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Thread: SaGa Franchise

  1. #136
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update on the status of Romancing SaGa 3, and it's been delayed. It was suppose to be out around now, but Kawazu mentioned recently that the game was delayed until an unspecified time later this year.

  2. #137
    Total Sweetheart
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    Late to this thread but I love the first SaGa Frontier.

    Asellus is the peak choice for starter character.

  3. #138


    Asellus is pretty great; it's a shame some of her story points were cut from the game. D: I'm rather partial to T260 and Emelia myself, though I honestly enjoy every chapter that isn't Lute's.

  4. #139


    Alrighty, finally following in the footsteps of another here and picked up RS2 on le Switch and started playing. I've only played up to the first boss on both the SNES and Steam versions of the game previously, so this is largely blind, and I have to say the interface here feels odd coming off of RS3 -- I certainly hope they opt for a more traditional look for the menus in the RS3 port.

    I picked my starting Empress, who I won't be seeing for a while, and immediately ignored the King and left the cave without fighting anything just to see if I could -- turns out it is not only possible, but progresses the story as well. Progression was pretty standard from here until the first boss fight, minus my death at the hands of a mimic box, where I learned my Soul Steal evade, and following that I took the advice I was given went to the dungeon that popped up before heading back to the boss. My RS1 instincts are still in full gear, so I've been avoiding all the fights I can, and have happily found that rushing area bosses removes most enemies from dungeon, so I can backtrack and loot to my heart's content, which is what I did here and picked up an . . . Elder bow, I believe, which I gave to my blonde archer, and a box filled with gold. Like, a hilarious amount of it. Too bad I didn't lose it all because I didn't make gems before opening it.

    Following the cave I went back to the first boss' house and killed a few mimics, picking up some more money and a helmet along the way, then attempted to kill the boss himself, which actually proved pretty problematic with with his random AoE attacks, especially Ill Storm (fun story -- you can learn this attack in SaGa Frontier! ) due to its combination of poison and damage, and I had to leave to pick up healing balms from my treasury to deal with the that. I also seemed to remember LP healing items in there in the SNES version, but they were either removed for this version or I'm just wrong -- either way, I trekked back and beat the boss this time, kicking off the farthest I've been in the title so far.

    Decked out in my sweet new armor, I sat on my throne and commissioned a magic research facility, so I'll be able to learn magic once that finishes. As this game uses a max WP/JP system like RS1, where effective MP is based on weapon/spell ranks, I want to get to leveling those as soon as possible. I also recall this game unlocking new spells based on how many levels in a school your party has, so that's another big reason to invest early. I also was offered to build an orchard or something, but I lack the funds, soo . . . bleh. Being finished with that, the game has informed me I need to visit a canal fortress, but I instead decided to visit a village near it and look for new information.

    From what I gathered there, the town is normally protected by some nearby mountain monks and everyone seems to love them, but after hitting up the bar I overheard some patrons talking about them not clearing out some nearby monsters, so I went over and they asked me to clear out the cave instead, which I decided to do. After visiting the monks, of course, since their place was also added to my map. Talking to their leader, it turns out someone left a physical attack resistant gooball on the second level of the cave which they can't deal with, as they are all godawful with magic, but since I am specializing in Fire magic I told them I'd take care of it, much to their leader's joy. He then warned me about using 'tight' formations in the fight due to the boss' electrical attacks, after which I proceeded to dodge my way through the cave and run face first into the encounter in the Imperial Cross formation and wiped almost immediately. Fun story, this slime here pops up in RS3, complete with its row attacking electricity . Following that defeat I swapped over to the Free Fight formation and stomped the encounter, and after exploring a bit more told the monks I cleaned the place out, which made them about 30 kinds of happy and they went in to clear out the remaining monsters. The final area after the boss had mobs after I killed it, so I decided to follow them back in to see if they actually did anything and, lo and behold, they not only did, but you can find them at the back killing off the last of the mobs and one of the guys is super happy about it. Warm feelings of success. The patrons at the bar are also talking about joining my town now too, though I doubt that is of any real consequence -- the other people in the bar telling me about another town and gem mine was however, and so was my next destination.

    Stopping into that town, people told me monsters took over the gem mines and one old lady said her son had moved away due to the mines closing and that she missed him, so of course I had to help. After talking to a few more people for any extra info all I learned was that the crystals in the mine were trapped, so I took that into account and headed in. The area was super short and had some doors that led to crystals, but after that mimic crap earlier I avoided picking them up, and again rushed the boss on the second floor: three Frog Princes. It was around this time I realized I was underleveled as all hell, because these things literally one shotted my characters, but I lucked out and Sidewinder can OHKO frog type monsters like in RS3, so my thus far fairly unimpressive epee user actually carried my through the fight. There was a room visible behind the boss I was planning to check out before I backtracked to those trapped crystals, but the game autoejected me from the dungeon upon killing the boss and it appears this chunk of the map was added to my empire, as it lit up on the map.

    Heading back into the mines I found a bunch of villagers are there now, merrily mining away, and they already dug up the crystals on the first floor and taunted me about the phat loots they got from them. ; -; One of the miners also mentioned that they get headaches from the second floor and haven't been mining down there, which sounded like trouble to me, so I saved and went down to check things out in that back room -- which had no monsters at all and three crystals for me to loot! Yippie! I also went and talked to the old lady again, and her son did indeed come back and his kids are running around in her house, one of them holding a literal piece of poo and chasing the other around with it. She also told me about this beautiful lake nearby, and since it opened a new location on the map, I decided that'd be my next destination, after . . .

    Heading back to Avalon to check up on things and totally not because my blonde haired archer gave her last in our grueling deathmatch with killer frogs. Farewell, oh archer, your highly inaccurate AoE attacks shall be sorely missed and never forgotten. Seeking a replacement, I decided to take a mage with me this time and picked up a wind/water mage, which is an interesting combination coming from RS3 where you can't mix earthly elements on a single character, though I don't recall that being a limitation in RS1, instead using opposite schools in that game, so I'll have to do more testing later to see what I can and cannot combine here. Our chancellor also informed me that our magic academy was completed so I decided to pop into there and learn some new magics for everyone, combining sun/fire on my epee user, water/wind on my tank, and mono earth on my swordsman. I don't know if I have the patience to keep all these leveled, but I'll give it a shot -- if nothing else, four party members having access to non-item healing now will be useful-ish. I also found stairs into the sewers in the back and found an empty bar down there with a door my character freaks out about when I try to open, not to mention a backdoor into my own prison, soooooo . . . that's secure. Heading out of the town people are talking about thieves and someone has been robbed too, and a kid told me about rooftop pathways, but I don't seem to be able to do anything with this information yet. There's also a big hole in the cemetery I can't interact with and people talking about moonwatching in the town, but sleeping in the moonlight or whatever it is called Inn doesn't seem to do anything so . . . back to exploring with me!
    ^ _^ /

    Oh, I also stopped by the town with the first boss in it, and the people are back and one is talking about pirates or something, but, again, nothing opened up by talking to people, so I'm just assuming this does stuff later.

    Heading to that lake the woman mentioned I entered a plateau crawling with monsters and wandered around until I found it on the western side, but nothing seems to be happening there yet. Bossman says it is pretty, though. A bit more exploring and I end up in a new village to the south of the plains where things are, unsurprisingly, going terrible and people are starving, a thing the kids are quite intent on informing me. Speaking with the people there I learned about a tribe to they trade with, but no now towns are added to my map; a new dungeon, however, is, so of course I head there.

    Much like the other dungeons so far, this one is super short and I rushed to the boss on the second floor after maybe . . . 4 encounters? Big problems here, though -- four snakes, I am ungodly underleveled, they don't insta die to Sidewinder, they are immune to my stun spell, and they murder me with AoE poison attacks and hypnosis. I attempted air barrier in the hopes it worked like Dancing Leaves in RS3 and I could gamble on it, but this is sadly not the case, and after numerous attempts and strategy tweaking I discovered one of junky epee techs I had could actually paralyze them, so it again became a game of "dear God, keep the fast lady with the pokey stick alive!". Fortunately I had been using an accessory on Gerard to prevent sleep, and after moving that onto her it only took two or three attempts to clear the fight. I . . . seriously might need to invest in some new equipment and leveling soon, though.

    Returning to the village, people are magically not starving anymore and told me about this town to the south with awesome bisons, so I went there and, of course, they are having problems of their own that it is up to me to solve. It seems there are monsters preventing their herd from migrating, and the lake will be thawing soon, so unless I help them kill a dragon they will be trapped. Little else of note is being said in the town, so I've agreed to help them, and that is where I am currently. Wish me luck, I'm sure I'll have no problems at all with this next area.

    Edit: Turns out, 'Dragon' means four lizards that are vulnerable to blind, stun, and paralyze. Might've just stomped that fight and picked up a 'Spasher' sword that over doubled my single handed sword user's attack. Seems I am now friends with the people of this area as well, and they have joined my empire! Unfortunately, it also appears this was the last great act of king Gerard, and a full century has passed since his death -- but that means we get a new character, and I am going with . . . the pink haired Shirley, new queen of Avalon!
    Last edited by Rez09; 04-21-2019 at 03:48 PM.

  5. #140
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I'm glad to hear you're playing this gem of a title. Here's some tips:

    1. Don't worry about grinding, in fact you really should be fighting as much as you can because the only two things it affects are Global Levels and how many years pass between successors. Global Levels affect the stats of your next generation characters, so trying to avoid leveling will just make them start out weaker. The only real way to lose out on events is to start the quest and then do something silly like let a generation pass. So level early and often, especially magic. Random encounters scale with your party and their global level, but bosses usually don't and the Seven Heroes have secondary forms that they attain based on the order you face them or doing certain events, so yeah, forget RS1 rules.

    2. Speaking of magic, it works a bit like RS1, where you can equip up to three elements as long as they don't oppose each other so: Light/Dark, Fire/Water, and Air/Earth. All magic is pretty awesome so you should definitely try to level them up as much as you can. Also, once magic reaches a global level of 15 and 25-30ish, you can unlock Fusion Spells like Ill Storm. There are actually very few abilities in this game you can't teach your party, even most of the signature moves of the Seven Heroes can be learned through special means.

    3. Some weapons have weapon skills/magic abilities attached to them. They still have to be sparked, but once learned the weapon will always carry the skill, so don't judge a weapon by it's stats.

    4. The Orchard is new to the remake, and it basically nets you an extra bit of income for every certain amount of battles you achieve.

    5. Unlocking new additions to Avalon requires reaching certain milestones. The Magic Research facility is based on your current Emperor's magic level. Try other things to find the others.

  6. #141

    Default The reign of Empress Shirley the First of Avalon

    Ooooooh, tips, much appreciated; the game's been pretty fun so far, and is a completely different feeling beast from both RS1 and 3, so the new information is quite welcome. The encounter part in particular is quite interesting, as I avoid encounters in RS1, 3, and Frontier for most of the entire game, making this the first in quite some time for me where they are actively beneficial.

    On that front, Empress Shirley's reign has also proven beneficial for all, as I commissioned the planting of an orchard and diverted some monies over to the blacksmiths for the development of super sweet helmets. Following that I checked to see if any new formations were available, but none were, and went about assembling my new team: 1 heavy infantry on point, 1 air mage in the back, and 1 monk and light infantry on either side. I don't know damage formulas for this game, particularly regarding fist damage, so I assumed RS3 rules weren't in play and loaded everyone down in heavy armor except for my mage, who I gave double necklaces. Following that I took everyone to the magic research center and, after seeing I unlocked no new spells last generation, decided to focus everyone down on two schools this time instead of spreading, giving everyone fire and light magic. I also passed the Elder bow I picked up to my mage and the Splash sword to my light infantryman, and with general preparations complete my team traveled south to where we helped the bison herders earlier.

    Unfortunately, they were all gone when we arrived, but I did remember the leader mentioning their seasonal migration and noticed another path to the south on the map, which I took in the hopes of getting more quests from them. This path is another one like the plateau before where you have to actually cross it to change map areas, so I found myself skating along a frozen lake in a very simple puzzle before reaching the tribe again in their second settlement. Sadly, talking to people here didn't reveal any new quests, per se, but the leader did mention a nearby location the tribe didn't screw around with, so of course that was to be my next destination.

    Returning to the map, I found the area marked with a red X, which was a first and I assume meant I wasn't supposed to go there, not that that stopped me. Have to say though, how much this place looked like the Ice Palace from RS1 almost did, because that dungeon is absolutely obnoxious and I had no intention of putting myself through a place like that this early in the game. Fortunately, I quickly discovered this was the shortest dungeon yet, being 1 main screen and five sub screens with chests in them. Two of the chests were traps that got me mugged by skelebros, but the other two contained phat lootz, and the last room contained a simple switch puzzle, two more chests, and one unmistakable staple of the series strutting in the back. I picked up the Grim Reaper bow from the first chest and gave it to my mage, then saved and rammed my face into the Giant in the offhand chance it wouldn't be as powerful in this game as it is in the rest of the series.

    Spoiler: it is.

    With my characters hovering around 200 hp the giant was a guaranteed OHKO on anyone in my party it decided to hit, it attacked twice per turn, and it was impervious to my instagib attacks and paralysis. I clearly was not winning this fight. However, I did notice this enemy had an incredibly high spark value, so I decided to grind-and-run against it for a bit and walked away with the Reaper bow's AoE death attack, Marionette for Shirley, an AoE slash for my heavy infantry, corkscrew for my monk, and fillet for my light infantry, acquisitions I considered generally worth the lp price I paid. I also discovered that the giant was NOT immune to the stun status from my epee, so I formulated a plan to remove everyone's armor and give them epees with feint to see if that would work. Of course, to do this I would have to leave and travel back to Avalon, which I decided to do since it would be a good time to check up on things there.

    Returning home I immediately checked to see if I had unlocked any new spells, which I had not, nor did I receive a status update on the orchard when I sat on the throne -- seems planting was going to take longer than I expected. Helmet was done though, so I got that at least. It was promptly deposited into my armory while collecting the epees. After loading everyone up with feint and more balms, I decided to hit the royal bedroom for some much needed WP/JP restoration before heading out.

    And failed to fall asleep. :0

    It turns out, sleeping in my bed allowed me to walk around and after exploring the town for a bit I met up with one of the thieves people were talking about, who had a secret room in my own castle! After helping her out I got a quest from the guild proper, which led to the brutal murder of a poor squidman, and now I have the help Wolf mentioned for the canal quest once I decide to finally do it, which would be right about . . .

    not now. Instead I returned to the ice dungeon to attempt to clear out the giant there, which, after a few attempts and removing everyone's armor, actually did work! Turns out all I needed to do was run at him naked with my weapons flailing. My reward for this arguably unfair win was a pretty sweet axe, though without a dedicated axe user it doesn't have much of a home in my party at the moment -- it'll find a home for sure later.

    Wrapping up that dungeon I returned to the village to tell the elder, but it would seem they have migrated again, so I went back to their first location and met them there, only to learn that one of their kids and baby yak wandered off. Interestingly, they didn't ask me for help this time, but I think they know by now that Empress Shirley is on the job, so things are covered.

    The new location on the map was actually stupid annoying, with a lot of false routes, and I had to follow the kid's voice to find where he was, one time even wandering around lost until I found a false wall I had to walk through. It wasn't Crowley bad, but even still, y u do this, Japan? The worst was yet to come though, because once I found him he somehow managed to be behind one of the game's main bosses, and I wasn't interested in picking that fight just yet, so I reloaded my save to exit the cave -- I'll be back for him later when I am ready to progress to the next generation.

    Without any other clear destinations besides the canal I set to talking to people again and someone in the starving village opened a new location for me to explore, so I went there next. The town was nice enough and seemed problem free, so I suspect a volcano is going to erupt on them later, but until that point all I really learned from the town was about another town that used to have mermaids, so off I sailed to there.

    Much like the previous town, this location was relatively uneventful, but I did find a dancer in the bar at night who won't talk to me and I can't follow, because I appear to open doors so hard it wakes up the sun. Again, I think I'll come back here after I finish exploring. Speaking with more of the town's folk revealed the location of a nearby witch who sells love potions, and since poor Shirley seems lacking in her love life I decided to adventure that direction, finding yet another short dungeon and meeting said witch, who took all my monies in exchange for THE most garbage LP potion. She made up for it by telling my about the desert though, so that was fine, and off I went to the land of sun in my metal suits.

    Fortunately, this desert is far, FAR less annoying than RS1's, because while the sandstream gimmick is the same you can at least see them here, so you aren't being wildly tossed around out of nowhere while you are trying to navigate the place. I didn't spend much time here, as I generally dislike deserts in this series, but knowing RPGs in general something cool is hidden here, and though I immediately left to explore the town I found on its south-eastern end, I'm sure I'll be back here at some point.

    Said town is at the base of some monster filled towers which I was going to explore, but some of the town's folk told me one of the Heroes is doing something in there, so much like the guy with the kid I'll worry about this more after I'm done exploring. Other people I talked to told me about mirages in the desert and an oasis out there the men in the village had gone to find because it would, in some unclear way, help them with the boss in the tower, so the call to the desert was much closer than I expected and the game clearly wants me to head that way. Shirley bravely took a boat to Japan instead.

    Turns out Japan was much less interesting than I expected and most of the houses were empty, but I did manage to find two men talking about the strangest locations they had seen, one telling me about the desert I had just come from and the other mentioning a jungle to the north, which became my next destination.

    The jungle here is, fortunately, NOTHING like the one in RS3 and can be navigated normally, and through my exploration I stumbled upon . . . another monster filled tower with a town at the base, just like in the desert. More of the Heroes' handiwork, I assume. Talking to the people revealed that something was definitely up with the town, because they were all talking about their queen and how all the women in the town left due to jealousy. They also mentioned something about a guardian and that their queen had entered the tower, so I went in after her, bopping mobs up and down the tower along the way and actually winning an upgraded epee for the Empress. Unfortunately, while I did find the Queen at the bottom of the tower, she was being guarded by a large plant boss, which, after saving-and-fishing with a bit I learned the following about: it is of poor temperment, kills me dead, has more than 1500 health, and is immune/highly resistant to stun, paralysis, instant death, and/or general shenanigans. As a general rule in the series axes take care of plants like this quite well, but as I didn't train up anyone to use that axe I found earlier I sadly had to leave her in its thorny plant clutches for now -- hopefully she and it won't be magically petrified by the time I come back. On the plus side, someone knocked a hole in the wall nearby, so I was able to walk out of the dungeon without backtracking, which was pleasing, and it brought me to the street outside.

    Without much else to do in that town, I went back to explore the jungle some more and found a path to the east that led me to a woman being attacked by some wild dogs, who, of course, I saved. She then thanked me and led me to her village, which was filled with Amazons! And not only that, but the women from that town with the tower too! :0 Talking to people it turns out the queen is, in fact, one of the Heroes, and a master of charms to boot, so it is probably good that I didn't succeed in freeing her with my mostly male party. I also, from speaking with the town leader, appear to have unlocked the Amazon as a recruitable class now, which is awesome since she says they are good with bows and bows are a pretty top tier weapon class in RS3. I also told her I'd help get rid of the lady in the tower, cause Empress Shirley is awesome that way. :3

    Annnnnd that . . . is where I am at currently.
    Last edited by Rez09; 04-22-2019 at 05:44 AM.

  7. #142

    Default The reign of Empress Shirley the Pioneer

    Turns out, Empress Shirley did a whole lot of walking on this day. X_X

    After leaving the Amazon village I decided to check out the jungle more and exited from the northeastern path, finding another small village. Talking to the people here revealed no new quests, but I did learn a few interesting things, notably that the people in the town with that tower are stone masons and that some really slow person had passed through the town, though that information didn't mean much at the time. I also ran into people that offered to heal me, but did silly things instead. Much MP was not regained from this visit. With nothing else of note in this town I continued my exploration to the north via boat.

    And I ended up on a small island with volcano problems. Guess I called it right before, just in the wrong place, though there are a LOT of elements in this game I'm recognizing from RS1, so I was less surprised to find this than I should have been. Speaking to the people in town revealed that a wizard was out to help them, as well as some people living on the other side of the volcano they traded with, so I popped outside and visited those people on the other side of the volcano.

    Or, at least I attempted to. I met a super chill lizardbro at the entrance to their town, but the place was covered in lava and he informed me I'd need a stone boat like the trader in the previous town if I wanted to traverse this place. Hrm. Oh well. I returned to the first town to speak with this trader to see if he had the boat still, but it turns out that someone broke it so he couldn't lend it to me, and that he had found it in the jungle I just came from and had drug it all the way here, which he had no intention of doing again. Amusingly, this also likely made him the slow man the kid in that town had seen.

    Putting the boat mission aside for the moment, I decided to pay that wizard a visit, annnnnd he lives in a skull covered tower, which is super legit and inviting and in no way evil at all. Speaking to him, he told me he had an ice seed to plant in the volcano that would save the town, so I told him I'd deliver it to the peak and went for a short climb, plopping it in the top. When I did it completely stopped the lava flow from the volcano and I immediately came to the realization that I . . . probably totally just boned those poor salamanders. I immediately checked on them after climbing down the mountain and, sure enough, their entire lava lake was gone, though now I could explore the village. To my surprise, none of them, not even the elder, seemed angry about the situation, or even noticed it, which was a bit odd, and there were no quests being offered. I did, however, stumble upon their library, where I found out that wizard had been studying their stuff and apparently stole some of their slabs, which is pretty lame. I also pieced together that the volcano had formed a new nearby island in the recent past and that I probably shouldn't have stopped it up, something everyone here telling me the wizard was untrustworthy in no way reinforced.

    Done with that area I returned to the first town and spoke with the mayor, who had the wizard oddly close to his side. Nothing negative really happened from the exchange and the mage left without any indication that he was evil, not to mention the town joined my empire, but I was pretty unsatisfied with this outcome and attempted to pay said wizard a second visit only to find he is nowhere in his tower now and I can't climb to the top due to magic. I was also taunted by unobtainable chests and decided to reload from before I took the ice seed quest in an attempt to reach the 'manders before meeting him.

    Unfortunately, this did require that stone boat, so I went back to the jungle and couldn't find anyone in either the tower town or the amazon village that offered any information about it. I did discover that guardian people mentioned the queen having problems with earlier though, and picking a fight with it I saw it was a reskinned Giant from that ice dungeon earlier. It also did a lot more damage, but also only attacked once per turn, so I figured I'd play around a bit and see if I could cheese it with ye olde feint spam.

    Turns out, uh . . . yes. Yes you can.

    Also turns out the devs may have been aware of this exploity behavior and decided to include a bonus middle finger to anyone attempting this method as well, because the guardian randomly decides it has priority, even when you have been going first for the past 10+ turns, and chucks out a poison attack that does over 300 hp of damage to everyone and insta-wipes my party. I do not know for certain that this a hard programmed thing, and it certainly could just be terrible luck on my end, but at over 20 attempts and a 100% rate of occurrence, it certainly felt intentional enough for me to give up. Upon deciding I was unable to kill this boss I decided to further explore the jungle in case there was another town of stone masons I could snag a boat from, but all that turned up was an empty hidden cave and another path to the northwest that led out onto the savannah, which I decided to explore.

    This area was fairly uninteresting from what little I saw of it, and, after stumbling into the rather unexpected find along the eastern edge of a town completely overridden with insects, I turned along another northwesten path onto the steppes, which, in RS1, was where Aisha and the nomads lived. Let's see if the trend continues and we find them here too!

    Actually, I did not find them, but I did find the absolute hilarity of what appeared to be a ship crashed dead in the middle of the place, which begs the real question of how the hell that happened. Since I couldn't interact with it, I kept wandering around until I found some exits to a great wall in the north, which were quite locked, and another exit to the west to a town.

    The town itself was pretty uneventful, one of the people themselves telling me it was a just a boring town, which likely meant it was not at all and filled with mages in hiding. I didn't pick up any new quests, though I did find out some new information: this is yet another place where people were talking about moongazing, Matild -- er, Cumberland is behind the northern wall, and someone mentioned a lake to the south with a forgotten path to it or something? Hrm. I also found an empty warehouse next to some docks, which immediately made me question if I had stumbled onto the Dophore Firm's "Moving" operation from RS3, but no one in the town was getting mugged, so likely not. Oh, someone also mentioned that nomads USED to live on the steppes, so there's the RS1 reference I was waiting for. With little more to do I spoke to the man at the docks to see where he could take me and two destinations popped up, one I had never seen before and the other being the town next to Avalon. You know, the one I couldn't sail from due to pirate activity. Figured I should see what happened if I tried to take that trip.

    Yeah, nothing actually, I just ended up back near Avalon and when I tried to head back I was told by the dockhand I couldn't sail out due to pirates from the canal fort. Seems legit, seeing how good they got me on the way in. This seemed like a good time to check up on things back in town though, so I used to opportunity to do just that. Sadly no new spells had been unlocked, nor was my orchard completed, so I'm fairly certain now those are going to require some form of time advancement to unlock. I also pulled my axe out of storage, not because I had someone to give it to yet, but because my light infantryman was down to 1 LP and I figured it might be time to purposely kill him off for a replacement -- I also removed all of my monk's gear too for similar reasons, only not because he was at 1 LP, but because his remarkably poor performance had somehow managed to instill some rather murderous designs into my head. And no, after testing, this game does not use RS3's martial arts formula, as naked monk damage is the same as fully-loaded-up-in-metal suit monk. I also hooked Shirley up with the LP potion we had in storage, because she was down to 2 LP at the time and I'm not quite ready to pass on to the next generation yet; there's still so much to see!

    Following our brief return we set back out along the rather long and circuitous route back to the desert, whereupon I quickly learned somethings I did not notice before -- you only have half your HP in this place, and red snakes are bad and randomly barf up earthquakes. Also, lightinfantryman died. Fell down a barfquake hole. Monk, however, was still at full LP despite having no armor and being on point in the formation. . _. Anyway, I popped back into Avalon to pick up a replacement, and seeing no one that said they were good with axes I picked up the burly chick that kind of reminded me of Sif and gave her the amethyst axe. She made good use of it by immediately matching my monk's damage in the desert. Not that we were fighting a lot there, mind you, since the half HP and quakesnakes made it extremely dangerous for our 3 LP Empress, and instead I focused on exploration of the area instead. I did manage to find one of the mirages the people in that town mentioned, then I found the exit to the south that led to an empty map -- clearly I needed someone to mention locations down here before I could do anything with the area.

    Heading back into the desert I found that same mirage again, only this time it was the Wandering Lake and let me in. The people here revealed that this place had a cursed water supply that fully restored your LP, but reduced it to 1 the instant you left, and I seriously -- and I do mean SERIOUSLY -- considered partaking of the curse just to rid myself of that monk who somehow STILL was at full LP despite my best efforts to murder his lazy ass. I was a bit confused about how this place was supposed to help people with that tower in town though, because nothing here would make anyone stronger, so I explored more and found I could swim in the lake and made my way into the building where I learned about some ruins from that southern exit I found earlier. Still no idea how that would help the townsfolk, though. This means there is either another oasis I haven't found or people are looking for something in the revealed ruins, so I decided to head there next.

    This place popped up as another red X, which I'm going to assume just means ruins from here on out, and inside were some monsters and a fairly simply teleporter puzzle, ultimately leading to some money and a . . . phantom sword, I think it was? This thing is on par with my axe damage wise, which is super nice, though unfortunately my inftantryman died, so . . . now I'm in the opposite boat I was in earlier and have a strong sword and no one using swords.

    Back to exploring the desert, my search for another oasis instead led me to another town on the north end where people kindly informed me of the half hp in the desert thing, which kind of makes me think I was supposed to come into the desert through here first? Probably? I dunno, either way there were no new quests to be found here and the right exit just took me back to the savannah from earlier, so I decided to check out the lake above instead. You get a boat to sail around with in here like the dragon lake in RS1, and I found a giant fish underwater I can't interact with and an empty cave along the western shore. werd. Taking the eastern exit from the lake brought me back to the map with that town I was in earlier with the two boat destinations, so I went back there and headed east onto the steppes to continue exploring that area.

    To my surprise, I found a random hut while following the western edge of the map, so I went inside and, lo and behold, the nomads ARE still on the steppes! One of them also mentions horses, just like Aisha had in RS1. Maybe I will get one? Talking to the people I learned that the ship I saw earlier was not somehow crashed but built there instead, and talking to the elder he revealed it was a fort of somekind and people were making drugs there. But even the Holy King banned the sale of narcotics! D:


    He also asked me if I wanted to help them storm the fort, or maybe help come up with a plan, which, I mean, duh. We just stormed it. He yanked me around and we ran straight at the thing which, to my absolute amusement, as in I actually cracked up, popped out of the ground and sailed away, which scared the crap out of the nomad who then in turn ran off. I mean, I was dying at this point, I have no idea how that boat was moving, but I did the most logical thing I could think of when dealing with floating forts and rammed myself into it. A lot. To no effect. Sad to say, since the only method I know of infiltrating floating forts is by visiting a nearby town and getting captured, and since I'm pretty sure that only works on floating tree forts with barrier shifting skeleton men at the helm, I decided to give up on this for the time being and went back to the nomad leader, who had . . . honestly, no advice to give. Eh, them's the breaks, I suppose?

    Since I was already in the steppes I decided to head south again back into the savannah and finish exploring that, which revealed another small town with no quests. Actually, this one was probably the least eventful since Japan, as all I really learned was that two other towns existed on the savannah, both of which I had already seen, and that . . . molemen exist? Ehhhh? Sadly, this wrapped up all of my exploration options on the continent and I was forced to either take on one of the main quests I had seen or to head back to that town and take the boat to where it was heading, so of course I did that. Because, I mean, who even quests?

    Uh, funny thing though, walking back into that town it was overrun with monsters which . . . was a surprise. At first I assumed this was like the monster invasion in RS1 and probably meant that I screwed these people over by bumping that ship, but on inspection the monsters here didn't . . . actually want to fight. They just kinda grunted at me. werd. I talked to the guy up near the warehouse and he offered me a job, which I assumed was of genocidal inclination, so I agreed, and . . . he drugged me. And stole my stuff. And stuffed me into the hold on the ship. Huh. I decided to break free, which actually would have been complete hell as I was totally unarmed, except that in the single most ironic twist of fate ever the naked monk I'd been passively trying to kill for the last hour or so was suddenly the most useful person on my party and his ranged paralyze attack basically carried me through all the fights here. Sadly this isn't one of the cases where you open a box and find all your gear though, and instead I had to scavenge what useful stuff I could find from the boxes on the ship itself, and let me tell you, all of it was traaaaaaash. Except for a super sweet blazing sword, which I gave Not-Sif, since she still knew double strike. This area took quite a while since I had to conserve MP/WP big time, and Shirley having 1 LP was not much help. I finally slugged my way to the boss, though.

    Annnnnnnd, unfortunately, it turned out this boss was one of the Heroes I had been trying to avoid, and there was no realistic way for me to avoid fighting him, so I had my first big boss battle with no gear, four people who were bad at martial arts, 1 LP, and almost no MP. It went about as well as one would have expected. I'm tenacious though, and this boss actually seemed rather weak, especially since his major gimmick is that Marionette tech I got on my epee ages ago (which, I want to share, is some HOT trash when YOU use it), so after some tweaks I came up with a plan: I removed all of the armor from my monk and Not-Sif to maximize their speed and put them on the wings of the Imperial Cross formation as attackers, loaded my other 3 members in full armor, had the pointman spam counter, and left Shirley and my mage focused on defending and healing. It took a few attempts and about 20~ turns due to low damage, but we finally got him! One down! Kind of . . . unintentionally, but still. This added the steppes to our empire and returned us to Avalon without . . . advancing the generation? Whatevs, our orchard is now complete and that is where I have currently ended. Still need to check out that boat and kill my monk, though. :x
    Last edited by Rez09; 04-22-2019 at 09:42 PM.

  8. #143
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Yeah, the Landship guy was my first Hero as well. I took an optional path, you can eventually unlock a University in Avalon that creates the Tactician Class for you, and the first one you meet will come up with a plan to take on the Landship without losing all of your gear. He's also the easiest of the Seven Heroes overall.

    Also, you've unlocked the Herder class by helping them. If you speak to the main guy with an open slot, he'll join you. You'll have to do this with all of the unlockable classes until you build housing district, which is one of the last additions to Avalon.

    As for the Volcano quest, you get something either way whether you use the Wizard or the Salamander People to solve the issue. Which one is a better prize depends on the player. If you want I can tell you.

    A few more tips:

    Formations are gained based on the class of your current Emperor/Empress. Not every class grants a formation though as most of the starting classes and the Remake classes don't offer anything.

    If your Emperor/Empress dies but the party still lives, then their successor will be chosen among the surviving party members and you won't jump a generation. If the whole party gets killed though, then it will jump to a new generation. Also, if you feel the quest you're about to complete will jump you forward a generation, save before you finish it. The Successors you choose are randomized but based on whatever classes you have currently unlocked but sometimes the game sticks you with the same classes, so save scum to get a better selection.

    Generation skips are based on a point system assigned to each quest, so certain quests have a higher likelihood of advancing a generation than others. The Seven Heroes are worth a lot, so you can generally do maybe two quests and take out one hero per generation though there are ways around this, and getting one of the trickiest trophies in the game involves knowing this info. Basically it's possible to beat the game without ever reaching the Final Emperor/Empress generation but it involves doing a few counter-intuitive things.

    Personally, I would keep the Monk around to help spark more Barehanded techs as some of them are super useful, including a healing move that doesn't cost mp. Super useful for mages and Successors.

    Classes are not cut in paste with their skill sets. At least not all of the time. Oddly enough, the proficiency skill of a class comes down to which character you're using in that class. Most classes have about ten people within them, but they cycle through them based on if you jump a generation or if you killed one of them off. Funny enough, it does eventually cycle back to ones you may have used before. I think in my Final Emperor Generation, I had cycled back to the Heavy Infantry member that accompanied Gerad's dad in the opening. Anyone, if you need help, here's a link to a list that tells you what every playable characters Spark type is.

  9. #144


    It is interesting that they linked learning types to individual characters instead of classes -- and thank you much for that list, I'll probably use it in an upcoming generation to spark some high level techs if I can find a good target. The Guardian seems like a good choice, seeing everything the Giant taught me, though I might get lucky and find a better fixed encounter.

    Anywho, following our return to Avalon I was informed the orchard had been planted, which I checked out. It wasn't especially interesting, but I imagine it'll look better later in the game after I've upgraded it a few times, something a person there rather directly implied by telling me to throw more money at the project. Sadly not much else was happening in the town, and I still haven't opened any new spells, though on the plus side I did find my stolen gear safely stashed in my armory, which, though completely illogical, was very appreciated. I also picked up my new . . . gauntlet, I think it was, and commissioned another piece of armor, though I forget which now. With little else to do we then set back out across the sea to that town, which we can fast travel to now , to FINALLY take the second boat to Douglass, wherever that is.

    And it turns out, it goes to Cumberland! I guess walls really don't work. :0 The town itself wasn't too eventful, but I did learn about the king having three children and Thomas being his favorite, and that there is an old dude who is mad about kids trampling his damn lawn, which is always amusing. I then decided to visit the castle above me and, to my surprise, the king knew who I was! He then introduced me to his son, who didn't actually leave any kind of impression and ran off, then he asked if I met his other children, which I had not and honestly told him. He revealed their locations to me and asked that I return to him after talking to him, so I recognized this from Wolf's playthrough as that succession thing. Before leaving I wandered the castle talking to people and learned that Thomas likes to play in a nearby forest or something and isn't too keen on his studies. Seems pretty kidlike to me. With little else to do in town I exited to the map to meet these other two siblings.

    I started with the small town to the right and the people in here seem to really like the princess, who is apparently quite intelligent and seeking to open Cumberland to foreign trade via a new port to get around the wall. Hilariously there is a kid in town that hates her because she is building a school. xD Speaking to her she seems nice enough, though nothing else of note is really happening here, so I head to the southern fort now.

    The guards here don't talk. At first I thought this was like those bugged/unprogrammed NPCs in RS1, but talking to some of the ministers it seems this is supposed to be a sign of their extreme dedication to their duty and unwavering diligence. Don't know how I feel about that level of zeal, though. From what the ministers say the prince is strong and highly dedicated to the defense of his country, so I imagine he and his sister are at political odds. I decided to finally go up and meet him and . . . wow, he was only slightly more talkative than his soldiers, literally just saying who he was and nothing else. Nice fellow.

    With both of them met I returned to the map and saw the Great Wall was now on my map, which is odd since it wasn't before, so I went to check it out in case something was afoot, which . . . might have been? I'm not really sure, honestly, because the doors are open now and no guards are here, but nothing else seemed suspicious, so I just returned to the map to look for that forest Thomas was in. At first I thought it might have been an unmarked location, but after moving around the map for a bit this was not the case, so I went back to the capital to sniff out more information. In doing so I noticed there was a path into the woods near the old man's garden, and since he had been whining about kids trampling the thing I checked it out, and, lo and behold, I found Thomas sitting quietly by the castle. Talking to him he explained he didn't want to be king and that he hated his studies because felt the king was grooming him to be his successor when he himself felt both his siblings could do the job better. I actually felt pretty bad for the kid.

    With all the kids met properly I returned to the king, who pulled me aside to ask who I thought his heir should be, and though I wanted to be a rebel and take a different choice than Wolf here, like . . . who else could I choose? Thomas doesn't want it, other prince is a soulless lump, and the princess is actually going to do and improve things. The king agreed with me and after making the choice complimented Shirley on her empressness and hoped his daughter could be like her, which I found hilarious since her great exploits consist of limping around at 1LP for ages (and I can't even begin to imagine what that looks like), unproductive globe trotting, a near lifelong, and thus fully unsuccessful, plot to murder one of her bodyguards, and being a slave. Lewl.

    Anyway, after that we took a short nap and were awoken to the news of the king's death and Thomas' disappearance, though I figured where he was and met him there. Shortly after a guard ran up and spilled the beans on the minister's plot, so now we know it was an assassination. :0 Thomas and I then ran to his brother where we tried to explain the situation, but someone announced a royal decree calling for the execution of the older brother, which was . . . unfortunate timing. I was expecting a fight, but fortunately the princess ran in and explained everything, and I was then sent to defend the wall from monsters, who I clubbed upside the head for interfering. I've got vengence to reap, yo, I dun need the likes of you here! I also learned my party is quite strong relative to the monsters at the moment, and the boss is one of those damn quake worms from the desert, which is kind of nifty, especially since I wasn't at half hp anymore. I stabbed it.

    After that I met up with the siblings in the capital, which they had retaken, and the elder prince told me where the minister had run off to, so I went to the new location on the map and ran through it, picking up a new suit and rubber shoes (Yas! >: D ) along the way, eventually catching up with him on the docks. After revealing the rest of his plan to offer the kingdom up to the 7, I mugged him and returned to the siblings, who decided that Thomas should indeed inherit the throne, and he then, in turn, handed the kingdom over to . . . me? Huh. The kingdom was offically annexed and added to map and Shirley then sat on their throne in front of them and gave her final immortal word of grace:


    And thus ended the reign of Shirley, her successor a yak herder from the tundra.

  10. #145


    Immediately after gaining control of my new emperor I sat back on the throne to see if I could build anything new and, lo and behold, I could build a university, which I funded, and my minister informed me both that my gem mines had a problem of somekind and that some nearby inventor was looking for me, so two new quests opened there. I then popped over to the formation room to see if I learned anything new and I unlocked something like the Mu Palisade, which became the Tiger's Cave formation in RS3. I was actually pretty excited about that, considering TC is one of the premier defensive formations in 3 and how I beat some of the abyss lords super early in the game, though further testing in this game reveals it to be of mixed value -- it includes a fixed turn order, which is better than RS3, but gear progression is much different between the games and stun attacks are hyper prevalent, so on the whole it is worse. Damn right I used it all the same, though. >: ) Following that I checked on my blacksmiths who . . . asked for money to make something, so either I lost what they were previously working on due to a generation skip or I forgot to commission something the last time I was here. Either way, invested in armor again, then went about building my party.

    I started with the magic research facility to grab up one of those cool looking mage ladies, who ended up inferior to the normal mages I am sad to report, and to check up on my magic progression, where I have finally unlocked two new spells -- a stunning fire attack and single target solar one. I picked up both. I've been looking forward to a strong archer, since I feel that is one of the weapon classes I've been missing out on, and recalling that nomad saying they were good with bows I went and recruited one of them as well, giving him that Grim Reaper bow from waaaay back. I then decided to pop into Cumberland to recruit people there since I remembered Wolf mentioning crusaders or something and decided to check in to see who the new king was and got a chuckle out of it being Thomas still, albeit a descendant of his who looked the exact same. Visiting the other two siblings let me recruit both of them, and it seems they are quite different despite sharing a class, with the princess focused on magic and maces and the prince swords and . . . lances, maybe? Hell if I know, I gave them both swords. I also checked to see if the new dock was done here, and it is, but I need some kind of navigator for it and so can't do anything yet. Boooo.

    My party rounded out I decided to FINALLY clear that canal fortress and popped into the bar to meet with the thief lady, but she . . . was not there. Hrm. I went back to visit her in town and it turns out they all hate me now, so ditching her in that bar two generations back was probably a poor choice. I'll keep that in mind for a later playthrough. I went back to find another way in and hired someone find an alternate route, though he said I only paid half of his fee, which I assumed meant my treasury was empty (turns out I was just out of petty cash), so I wandered off elsewhere to quest.

    Checking other towns I had been to I found a quest in one town to collect a bird's nest monsters were after, some dude talking about making soup from it, but no one seemed to care once I picked it up, sooo . . . I've got a cool nest now, I suppose. Further random hitting up villagers didn't reveal anything new, nor did visiting that dancer in the mermaid town again, so I decided to head back to quests I had learned about but not completed and went to check in on that infested village I found earlier.

    The enemies here seem to be fixed or largely fixed and aren't a threat to me, so I jumped down a hole to search for the source of the problem and molemen, but the area is a dead end -- I even checked the walls and found a place where you can see some out of bounds termites in the distance, but I couldn't do anything more, so I left to visit the other surrounding villages to learn what I could, which ultimately amounted to something about a giant bird on the savanna? I found a bird enemy flying about, but fighting it doesn't seem to do anything, so . . . I pretty much gave up at this point and headed through the south exit into the desert.

    Which wasn't the desert at all.

    Turns out there was a fourth village on the steppes, which was odd because people in that other town said there were only three, and these people actually DO know about the termites and are freaking out, the elder in particular telling me how great a threat they are. Just don't build wooden houses, man. I thought maybe I could do something with the nest now, but no go, so I tried the bird again, no luck, and crashed at the inn, which actually progressed the quest. I went down the new hole and met some molemen who were being accosted by shovel wielding bugs and fought the queen, which ultimately added Molepeople and the tribesmen, not to mention the savannah, to my empire. Wewt.

    The game then returned me to my throne room, where I learned the university was complete, and I paid to expand the orchard again. Excited to get some book learnin' done I visited said university and it . . . was uninteresting except for a test I took, which was pretty easy and they said would boost enrollment. Swoot. Free from anything else going on in the city I went back to the fortress since I had enough money now and snuck in via boat. There were mobs everywhere and lots of FF2 doors, but at least some had loot in them, and I picked up an Exorcist sword, I think it was, which I think became the Yoto katana in 3, so I imagine it has a built in AoE that murders the undead. Remurders the undead. I also found another magic boosting necklace, though I don't know exactly how much this improves damage, and found the boss, who was super easy at this point. Following that this area was added to my empire and ye olde Yak man retired, being followed this time by one of the princes of Cumberland.

    The orchard was upgraded when I started, but no new events came from sitting on the throne after that, so I checked out my new formation, which is one I don't recognize from 3, basically putting three people on point defending two people in the back, which I'm down with and decided to use for the rest of the scenario. Checking out the university it is full now and I found a lazy guy there who I could recruit, though I didn't due to already having my party planned out this time. After that I snagged another mage from the research center, a Moleman to grind out Epee techs (fencing molemen? Eh? PS. Their casting animation is hiiiiiilarious), the elder from that same town, and another princess from Cumberland, cause you can't break up the siblings. I also commissioned ANOTHER piece of armor, and I'm fairly certain at this point I have been missing out on what they are developing by advancing generations.

    Our first order of business was to recover some of that cash I'd been throwing away by retaking our gem mines, so I went back there and discovered some undead wandering around a new bottom floor -- it seems we were too greedy with our mining, and dug too deep. D: Rather unexpectedly I found The Dark Crystal at the back of the mines and decided to shatter it, lest skinny bird people and giant crabs take over my empire while I am away. I now have this shard on my persons, which . . . is probably not a good thing, as my emperor said the crystal was sapping the lifeforce out of the miners around it.

    After that I paid a visit to that inventor, who didn't have a cool robot for me like I read about, but instead a flying machine I crashed into his ceiling then stole, because duh.

    I then ended up back at the mermaid village because I remembered a kid mentioning the dancer being from a different town when I stopped in with Shirley and was wondering if it would open now if I talked to him again, but instead was treated to a different dance than I saw last time, which was weird. I tried following her out the back door again, but, alas, it seems I still open doors hard enough to wake the sun, so that didn't work. The kid didn't say anything new about her town, so I spoke to all the other villagers until it was night again and revisited the bar, this time getting the dance the herder saw, so it seemed to be changing up. Did it a third time and she finally talked to me and ran off, this time my emperor gently opening the back door and not scaring away the night so I could see she was, unsurprisingly, a mermaid. Wewt. She stopped appearing at night then, so following the villagers' advice I visited the witch from earlier and she had a quest for me to make the love potion, needing water from that lake I found during Gerad's reign, an egg from the savannah bird I kept mugging, and that nest I found last generation. 1 out of 3 ain't bad.

    I trekked back to the savannah and talked to the villagers around until someone finally told me that I was attacking the wrong bird, and I found a hydra attacking the proper bird off in a corner of the map I found suspicious my first time through but then totally forgot existed. The fight wasn't too bad, but I did learn some important things from it -- regenerative elemental fields DO exist in this game, they are not visually represented in any way, and you do not appear able to change them once they go off. This is, interestingly, a step down from both RS1 and 3, and one of the few times thus far I've seen this game do anything worse than both other entries. Anywho, I got my eggshell following the fight, and that is where I am now.
    Last edited by Rez09; 04-25-2019 at 07:11 PM.

  11. #146
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I'll just tell you, since you're likely to miss this. You can take the Dark Crystal from the mine to one of the Mole Men in their village who will make an accessory out of it. It gives the equipped character some good stat boost and protection from certain status effects but comes at the cost of making you lose 1LP every time you sleep in a bed that isn't the emperors. I'd still make it because it is a great accessory for the final boss fight and it does protect you from Rocbouquet's Charm attack.

    Mole Men are the best with Epees of all the classes from my experience. I believe I learned the vast majority of them from the one time I had one in my party. Crusaders probably have the largest variety of Spark Types of any class though half of the female ones are pure spellcasters. The male Imperial Guard members are the best for sparking spear skills. The most difficult weapon to spark are the one-handed sword skills because unlike other weapon types, only certain spark types/classes can unlock certain skills. So even if you get a good Type 13 character, they may still not be able to spark every ability.

    Imperial Cross was certainly one of my favorite formations, though I preferred the upgraded Imperial Arrow later on since it gave the point man a huge damage boost and everyone but position gets both a speed bonus and auto-defends after their turn. Phoenix is a pretty good one as well which is learned from having a Tactician as an emperor. The one I've heard is really good is the Rapid Stream formation learned from the Armed Merchant/Pirate class emperor which is great for random encounters because it gives a good power boost to the whole team and allows the whole team to go first though it does screw you over a bit if the enemy survives the first round.

  12. #147
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    Just as an update.

    Romancing SaGa 3 will have more info released at Tokyo Game Show this year. So we may finally get a Japanese release date and hopefully a western one as well.

  13. #148
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Just as stated, we got ourselves a new trailer for Romancing SaGa 3 as well as a release date for Japan on November 11th of this year. No word on an western release but here's crossing fingers...

  14. #149

  15. #150


    Uggghhhh. I hate that the battle animations look so good, but the animation on enemies looks so baaaaaaad. T -T It looks bad in the RS2 port as well -- I guess people like that squish tool look? Again from the trailer it looks like they are expanding on some sections of the game, and I'm excited for that -- this time we saw what LOOKS like a Sphinx, which is one of the more famously removed/incomplete enemies from the original title and the top of the faerie class line, and there are some story segments I saw that weren't familiar, like Julian's portrait while those kids are talking and Harid with Ludwig and Fatima, though . . . maybe that is from his 'good' ending? I don't think it is, I'm pretty sure she just walks up to him while he is moping under a tree, but I dunno, I'm always a greedy bastard and steal the Kamsheen from the King's Capital. Here's hoping we get more Ludwig, though! I kind of hope the Japanese release hits with multi-language support and a physical copy so I can import it -- I'm still rather annoyed my RS2 is digital only. T -T

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