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Thread: I spent most of September in the USA and here are my findings

  1. #16
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    Oh also no one actually likes baseball except for old men

  2. #17
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sephex View Post
    I'm glad you had an overall good time. We do have weird things though. All of us hate public restrooms. That's the one thing this country is United about.
    27. Why do your toilet cubicles have gaps in the doors

    there was a picture here

  3. #18


    enormous gaps under the doors too. and the deep water you mentioned. and if you work in IT you will get that brash american attitude "im going to sit in the cubicle next to you, even though there are several other empty stalls - also, despite the massive gaps between doors and stalls which makes it even more intimate, im going to do nasty nasty toilet things because of my terrible diet, inches away from you"

  4. #19
    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinx View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spuuky View Post
    Oh also no one actually likes baseball except for old men

    I'm from a town with a notably bad baseball team (except a few years ago they made a comeback and won the World Series) and mostly whenever we'd go to baseball games it was because it was cheap and something to do while hanging out.
    I can confirm this. I think I knew only one person personally who was a diehard fan even when they were bad, but the only time anyone really cared was for that short moment where the team was actually good and won the World Series.

  5. #20
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    did you find darkswordofchaos and show him where the bud at

    Str8 Pimpin'

  6. #21


    I bet the national anthem thing got more out of hand since the Kapernick situation. Now people are convinced you're a look if you don't stand salute, and drool during the anthem. Probably worse in the southernly areas where people are generally more conservative

  7. #22
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    The baseball/cricket comparison is fair.

    I don't understand why rally racing isn't more popular here as compared to NASCAR (which actually has seen a pretty substantial popularity plummet). It's car's wizzing by trees at 90mph. Lots of dirt, lots of jumps, lots of cool noises. Rednecks love trucks, and loud noises, and they think they like the outdoors. (Spoilers, they don't. It gets their lifted trucks too dirty.) I think it just needs better marketing and some "domestic" brand like Ford to support against those pesky foreigners with their weird, minimal water toilets.

  8. #23
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    My first point, and this is perhaps the most important: what is it with your toilet water level guys. It's too high. I don't like getting my knees splashed every time I go to the john. Is it like this everywhere?
    Yes and nobody wipes the water off the seat so you play this game of "is it someone's pee or water I don't know but I really have to take a trout so I'm gonna wipe it off"

    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    Pedestrians are not important, all the best pavement should be saved for the cars.

    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    Food portions are bigger and I feel guilty af when I can't finish them. I like that they just fill your coffee back up for free. For guys who seem to have cheese on everything, y'all need better cheese
    Sometimes I feel guilty and ask for a box so everyone will think that I'm going to finish it at home later when I get hungry but I have no intention of doing so unless it is fried rice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    Staff everywhere are friendlier, maybe it's just British miserableness but everyone just seemed generally more cheerful about everything
    Customer service jobs in the US are all about SMILE OR DIE for real at one point me and my team were responsible for 95% of the store's profits and I was still chastised for frowning a bit at my computer while verifying that I didn't make a medication error that might, you know, kill somebody. But if I can't do that and smile at the same time, it is more important that I smile.

    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    I went to a baseball game and was in the queue for a hot dog when the tannoy says it was time for the national anthem and holy trout. Everybody in the stadium stopped chatting/eating/walking, including the guys serving hotdogs and started singing the anthem. I had to pretend to play along even though I don't know the words. If we even tried that stuff back home very few people would stop what they were doing if they were in the middle of something, half wouldn't sing and at least 40% would just ignore it altogether
    Yeah this kind of creeps me out a bit. I remember going from catholic to public school as a kid and wondering why we didn't also pray every morning after the pledge of allegiance and the teacher was like "uh no that would be wrong to make everyone do that" and as a kid I didn't understand the difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    Adverts for various drugs on TV is the most bizarre experience ever. "Side effects include severe internal bleeding" spoken over images of a middle aged bloke smiling broadly while playing frisbee with his family
    lol patients and doctors don't decide what medicine they take, the pharmacy benefit managers do!

    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    In all my hotels and throughout the conference centre it was too damn cold. Air con was set about 2 degrees (C) too low. I was freezing by backside off, but going outside was obviously not a good idea either. Strangely I got used to this after a week
    Everything is always too smurfing cold inside and nobody is comfortable! Every time I ask if people mind if I adjust something warmer or turn off a fan the whole room is collectively like yes please fix it.

  9. #24
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    honestly even as someone who grew up with the weird prescription medication commercials I still don't know what they're for, it's not like we all go "OH MAN I'M GONNA CALL MY DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY ABOUT THAT" we just ignore them, and make fun of them a lot

  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Jessweeee♪ View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    In all my hotels and throughout the conference centre it was too damn cold. Air con was set about 2 degrees (C) too low. I was freezing by backside off, but going outside was obviously not a good idea either. Strangely I got used to this after a week
    Everything is always too smurfing cold inside and nobody is comfortable! Every time I ask if people mind if I adjust something warmer or turn off a fan the whole room is collectively like yes please fix it.
    Man, my situation is always the exact opposite -- I'll walk into the backroom and think to myself, 'man, it is kind of warm here', then someone will crank up the heater because they feel anything below 90F is completely unacceptable. >: I

  11. #26
    Eternally Lost Chibi Youkai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rez09 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessweeee♪ View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    In all my hotels and throughout the conference centre it was too damn cold. Air con was set about 2 degrees (C) too low. I was freezing by backside off, but going outside was obviously not a good idea either. Strangely I got used to this after a week
    Everything is always too smurfing cold inside and nobody is comfortable! Every time I ask if people mind if I adjust something warmer or turn off a fan the whole room is collectively like yes please fix it.
    Man, my situation is always the exact opposite -- I'll walk into the backroom and think to myself, 'man, it is kind of warm here', then someone will crank up the heater because they feel anything below 90F is completely unacceptable. >: I
    Not quite 90, but when it's just me at home, I do set it 78 in the summer. I really dislike AC, makes me feel like I'm freezing.

  12. #27
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sephex View Post
    I'm glad you had an overall good time. We do have weird things though. All of us hate public restrooms. That's the one thing this country is United about.
    27. Why do your toilet cubicles have gaps in the doors
    I don't have 100% confirmation on this, but supposedly it is to discourage drug users from doing drugs because, you know, people willing to do drugs in public are often rational and easily shamed.

    But yeah, it is very annoying and I hate it. Believe it or not there are people that get all angry if you value your privacy in a public restroom. I turn it on them by saying something like, "So instead of being respectful and giving you space, you want to essentially stand next to each other while holding our genitals? Pretty strange, man."

    Most people usually get my point after that. I also irritate people that way that are super homophobic and suddenly don't want to "look gay." Americans are smurfing dumb.

  13. #28
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    A belated happy birthday to you, Manus. I rate my 30th as one of the best parties I've ever thrown, and a pretty good age all round.

    Thanks for your insights on the USA! It's still on my long list of places to visit, when time and money eventually allow it, but I'll definitely be choosing my destinations carefully. Us commonwealth types get pretty well saturated with American media and culture (which is fine), but I expect the reality's always going to end up being a little different from the fantasy.

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