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Thread: I'm still salty...

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Braaaaaains I'm still salty...

    Have you ever died such a spectacular and simply unfair death in a game that you can still vividly remember?

  2. #2
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    I have two from Dark Souls 3.

    Aldrich, Devourer of Gods. This asshole, one time when I got in there. He stood in the corner and just spammed that giant laser. I looked it up after that. Allegedly, she only does it up to three times in a row. But nope, he did it seven times. I ran couldn't dodge all of that.

    But that is nothing compared to later when I was fighting Oceiros later on. I don't know what it was about this fight that was so difficult for me. It was the hardest fight for me and I was super salty already. I was doing a mocking voice of him like Big the Cat. "Ocelotte, where are you Ocelotte." But this one death made me throw a controller. I've never thrown a controller before. There's this attack where he jumps up and ices the ground below him while flying at you. He was one hit away and I've never been hit by that attack before. I was excited because I had it. I dodged it like normal, but he smurfing swerved. HE NEVER smurfING SWERVED BEFORE and he landed and immediately hit me with his tail and I died. I was done after that.

  3. #3
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    I remember that time in Persona 5 when I had a Null Light, Resist Dark Persona equipped and an enemy cast Mudoon on the MC. I saw "Resist" pop up, thought, "yes, I survived!" only to watch him fall over. Wow, great job resisting, looking so cool, Joker.

    Hama/Mudo deaths happen, they suck but they happen, but the "Resist" popping up was just adding insult to injury.

  4. #4
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    I once had a game in 100% OJ (party game somewhat similar to Mario Party, but where you can attack each other for points) with some friends that still haunts me to this day. I was playing as Sweet Breaker, a character with 6 hp (which is high in this game) and 0 bonus stats (which is pretty "standard"). In other words, a somewhat tanky character. However, this character also has 6 revive rolls before auto revive (highest possible turns of revive-roll attempts before you get auto revived after death).

    It's kinda hard to explain to anyone who hasn't played the game, but to those who have:

    I attacked my friend who was at 1 hp with a 0 evasion, +1 attack character. They need to roll 1 higher than me to evade and survive. They do so. Then, they get to counter attack. They roll 6, I roll 1... and I die from full hp since the +1 attack made their total damage 7 and I only defended with 1. Then, it takes me the full 6 turns to revive... only to be attacked the very moment I revive, by the same person I previously tried to attack... and once again, they roll 6 and I roll 1. I die again, and once again it takes me 6 full turns to revive.

    Later, this same thing happens once more, a third time, during the very same game.

    I don't think I've ever been that unlucky in any other game ever. >_>

  5. #5
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I could never beat the final battle in Crisis Core, no matter how hard I try.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  6. #6


    When I played through Final Fantasy IX, the first time I fought Garland, I died in like 3 turns. I thought it was a scripted fight, because I lost so easily. Then it said Game Over. And its not like I was just blowing through the story, skipping random encounters and side quests. I was playing it normally. I mean, a struggle would have been one thing, but I was obvious out of my league in that fight. So that told me FF9 wanted me to grind. And the fact that it happened again later in the game probably has a lot to do with why I remember that game being a chore rather than a fun experience. And after I beat it, I never looked back. I've only tried to replay it like once on a whim with very little expectation of enjoying it because of that BS and quickly lost interest again. It may be a good game, but I don't think I can ever see it that way

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