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Thread: FF2 be like:

  1. #1

    Default FF2 be like:

    "Ohhhhh you don't know where to go next, huh?? WELL HERE'S A HORD OF MONSTERS THAT YOU CANNOT DEFEAT YET AND WILL KILL YOU IN A SECOND. smurf YOU !"

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    ff2 still bae tho

    It's def the best out of the three NES games.

  4. #4


    Is this opposite day or something? I'd say FF2 is easily the worst in the whole series. Mostly because of the level up system. But really in the NES days these games didn't have much more going for them than the basic system, and FF2's is not good.

  5. #5
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Well we happen to like it. Some people like XIII unironically so idk why you’re so shocked

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post
    Is this opposite day or something? I'd say FF2 is easily the worst in the whole series. Mostly because of the level up system. But really in the NES days these games didn't have much more going for them than the basic system, and FF2's is not good.
    Opinions. Everybody has them. If you feel like FF2 is the worst in the series, that's your opinion bro.

  7. #7
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Well we happen to like it. Some people like XIII unironically so idk why you’re so shocked
    I assume they like it for the story. Although the story bored me enough that I never finished it. Maybe I'm shocked because this thread started with a pretty sound criticism of FF2 and then veered wildly to praise for no discernible reason. Also, no reason why FF and FF3 are supposedly so bad.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Well we happen to like it. Some people like XIII unironically so idk why you’re so shocked
    Maybe I'm shocked because this thread started with a pretty sound criticism of FF2 and then veered wildly to praise for no discernible reason. Also, no reason why FF and FF3 are supposedly so bad.
    You can like and enjoy something even if it has some flaws. FF2 is not perfect, not even close- though I admire its ambition and how it has a good story and characters for its time. Firion has a cool design, Maria breaks the "Princess who needs to be saved " stereotype, Minwu is fantastic, and the villain is one of the best villains in FF history.

    FFI is okay, but I feel like it gets a bit tiresome and exhausting fast and FF3 has the worst final dungeon in FF history. FF2 has somewhat of a story and a good bad guy to keep you going (IMO)

    I feel like FF15 is the worst FF, but I know that some are going to very disagree with that.
    Last edited by maybee; 09-22-2018 at 05:36 PM.

  10. #10


    That's possible. I never got far enough in the game to find out, because the gameplay turned me away too hard. That's the thing about RPGs. Even if we play them for the stories, ultimately they're still games. If the game part is too onerous, the promise of a story at the end isn't enough to get me through.

    FFXV is kind of boring to me, and I haven't finished it, but I generally regard it as step up from FFXII.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post

    FFXV is kind of boring to me, and I haven't finished it, but I generally regard it as step up from FFXII.
    You better run before Fynn gets ya.

  12. #12
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I just assumed he meant XIII but mistyped, since who compares XV to XII?

    And if he hates XII, that’s his loss

  13. #13


    Uh. No. I definitely meant FF12. I'll use arabic numerals so there's no confusion. I didn't like FF13 either. It was the first modern FF that I grew too tired of to complete. FF12 was the first FF that I wished I hadn't bothered with after completing it though. Even though I haven't finished FFXV and see it as far from ideal, I at least appreciate that it seems like step up from FF12. The gameplay is some stupid KH trout, but at least it feels like there's an actual story being told.

  14. #14
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    FFXV having a story and XII not...? What? If anything FFXV doesnt have any story at all. except maybe in the last third of the game and dlcs. XII had a story from the very get go.
    I always find it funny when i remember the death of noctis's father is so unimpactful because presumably you'd have to watch the movie kingsglaive to even have an impact or know what happened from it.

    As for FF2 i agree with it being the best out of the 3, hell its better than some of the modern FF' imo.namely, 8 13 and 15. (although id say 8 is kinda around the same enjoyement as 2.)

    yeah i know this post is like 2 months old meow meow

  15. #15


    I didn't finish XV. I only got up to Titan before moving on to other games. In that time though, it had more story than all of FFXII.

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