with a heavier emphasis on turn manipulation. The part I didn't mention is the BP counter.all actions in battle require a resource called BP. When battles start, the BP counter begins with four points available of a maximum of ten. Every round that passes adds another point. All skills require a different amount of BP, so weak skills cost like one point, mid-tier can cost four, and high end stuff won't be available until later rounds. In fact you're party can have so many high end skills it's almost impossible to use all of them in a single round. Almost. You see skills level up when you use them and while some get damage increases, some levels also lower the cost of the skill. Course your ability to level a skill is tied back by your proficiency in the weapon or magic class the skill you're trying to use is from. Also, when character do unite attacks by destroying an enemy on the field and closing a gap between characters on the turn board, all participants of the unite attack get a BP reduction cost bonus the following round. So the game is incredibly strategic in execution. Different formations can also affect BP growth as well. Finally, the twelve other gods will sometimes grant a benison to the party that can be anything from raising your whole parties stats, to light healing. It depends on which of the Twelve Celestials feels you're doing them a favor. Usually if you're in the land where one of them has a temple, that's the one who will likely show up the most. Roles give light personal bonuses the character they are equipped to. Weapon mastery will increase how many roles you can equip at a time. Roles are very important since some of them give greater resistance to status effects, while other boost your damage potential.

    The game also has a massive cast with something like 80 playable characters. Granted, half of those characters are palette swaps of each other and you're only allowed to recruit one of the two, but it's been interesting filling out my entourage. Urpina starts with seven characters, but I've recruited about six more since then. I'm likely not going to give a break down of my full team because of that, instead I'll likely focus on the main ones I use. Also, the game has dispatch missions that let you send out reserves for a period of a few battles that helps raise their stats and earn you more items.

    Speaking of, this game doesn't really have shops or money, instead you use the materials and elemental crystals you acquire in missions or battles to use at a smith shop to upgrade your gear. Surprisingly, it's not a linear progression either. You can sometimes upgrade a weapon to two or three different weapons within it's class with various stats and specialties. So like Urpina's starting armor can be upgraded into either a Knight's Armor that offers higher defenses at the cost of speed or I can turn it into Chain Mail that doesn't sacrifice her speed but offers less protection. Boots, Gloves, and Hats are especially difficult to upgrade as they generally give smaller defensive boosts but usually offer some neat stat upgrades instead. Did I mention the team finally gives you a comprehensive equipment breakdown in this game?

    Using the same smith shop also gives you bonuses as they'll give you discounts a lot. You also need to be proactive in upgrading equipment for both the sake of survival but also to raise the blacksmith rank, which is universally shared by all blacksmith shops and needs to be higher rank in order to gain access to better gear.

    Also, as though Glimmer/sparking wasn't complicated enough, weapons now have specialties to them and certain techs can only be sparked by having your character use the correct specialty type of weapon. So for instance, Urpina learned Demilune (a tech from RS3 associated with curved swords) once I gave her a sword with the curved specialty. So you'll need to mix and match weapons and keep a few to go down different specialty paths so you can get all the techs.

    Magic... is potent but also a pain in the ass. It sadly merges the most obnoxious elements from SF1 and US's magic mechanics. First off, magic has casting times so even activating it in the first round means the mage will likely not be able to cast the spell until the following round. I'm hoping that raising a spell's level will eventually lower the casting time. When a battle ends, whatever magical element of the battle field is present will generate magical flux at the end which your mage can absorb into their staffs to power up one of their spells. Being the same element means the flux will give you more XP but you can still charge up different elements at a cost. There is also a possibility the flux will allow your mage to spark a new tech though it's often a very small chance. What spells you learn is based on the staff your mage has equipped, in fact your character has to be equipped with a staff weapon to even use magic and unlike the rest of the series, you're only allowed to have one weapon equipped at a time. Standard staffs will simply spark low end spells and usually just two or three. To get the better stuff, you need to equip your mage with elemental staffs to access the higher spells. To compensate for all of these weaknesses magic is pretty potent and your only means of healing since healing items don't exist in this game. On the brightside, the game finally created a group healing spell. Some magic spells like Call of Thunder can also multi-hit a target, making them incredibly powerful tools to kill enemies quickly and open up potential Unite attacks.

    Overall, the combat is incredibly fun and robust. It still has the SaGa issue of being a bit cumbersome in it's design, but if you work with it, you'll enjoy the experience. So overall, I've been having a blast with the game, and it's pretty addicting. Ironically, I'm not feeling the ''handheld'' port issue I usually feel with these types of ports. Likely because Unlimited SaGa already got me use to this type of interface, and likely because SaGa has always felt like a series that had a meager budget compared to Final fantasy. The music has been good, if a bit unremarkable. I think the battle theme and the opening opera piece are the only themes I can really recall. I blame it on the game trying to do more of a high fantasy vibe to the music and Kenji Ito's music style excels when the music leans on rock and metal genres.

  8. #263
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    Update Time!

    Not a lot happened this evening. I caught up with the cult that kidnapped Urpina's brother and they managed to get him possessed by some demon. I was given the choice to kill him to stop the destruction of the Emperor's Saw (which hilariously looks like an actual chainsaw, perhaps we're making a sly reference to SaGa 1?) and I opted not to do so. Urpina has been a fairly optimistic and determined person so she doesn't strike me as the type who would kill her brother over something like the potential end of the world.

    He got possessed, broke the saw, and then ran away with the cult. Now I'm in the SaGa Byzantine Empire. Like it's literally an Eastern Empire that claims to be the rightful heir of the original broken empire. The Empress of this place, who is a pretty cool old lady, sent us on our way to make a new Emperor's Saw by going to the edge of the world. In the meantime, I stopped a volcano from erupting, saved Nessie, recruited Kahn who is a prominent character in Taria's scenario and a pretty snazzy spear user. I've switched around my team at the moment and actually have my whole team made up of story characters for once.

    Urpina - Is a beast. She just continues to get more stupidly powerful. In addition to her dual-wielding skills she just sparked a skill called Multi0-Strike which is basically this game's version of Omnislash. I've also managed to upgrade both her swords to great levels so she's getting closer to being able to kill an enemy outright in the first round which is a big deal in this game. I think once she learns all the single sword techs, I'm going to look up a guide to find out what skills she needs to learn to get some more beneficial roles. I've decided I have a new type of favorite female archetype. I really enjoy the innocent girl with the bloodlust streak. Her personality is not far from Haru's from Persona 5. She really sweet and innocent, but won't hesitate for a second to resort to violence to get her way. Like she's scaring the pirate and more grizzled members of her entourage with her choices.

    Mondo - He's been an okay support character. I feel Suikoden has spoiled me in terms of expectations of entourages, cause while Mondo is solid, he's not exactly a stand out member. He starts with spears, but I'm switching him over to bows because I've heard he's pretty good with them compared to my starting archer. Not helped that Kahn kind of replaces his usefulness with spears. I feel the bow will work better because while he's manage to earn a bunch of HP, he feels strangely frail compared to Urpina and a few other characters in my team.

    Ogniana - Is my other major damage dealers. Axes rock as usual and the only issue I've been having is accidentally getting her stuck in the Technical Axe hole, and she stopped sparking techs because she learned all the ones available to that class. So now I have her on standard class and she's learning skills again. She is a bit of a glass cannon, but she gains HP fairly well so it balances everything out. Her personality is pretty amusing being fairly worldly compared to Urpina. I wish the two interacted more because it was usually funny when they did.

    Elsyed - Has not disappointed actually. She's Urpina's future sister-in-law who is arranged to marry her brother Antonius and the one person Urpina admires outside of her family. She's got this cool, Bride of Frankenstein aesthetic and is a fairly powerful mage who starts with Call of Thunder of all things as a starting spell. She's mastered quite a few Natura spells, and has a single Terra spell, but I'm currently making her learn fire magic before switching her over to Aers and Terra. I feel like I need to upgrade a staff to the Aqui element as well since I know it has a better healing spell attached to it. She is also surprisingly tanky for a mage helped by the fact this game lets mages use shields.

    Kahn - Is the newest recruit but has not disappointed. He's a little low on techs, but has far better stats than poor Mondo did for frontline fighting. I was even able to upgrade his gear fairly quickly to some good levels that has made him already work well in the team. I really just need him to learn like three techs Mondo has to have my full replacement. His personality is also fun and his intro was pretty funny.

    While this is my main team at the moment, I must say that the devs have down a good job of giving personality quirks to the whole playable cast. While the story characters maintain the series tradition of being oddballs, even the generics are given some amusing quirks like my Temple mage who is always hungry, my armored knights who are a little too excited to help Urpina, my fencer who complains every stats upgrade that her new muscles are ruining her girlish figure, or the weird sword woman I picked up who is obsessed with fairies. Hell my generic archer looks like a blonde Solid Snake minus the eye patch. So mad props to both the developers an the localization team for that.

    I also just discovered that their is a menu option when looking at your character that lets you see if you've learned all the weapons techs off of their current weapon. So kudos for having the most user-friendly interface in the franchise.


  9. #264
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    Update time!

    I finished Urpina's first of three chapters. Not sure if I missed something somewhere in the plot but it turns out the cult who kidnapped her brother Antonius was trying to bring back an Infernal that served the Firebringer and were using their cult magic to summon the Earth Serpent to aid them. Antonius was being used as the Infernals temporary host and managed to smash the Emperor's Saw (which looks like a chainsaw). After getting some direction from SaGa Byzantine Empire, we explored the outer lands and acquired all the materials needed to reforge the weapon, but we needed to reach a specific castle to use the Julanis Ancestral forge to do so. The problem was that it was taken over by a young ruler on his own conquest to conquer all the former imperial territories to make a new empire under his rule. Not helping matters is that his number two is Urpina's aunt who still has a bone to pick with her sister for abandoning their family house to marry Maximus and join house Julanis. Urpina winds up in a bit of a territorial squabble as she tries to stay neutral between the western SaGa Byzantine empire front trying to defend their territory from this ambitious upstart. Thankfully the upstart was fairly understanding and let her use the forge. Course when the two sides clashed, that's when the cultist decided to try and bring back their Infernal master. So Urpina and her crew had to smack around the cultist, her possessed brother, and finally the Infernal itself which may have taken a few too many liberties from SMT's Beelzebub design for comfort. With that all done, we were finally able to recover the injured Antonius. We also managed to stay neutral in the huge war and even got a new party member for our trouble. Urpina then encountered the Earth Serpent again who was still under the thrall of the cults power and we actually saved it from it, which was not exactly how I was thinking this scenario was going to end. Urpina and her vassal Mondo then break the fourth wall to thank us and the Chapter comes to an end.

    With Chapter 2 starting, we're now going off to save Urpina's father Maximus from the stuffy Republic that has him under their care. With the Emperor's Saw repaired, we have a negotiating tool so now we're heading back that way, but the game is finally letting loose the narrative grip and I finally have more freedom to move around. I visited a section of the map I couldn't before that led me to a jungle section where a witch coven is hanging out in a cave and won't give me the time of day. I also have a young guy trying to fly with a makeshift glider. Finally some strange old man at a waterfall who seems to be possessed is asking for legs which is all based around a legend in the area of some Raven monster that devoured one of the Celestial legs when they tried to slay it. I eventually got bored and returned home because I'm trying to do more with the mercantile minigame. Instead I started up another part of a weird side quest from the first chapter involving a doppelganger of Urpina running around but I can't seem to find the next event flag.

    I've managed to recruit a few more characters for my trouble but I'm also finalizing my main team. Most of it has remained unchanged from the last post, but I may drop Mondo for someone else. I'm hoping to find a decent greatsword user soon. My two current options are not the best so I'm hoping I can find someone else eventually. I also discovered the sparking works differently in this game and can honestly say this is likely the most user-friendly entry in the series thus far. Basically sparking is not longer done by chance, or at least not completely. The game tallies how much BP you use in battle and eventually just reaches a tier where the next skill unlocks. What skill you get depends on what weapon you have equipped and what actions you're doing. Though the more skills you spark, the longer it takes to spar another one, so it can be a bit tedious to spark ll techs on a character. On the brightside, this is a boon for defensive/counter/interrupt attacks since they are often the most difficult to spark in other entries. Now you just need to make sure you're equipped with a weapon that teaches the skill and just wait for the opportunity. Eventually you will spark the move. Urpina is currently trying to spark two moves, one is a counter move by one-handed swords while the other is an interrupt with dual wielding.

    I'm likely going to explore a bit now and see if I can recruit some more useful characters. I've gained another story mage, so I may check him out since story characters tend to have better stats. Mages are a pain to raise though...

  10. #265
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I don't know if I'll ever have time to play some of these games, but it is nice to live through them with your posts.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if I'll ever do a 100% completion for some of these entries myself. Like SSGA only has four protagonists, but I can tell it already has more content than say SF1 or RS3 so that's a time sink. You should at least check out the GB entries and relive your childhood.

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    I would love to play the remakes of the GB games if they ever come out in English. I will probably get into the SF1 remake at some point. It sounds like that one has some good throwbacks to the GB games.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

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    It does have some great throwbacks to it. Not that SaGa Scarlet Grace doesn't also have a few shout outs to the franchise. It was made for the series 25th anniversary so it has some subtle callbacks to the series proper.

    As for the DS remakes getting brought over here. I don't think it's going to happen. Maybe if the GB collection does well but I'm not holding my breath, Thankfully the fan community has translated it. I actually picked up a DS emulator to play SaGa 2 so that might be my next ''new'' SaGa game I'll do for this thread.

  14. #269
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time!

    Instead of going to find Maximus, I instead ran into Sigfrei, a character from Bailmont's story who is wandering about and causing mischief. I stopped him from trying to summon a primordial spirit in the region Urpina's future sister-in-law is from and even managed to find the guys homeland which involved a wild questline involving a wishing tree that arrows with notes keep getting shot into sending Urpina on a wild fetch quest. This questline had a pretty cool ending to it so I won't spoil it. Another questline I was doing involved a doppelganger of Urpina that kept causing trouble in her home region, but actually... was really helping out. This quest didn't have quite the satisfying ending I wanted, but it was still fun, especially when the doppelganger got Urpina secretly engaged to a local girl named Lady, who eventually joined my entourage.

    Currently, I'm back in the region where I fought the Sarvok cultist and it looks like Sigfrei's own cultist are trying to summon another primal spiritual. We'll see how this goes.

    I do love the game's world building. There is a minstrel figure you can occasionally run into who sings tales about the region or the Celestials. There is a also an acing troupe that perform plays about the Firebringer and his past. There is some good mythology going on here with the Firebringer getting some interesting characterization. He's portrayed as a Loki style figure being a trickster god who spent half his time screwing over the Spirituals and infernals for the Celestials sake, and the other half of the time being a pain in the ass to the Celestials themselves. Besides that and giving mankind the gift of fire though, the game still hasn't really explained why he was exiled from the pantheon. I mean yes, he's a nuisance to the Celestials as well. but no word on what he specifically did to get exiled yet. Interestingly enough, the Loki parallel is pretty strong here as well because one of the plays implies that the Firebringer may not be the same race as the Celestials.

  15. #270
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    Been awhile, but I have come back to play a few entries while I recoup from Elden Ring.

    Romancing SaGa 3 - Trying to finish up Katarina's game. Was playing in the optional dungeon, which is neat because it's exploring more of the casts backstories. The first was Khalid, but the second was Tatyana, whom was infamously unfinished in the original. I really appreciate the fact Kawazu has been using these remasters to clean up and finish his ideas. Makes me excited for SaGa Frontier 2. Anyway, the dungeon length is based on how many of the Sinistrals you've killed. I'm only two down, so I had to leave and go fight Alloces the Earth Sinistral. He's in my favorite dungeon in the game, it's the ruins of the Archfiend's palace so it has this serious big endgame dungeon vibe. I still need to take down the fire Sinistral but I'm hoping to level my team more since killing the last Sinistral starts up the endgame nonsense and I'm going to be stuck with an unwanted guest...

    SaGa Scarlet Graces - I honestly, don't remember what I'm suppose to be doing. I think I need to head back to the old capital to rescue Urpina's father, but I remember getting stuck at a rather challenging battle with two of my best party members mending their LP in my reserves. So I believe I left to go level up my new recruits until the all-star team is back to full health for this fight. I may play around with the trade mini-game to see what that entails. I should also expand some of my all-stars weapon proficiency so I can start unlocking better Roles for them. I may need to find a guide for that. This game still has some awesome world building with one farming town I've been developing trade goods at telling Urpina about their special festival for the Goddess of Agriculture that sounds a lot like the Wicker Man pagan rituals.

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