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Thread: Uhm. Hi!

  1. #1

    Relm Uhm. Hi!

    I'm not very confident with my introductions and to help with my social problems older wiser humans tell me to join a community filled with people who have common interests. Google is tired of me now but because I'm new to final fantasy games I decided on a final fantasy community and I picked this one because I like the way it sounds and it seems simple enough to get around.

    I only own two final fantasy games so far and they are Type-0 and Zodiac Age. I really enjoyed Type-0 but I was able to finish it really quickly and I might play through it again. I am so far enjoying Zodiac Age but with school starting up again it will probably take me a while to get through it.

    I like to draw random things and if I get brave enough I will share them! They are simple sketches and not very good but I have fun with them.

    I like other video games as well like Uncharted and Elder Scrolls. My parents are gamers so I get handmedowns of a lot of older games I try and get through. I like the old Tomb Raider games on the first Playstation and I would be playing Final Fantasy 9 if the CDs weren't damaged :c

    I consider myself a friendly person but its hard for me to make a lot of friends IRL because I am a born mute. I'm a very good listener though! I also love Cuckoo Clocks and I have one just like my avatar in my bedroom.

    My name is Hedvig not Hedwig like Harry Potter's owl. Most people call me Hedy. I realize most people here are much older than myself but I really do think I can fit in if you will have me!

    So that's all... I think. Hello and if I missed anything just ask! ~

  2. #2
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Welcome to Eyes on FF. We're a little bit slower than we were in the past. I see you've joined our discord though and we do still chat there. So welcome!

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Welcome to Eyes on FF. We're a little bit slower than we were in the past. I see you've joined our discord though and we do still chat there. So welcome!
    Thank you for welcoming me!

  4. #4


    Welcome! Glad you made an account.

    Do you like any of the newer Tomb Raiders (The reboot, and Rise of the Tomb Raider) games? I never got a chance to play any of the old Tomb Raider games.
    "The Real Folk Blues" by Seatbelts ft. Mai Yamane

  5. #5


    I just got here too. Welcomes to you, New Cuckoo.

    I've never met anyone who is mute. What is it like?

  6. #6


    Your name is CuckooBirdie, why are you suddenly trying to change it in your first post? What is this? Eyes on Namingway?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by ham View Post
    Welcome! Glad you made an account.

    Do you like any of the newer Tomb Raiders (The reboot, and Rise of the Tomb Raider) games? I never got a chance to play any of the old Tomb Raider games.
    I did play the reboot some but I need to get a new disc because it scratched and crashes all the time. I have enjoyed it so far though! It does remind me of Uncharted in a lot of ways.

    Quote Originally Posted by TouristOperator View Post
    I just got here too. Welcomes to you, New Cuckoo.

    I've never met anyone who is mute. What is it like?
    Frustrating. According to my mom when she popped me out I had crying face but no crying sounds. I live with it better now than I used to when I was like, 6 and 7 but being a songless songbird when some of your friends talk constantly is kind of... different. On a positive note, I can make great snorting sounds so, that's something... I guess...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post
    Your name is CuckooBirdie, why are you suddenly trying to change it in your first post? What is this? Eyes on Namingway?
    LOL. A Cuckoobirdie is what I am and it would be an amazing name to have but no, my parents blessed me with a real name that is so rare everyone double checks with you to make sure they got it right.

  8. #8
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Hello! Glad you decided to join us We have a subforum dedicated to artists, so you can post some of your art there if you’d like! The community is super nice and supportive.

    Hope you give the other FFs a whirl too! Btw, if you’re into JRPGs, Dragon Quest XI just can’t our end though I’ve only just started it, I still highly recommend getting into the series as it is fantastic, and it looks like XI has been very well received!

  9. #9


    Welcome to EOFF ! Hope you enjoy your time here !

  10. #10


    i used to be part of a different community that was very tight knit and not at all welcoming to newer members. they liked to haze and mock and control people and i grew tired of it and had to leave, even though it was the biggest community for one of my favorite series. then i came here and instantly fell in love because people were so welcoming and friendly. so even though the place is slowing down i think you've chosen well. you won't regret us.

    also i feel it easier to express myself in test than with voice so there's that. i know you have few options but it's nice to have a disability like that in an age like ours at least :/

    either way, welcome to the family

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    i used to be part of a different community that was very tight knit and not at all welcoming to newer members. they liked to haze and mock and control people and i grew tired of it and had to leave, even though it was the biggest community for one of my favorite series.
    You came from SG?

  12. #12
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    i used to be part of a different community that was very tight knit and not at all welcoming to newer members. they liked to haze and mock and control people and i grew tired of it and had to leave, even though it was the biggest community for one of my favorite series.
    You came from Past EoFF?

  13. #13


    What is SG?

    I will most likely post my silly sketches for all to see

  14. #14
    Eternally Lost Chibi Youkai's Avatar
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    Hiya and welcome! Always nice to see new people here. Everyone's pretty awesome, so hopefully you'll feel comfortable here soon.

  15. #15
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Welcome to Eyes in Final Fantasy! I am Bubba, resident scoundrel.

    Everyone here is pretty awesome. I’ve met most of them and they are as mad as a box of frogs in the best possible way

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