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Thread: What really deserves a remaster/remake?

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     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Default What really deserves a remaster/remake?

    Even more are upon us! Spyro is nearly here and Warcraft 3 is getting anew fresh coat of paint!

    What other series do you think deserves the remake/remaster magic?

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    WarZidane's Avatar
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    Donkey Kong 64, with way more convenient character switching, better graphics and without that monstrosity of a controller

    Resident Evil: Code Veronica, just because it's my favorite "tank controls" RE, so why not give it the remake treatment like 1 and 2

  4. #4
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Off the top of my head?

    Demon's Souls, of the three Souls game FROM released last gen, Demon is the one that really needed to be remastered and released, especially since the servers shut down this year and frankly they were poorly implemented anyway. Dark Souls is a still a fine game and most of the upgrades the remaster gave it are not terribly groundbreaking because the base game is still pretty good. Demon's was a title that was rough around the edges and could have used a graphical facelift, not to mention I can't imagine Sony wouldn't want another Souls-like exclusive for the PS4.

    Konami has been updating the Suikoden website recently and while fans brace themselves for either a pachinko machine or mobile title, Konami could do a bit of fan salvaging by releasing a remaster of some of the older entries. A remastered port of the PSP Suikoden I-II would be nice, but even a remaster of any of the PS2 entries would be appreciated, especially since last I checked, SIV and SV never got released for PSN. A collection would be quite nice a la ".hack" variety.

    From Squenix, I would love a remaster of either Xenogears or Vagrant Story. For Xenogears, I simply want a new cleaned up translation and maybe new VA work with simple graphical/audio updates that wouldn't need any new character models. VS would be pretty cool as well with a simple remaster. I know the team wanted to work on a remaster like they did for Tactics Ogre.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post

    Konami has been updating the Suikoden website recently and while fans brace themselves for either a pachinko machine or mobile title, Konami could do a bit of fan salvaging by releasing a remaster of some of the older entries. A remastered port of the PSP Suikoden I-II would be nice, but even a remaster of any of the PS2 entries would be appreciated, especially since last I checked, SIV and SV never got released for PSN. A collection would be quite nice a la ".hack" variety.

    From Squenix, I would love a remaster of either Xenogears or Vagrant Story. For Xenogears, I simply want a new cleaned up translation and maybe new VA work with simple graphical/audio updates that wouldn't need any new character models.
    Some more playing and less telling for the disc 2 portion would also be appreciated. For Suikoden IV, the "remaster" should include a rewrite. New plot, new characters. Just scrap the old game and give us a good one. Suikoden III and Suikoden V really do deserve remasters though. In particular, it would be nice if Suikoden III improved its travel system so you don't have to move through every region to get to where you want to go before acquiring Viki. Maybe if they included a world map instead, Viki would have a useful role, but the way it stands, it wastes too much time. Huge quality of life improvement. For Suikoden V, it would be nice if they improved visual details. As I recall the game frequently, looked rather drab and lacking in details. Take advantage of graphical improvements to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
    Last edited by Lord Golbez; 11-06-2018 at 10:32 PM.

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    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    It doesnt really deserve it but i really want it xD
    Pokemon mystery dungeon Explorers of sky, so everyone can play the uh not awesome gameplay but awesome story and its amazing soundtrack. They may uin it or they may not, either way i have the original to fall back on.
    I am not a massive fan of remakes and remasters as they are very prevelant but im not against them either, if they are done right which most remakes/remaster i have played have been.

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    Ape Escape or Croc for next PSone platformer remake, please !

  9. #9
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post

    Some more playing and less telling for the disc 2 portion would also be appreciated.
    Eh, without any of the original developers working there, I would feel better about it if it was just a simple port/remaster than trying to fix it. If they were going to do a real remake, SE would have to partner with Monolith Soft and I would have another reason to have to buy a Switch.

    For Suikoden IV, the "remaster" should include a rewrite. New plot, new characters. Just scrap the old game and give us a good one. Suikoden III and Suikoden V really do deserve remasters though. In particular, it would be nice if Suikoden III improved its travel system so you don't have to move through every region to get to where you want to go before acquiring Viki. Maybe if they included a world map instead, Viki would have a useful role, but the way it stands, it wastes too much time. Huge quality of life improvement. For Suikoden V, it would be nice if they improved visual details. As I recall the game frequently, looked rather drab and lacking in details. Take advantage of graphical improvements to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
    I can agree with III, it just needs the ability to let you skip through regions on the map like how BoFIII/IV did so. Even if they want to keep Viki relevant, they could at least let towns be skippable.

    As for Suikoden V, the blah visual mostly pertains to how many corners they had to cut when making it. The background/environments are not very detailed in design like other entries though my real issue with the visuals is the obnoxiously pulled back camera of the game which is there to hide just how bad the textures really are. At least the battle/cutscene quality is actually really strong in the game, and it's not like Suikoden was really great with dungeon design.

    For IV, I wouldn't hold my breath for any real fix to the game. I think the potential is still there for the title. The plot and cast are not bad, just really thinly developed. Adding more scenes would be nice, but this is Konami we're talking about. A release of the game on PSN may be considered too much of an ordeal for them at this point. If I could live in fantasy land for a moment, I would have them expand the story and gameplay, probably incorporating a lot of plot elements and gameplay mechanics from Suikoden Tactics into the game to help flesh it out.

    Speaking of half ass ports, I would love to see Capcom do a remaster collection of the first five Breath of Fire games and actually re-localize/translate all of them because almost every entry has some weird localization, wonky translations, or questionable censorship. I also feel that the best way to revitalize the franchise would be to reintroduce the series, sort of what Sega is trying to do with Phantasy Star lately.

    On another note, I would love to see Atlus do a remaster of the SNES MegaTen titles. SMT1, 2, and ...if would be nice. I do remember Atlus hinting at a possible remaster of Nocturne as well which I would adore, especially if it's the Raido version of Maniax and as long as they didn't try to shoe horn in some sexy new classmate waifu bait into either. They really need to stop doing that.

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    I would also love a Xenogears remake, but I also think Disc 2 is fine as it is since at this point in the story, you really don’t want to trudge through more dungeons to get to the juicy story bits

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     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Ape Escape or Croc for next PSone platformer remake, please !
    CROC! Oh man that's a blast from the past. I loved that little platfromer... there was another platformer I enjoyed.... Gex? Yeah little spy gecko!

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    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri needs the Starcraft Remastered treatment

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    I would also love a Xenogears remake, but I also think Disc 2 is fine as it is since at this point in the story, you really don’t want to trudge through more dungeons to get to the juicy story bits

    Don't get me wrong, I loved disc 2, but there's just so much going on there that they could really expand upon. Show us cinematics of events rather than static backdrops and yes include further dungeons and battles to go along with what they describe. Also, it would be nice if you could actually access a settlement before the very end of disc 2 so you could better prepare for some of the toughest fights (e.g. Miang and Ramsus).

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