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Thread: Heretical Final FAantsay Admission Take 2

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Braaaaaains Heretical Final FAantsay Admission Take 2

    Based off this thread from a few years back, what are some unpopular opinions you have about the series that goes against the usual fandom way of thinking?

    Apparently I think fantasy should be spelled with two A's.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Based off this thread from a few years back, what are some unpopular opinions you have about the series that goes against the usual fandom way of thinking?

    Apparently I think fantasy should be spelled with two A's.
    Fantasy is spelled with two A's. @_@

    That FFVI was a phenomenal, groundbreaking game for its time, but far from the best in the series. My opinions on FFXII, which apparently have become unpopular, although at the time they were pretty common. That FFVIII was actually good.

    Holy trout. I started reading the thread you linked to and now I hate people I've never met or even interacted with on this forum. Dislike Vivi? What kind of sociopathic monster do you have to be to dislike Vivi? Okay....maybe I shouldn't read this.

  3. #3
    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VIII will forever be my favorite game in the series. I’ve learned to accept many of the flaws of the game and recognize that it has a lot of points that missed the mark. That said, I really like the world, Triple Triad is great, and I actually think it has a good story and cast of characters.

    Final Fantasy VII is the worst FF game of the SNES/PS1 eras. It has a decent set up, and the stuff before they leave Midgar is decent. After that, I feel it goes off the rails, and I can rarely convince myself to play after that point.

    Final Fantasy XIII-2 is an extremely fun and good game, and it mostly makes the existence of XIII worth it to me.

    This is mainly heretical to the kid version of me, but I’ve grown to really like the art style of FFIX over the years. I hated how all of the characters looked as a kid, but I just like how everything in the world looks now. This probably doesn’t count since I don’t know that it is heretical to most people, but I feel like kid me would be mad at adult me about this.

    Equally, kid me would hate that adult me really likes FFXII, but that’s not very heretical anymore.

  4. #4


    I do not especially like Vivi.

    Final Fantasy III's final dungeon is not hard. Like, at all.

  5. #5
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    FFVII’s first disc is pretty great but everything falls apart after that and the plot becomes one of the most nonsensical in the series. The party is one of the blandest out there, and the material system is one of FF’s least satisfying. Although I think in the end I’m glad Xenogears didn’t get to face the pressures of being the new FF, I feel it deserved VII’s budget so much more.

    FFVIII is very good, I think the Junction system is insanely satisfying and fun to play around with. It also has one of my least favorite soundtracks in the series.

    The PS1 era of FFs is the blandest in the franchise’s history. Though it doesn’t have trainwrecks like XIII and OG XIV, I don’t get as much enjoyment out of it as I do from the SNES era or XII. Tactics is the single best thing out of this generation and it is hella great.

    On that note, FFTA is my favorite FF, period. Best story, no contest, and the job system combined with races is awesome.

    FFXIII-2 is even worse than XIII. I don’t care that they’ve addressed fan complaints if every single moment I’d it is pure pain. However terrible XIII was (and it was), it at least felt like a project somebody had a vision for. XIII-2 is just all these random ideas slapped together and the end result is horrifying. And the music sucks. Let Hamauzu work alone.

    I think XIV is overrated. It’s cool for a while, but after a few hours with it you realize just how small this world is and it just doesn’t have the epic feel that XI had. Catboys are a definite improvement, though.

    FFV has a great, epic story with an insanely good soundtrack.

    FFIV’s soundtrack is cool and all, but it’s overrated.

    FFXII, XIII and XV soundtracks all deserve so much more love.

    ATB peaked at FFIV. Why they ever removed charge Times is beyond me. However, ADB felt like a natural evolution of the concept and should have been used more along with gambits.

    Also. Red Mages are dumb. Blue Mages are where it’s at.

  6. #6


    So like Final Fantasy confessions? Opinions?

    • Final Fantasy 2 is not that bad and it's not the worst Final Fantasy game.
    • Final Fantasy 3 is horrible and is made pointless by the much better and more fun Final Fantasy V
    • Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core is fricken TERRIBLE. It's one of the worst games on the PSP.
    • Final Fantasy 8 is a great game. Final Fantasy 8 has a great cast of characters too.
    • Final Fantasy needs to go back to being Turn Based.
    • Final Fantasy 10-2 is fun and great.
    • Final Fantasy 13 is better than Final Fantasy 15. Final Fantasy 15 is a terrible mess.
    • Final Fantasy Tactics is a tedious bore. The series got better with the Advance series.
    • Cloud is not "emo " in the original he was a dweeb nerd that tried to act cool and cracked jokes and even tried to provoke Barret constantly. Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts ruined him. If you played the original and STILL thought that Cloud was "emo ", you weren't paying attention.
    • Squall is not "emo " either, he has separation anxiety and trust issues among people due to a traumatic childhood.
    • Final Fantasy 5 if you play it on the GBA is one of the best Final Fantasy games out there. It's a solid gem.
    • Final Fantasy 13 and Final Fantasy 15 while not the best Final Fantasies, they have solid soundtracks that are one of the best in the series.
    • I could care less about Noctis and his friends. No matter how many countless attempts the game tried. And no, I shouldn't have to watch an anime series to get more character development about them. That's beyond stupid.
    • Crisis Core ! Aerith is terrible. They ruined her character. Just so Zack could look better. Tabata is also a creepy asshole for changing Young Tifa's cute cowboy costume into that.

    smurf you Tabata. SHE IS FIFTEEN YEARS OLD.
    Last edited by maybee; 10-27-2018 at 09:22 AM.

  7. #7
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    That all Final Fantasys are good.
    even XIII.

    Even XV....

  8. #8
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Jesus Christ reading my posts in that old thread was painful. 14 year old Karifean whyyy.

    I find Tidus to be the best protagonist in the series with also the most powerful character arc. Squall is up there as well though.

    I like the voice acting in FFX a lot, including the infamous laughing scene.

    I play Catcher Chocobo for fun. However, I do absolutely despise Lightning Dodging and will never defend it.

    Final Fantasy IV is not explicitly bad but incredibly unmemorable. Final Fantasy V is much better in basically every way.

    I have never played the first three games, and I have no interest in doing so.

    Final Fantasy X-2 is a good continuation of Spira's storyline, at least conceptually, it only really falls apart when a song fixes the world's social issues. Also Paine is a pretty well-written character.

    And finally: I don't really care about the series much anymore.

  9. #9

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    - I think Kefka's overrated and could never take him seriously

    - Then again I think FF villains in general are just bad

    - I don't like any of the Tactics games

    - Uematsu's good but not that great, my favorite FF OSTs are actually not by him.

    - FF in general has always been merely a "pretty good" series, with some great entries. There are far better JRPGs out there.

    - FFV is boring

    - FFXV isn't bad at all, i wouldn't call it great but it's still a good game

  11. #11
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    Mystic Quest is good. I don't mean just the music. It did what it set out to do, be an introduction to JRPGs. Or a parody. Maybe both.
    Monk is the best class in I.
    I like Snow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Karifean View Post
    I find Tidus to be the best protagonist in the series with also the most powerful character arc.
    Tidus grows on me, more and more everytime I play X.

    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    [*]Cloud is not "emo " in the original he was a dweeb nerd that tried to act cool and cracked jokes and even tried to provoke Barret constantly. Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts ruined him. If you played the original and STILL thought that Cloud was "emo ", you weren't paying attention.
    I've said it before, Cloud is a giant dork and he's way better that way.

    Quote Originally Posted by WarZidane View Post
    - FFV is boring
    We can't be friends anymore.

  12. #12


    You're not supposed to take Kefka "seriously," but yes, he's overrated. One sign is that a big point on supporters of Kefka as "best villain" is that he "actually succeeded in destroying the world." First of all, that's an incredibly shallow reason to rank him best, so excuse me if I don't pay it any mind. Secondly his "destruction" of the world leaves nearly all the towns you can visit beforehand relatively intact. Rumors of the world's end are greatly exaggerated. I like Kefka, but he's overrated. He gets more points for personality than destroying the world either way.

  13. #13
    Yes homo Mr. Carnelian's Avatar
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    I really quite liked Lightning Returns. It DEFINITELY had its problems, but I could tell they were trying for something, even if they didn't entirely succeed.

    X-2 is the FF game I have most consistently enjoyed. Although I'm not sure a "X-2 is actually really good" opinion is actually heretical these days, at least around here.

    I like the sci-fi elements in some of the more recent games. Fantasy doesn't HAVE to mean medieval.

    FFIV's repeated conceit of characters dying and then coming back an hour later is nothing short of hilarious.

  14. #14
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Carnelian View Post
    I really quite liked Lightning Returns. It DEFINITELY had its problems, but I could tell they were trying for something, even if they didn't entirely succeed.

    X-2 is the FF game I have most consistently enjoyed. Although I'm not sure a "X-2 is actually really good" opinion is actually heretical these days, at least around here.

    I like the sci-fi elements in some of the more recent games. Fantasy doesn't HAVE to mean medieval.

    FFIV's repeated conceit of characters dying and then coming back an hour later is nothing short of hilarious.
    That sci fi thing and LR thing are definately things i agree with there !

  15. #15
    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    I had a good amount of fun with Lightning Returns. I’ve actially been considering replaying the xiii series recently to see how my views hold up now.

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