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Thread: "Nostalgia Googles"

  1. #1

    Default "Nostalgia Googles"

    Does anybody just extremely hate this? When somebody says that you only like those old FFs because of nostalgia only? Yes, some FF games have aged a trouton ( FFVII comes to mind), but they are not completely awful or terrible games, that are only liked now because of "nostalgia googles"

    Otherwise, I would have hated the original SNES FF4, and wouldn't of went searching after the PSONE FF4 port and the DS remake a few years later. I wouldn't have had such a blast with FF 5 SNES and GBA. I would have hated FF6.

    FF 7, FF 8, and FF 9 have aged now quite a bit, but I still go back to them now and again, not because of nostalgic reasons, but because of the fact that they are good and decent games and have held up pretty strongly despite being Playstation games, and a lot of PSOne games have not stood the test of time- at all, due to them being early 3D games.

    FFX? Still go back to that game, because it's fun, and yet I have the most happiest and positive nostalgia with this one, and yet, I still feel like it's one of the most weakest FF games.
    I will admit that most of my love towards FFX is towards the battle system, sphere grid, and nostalgia- still the game is one of the most feeblest FF's.

    Do you agree or disagree with this ???

  2. #2
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Nostalgia is a tricky thing, but people have to remember that sometimes our past experiences paint out tastes. Sometimes we appreciate a game because it was a part of our lives and that allows us to overlook glaring faults and problems. I love my FFVI and it's perfect for me, but it doesn't change the fact I know it can stand to have several improvements. The "you only love it because of nostalgia argument is often a weak argument, but there have been times I've met people where it has been a valid point of their reasoning. Course it can be hard for people not to fall into this trap, especially with RPGs because the genre is so varied and has changed so much that value dissonance is quite common.

  3. #3
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    A lot of things that people think of as "improvements" make games less enjoyable for me. A lot of the "upgrades" that have happened in the game industry in the last 20 years aren't upgrades, for me. It's a large-scale example of the fact that even at the time FF7 was much, much worse-looking than FF6 despite being an advancement. I, personally, prefer the look of FF6 even now to much better graphics like FF13; I also love turn-based combat, world maps, and a bunch of other stuff that old games have that new games often don't. There are some things I like more in new games, too; but to call appreciation of old games a viewing through "nostalgia goggles" is really inaccurate.

  4. #4
    rowr Recognized Member Leeza's Avatar
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    I totally agree with Spuuky. Maybe i'm just old, but i like the old school games because of their simplicity, turn based combat, world maps, etc. ..... and less movies. Playing the newer FF's is sometimes like watching a movie and I can do that on Netflix. Although the graphics on FFXV are what convinced me that I need a PS4.
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  5. #5


    I got into the FF series pretty late in the game so I don't have nostalgia for any of them. I've never let nostalgia cloud my judgement of anything, and I've had several of games I loved as a kid but cannot stand to play now. People always throw around meaningles buzzwords like "nostalgia goggles" and "overrated" without a single fact to back them up, and then it turns out they know little to nothing about said games and are just repeating crap they've heard elsewhere. The FF fandom in general is particularly notorious for this.

  6. #6
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Nostalgia affects people differently, in my opinion... or at least it affects me differently. I still know if something had something "bad" about it, at least in my opinion, even if I'm nostalgic about it. I am super-nostalgic for Final Fantasy VII and it is my favorite of the series, but I am still aware that the graphics are not perfect, the battle system pales in comparison to Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy X as far as interactivity goes, and it definitely has its share of flaws. Nostalgia doesn't cloud my judgement anymore - not since The Final Destination, I had a bad case of nostalgia goggles back in 2009 and slightly onwards when I saw that movie, and really convinced myself that that movie was the best thing that Final Destination had done, but I realise that they failed on a lot of things, and it could have been a lot better (it's still my favorite of the series, but I'm aware of how badly it was done, and why it's considered the worst.)

    That's the other thing about nostalgia for me, I tend to get it earlier than most people seem to. So if I was to play a new Final Fantasy game now, and love it, I'd be nostalgic for it. I don't need to wait for several years to pass for nostalgia to kick in, I get nostalgic for things even if they're in the current year, because even a day ago is still the past, so that is nostalgia to me.

    I am definitely nostalgic for the FFs of the past, but even if I had played them now for the first time, I would be.

  7. #7
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    I hate the term nostalgia goggles. Let people enjoy things the things they enjoy. It goes both ways too. If someone likes the new ones, let them be.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Vermachtnis View Post
    I hate the term nostalgia goggles. Let people enjoy things the things they enjoy. It goes both ways too. If someone likes the new ones, let them be.
    It's a justified term that exists. I've seen the comment "Final Fantasy died at IX/X" enough times during my time on the internet. A lot of the older fandom tend to look down on people that prefer the newer games, regardless or not if they have played some of the older titles. I don't know if elitism is the best word to describe it, but it's been a turn off for myself personally hence why I only stick with subreddits that focus on one game title. The older games did some things better than the newer games and vice versa. When a lot of people put on their nostalgia goggles, they think otherwise.


    This link is just one of many examples that talk about the FF fandom.
    Last edited by FinalxxSin; 08-16-2018 at 01:58 AM.
    "I'm seeing it clearer/Hating the picture in the mirror/They claim we inferior/So why the f**k these devils fear ya?/I'm watching my nation die genocide the cause/Expect a blood bath/The aftermath is y'alls/I told ya last album, we need help cause we dying/Give us a chance, help us advance cause we trying/Ignore my whole plea, watching us in disgust/And then they beg when my guns bust/They don't give a f**k about us" 2pac ft. Outlawz- "They Don't Give a F**k About Us"

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