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Thread: Tabata resigns, Future DLC cancelled except Episode Ardyn, other announcements

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    Total Sweetheart
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    Default Tabata resigns, Future DLC cancelled except Episode Ardyn, other announcements

    I've just tuned into a pre-recorded special announcement, in which plans were discussed regarding the future of Final Fantasy XV. I'm updating this post as I listen:

    1. Episode Ardyn is schedule for released in March 2019, but the other 3 episodic DLC of Aranea, Lunafreya, and Noctis have been cancelled.

    2. This is in large part due to the FFXV team who were working on these titles moving on to Luminous Productions and proceeding to work on the as of yet announced new triple AAA game title.

    3. As of October 31, 2018, Hajime Tabata has resigned from Luminous Productions and Squre Enix. He has decided to start his own business to work on a new project.

    4. It appears Episode Ardyn will have a short animated prequel before the chapter comes out, perhaps like the Brotherhood anime but just a singular episode? Not sure.

    5. Even though the other 3 DLC chapters will not be released, they still want to convey the story they wanted to tell from those chapters in "Some way, shape, or form".

    6. There appears to be an expansion being added to the Comrades multiplayer in Decemeber. Added bosses, etc

    7. Final Fantasy XV and XIV crossover! Miqo'te character gives out quest, and Garuda shown as a boss. Trailer at 22:30.

    At 13:26 is a teaser trailer for episode Ardyn.

  2. #2
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Well that was a dramatic turn. Oh well, I never felt like a lot of FF players even wanted the next set of DLC and considering the amount of hate Tabata has gotten lately, it's probably best he leaves SE anyway since he'll be a scapegoat like Nomura and Kitase if he stayed. Hope his future endeavors work out for him. Wonder who will be put in charge of Luminous Productions, especially since SE took a financial hit this past year due to it's development.

    Ugh, now it's even more likely that Motumo Toriyama will be directing FFXVI.

  3. #3
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post

    Ugh, now it's even more likely that Motumo Toriyama will be directing FFXVI.
    Please don’t go there. I beg of you.

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    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    Shame. Lunafreya's episode was the one I was looking forward to. And that Miqo looks really out of place.

  5. #5


    This makes me wonder if Sakaguchi was the glue holding Square together and now that he's gone, everything has fallen apart- we just didn't see it till now because Nomura got lucky with Kingdom Hearts. Dragon Quest has always been good, but that was originally from Enix.

    People think that they are going to try and length out Kingdom Hearts as much as possible now and they are going to try and milk Nier as much as possible as well. Kingdom Hearts has already been lengthed out to death, like one of those old medieval tortures.

    Square is lucky that Dragon Quest is holding them, somewhat together.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Ugh, now it's even more likely that Motumo Toriyama will be directing FFXVI.

    Toriyama: The new protag is a pink haired girl named L....bightning..... Bightning.....Marron....

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    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    People were leaving even when Sakaguchi worked there. It was really a combination of older staff wanting more creative control combined with Square's transition from medium sized game studio to full on AAA Powerhouse that the PS1 era brought into existence. Then again, his departure did see a few major people go freelance as well.

    Tabata is just surprising because his last project was a financial success despite the grumbling of the fanbase and he's relatively new compared to other high profile director/designers working at SE. Toriyama leaving would have been less of a shock since he's at least been with the company since the late 90s. If Yoshi-P quits anytime soon, this might become a bit more disturbing.

    I'm just wondering where SE is going to find talent to run future projects? I doubt Kitase or Ito are going step in to direct new entries, Yoshi-P is busy with XIV, Nomura has KHIII and VIIR to screw around with for the next decade, and a lot of their other strong IPs are either Western studios or freelance ones. I mean it's not like they would convince Taro Yoko to make an FF. Not only would such a game be absolutely bonkers, but I imagine he would quit midway through the production like Matsuno did thanks to studio pressure.

  7. #7
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I think they stretched the DLC thing too far. You can only expect people to still be interested for so long. XV is at about 2 years now. I'm sure SE realized this and probably were having less and less sales for it.

    We were talking about this in discord today. We're not sure if it was Tabata resigning first that caused them to cancel or they canceled and that was what pushed Tabata to resign.

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    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    I think they stretched the DLC thing too far. You can only expect people to still be interested for so long. XV is at about 2 years now. I'm sure SE realized this and probably were having less and less sales for it.

    We were talking about this in discord today. We're not sure if it was Tabata resigning first that caused them to cancel or they canceled and that was what pushed Tabata to resign.
    From what I've gathered, it looks like the studio pushing for the XV team to be Luminous and start working on new projects is likely the culprit for the DLC being cancelled, though I'm sure the lukewarm reaction to it didn't do it any favors. As for Tabata resigning, there could be a lot of reasons. He may have genuinely decided to leave cause he felt he couldn't make the games he wanted or there could have been more internal drama going on. We might get a better picture if more XV developers start resigning as well in the case for internal drama, but I don't see any signs of drama.

    I think Tabata just wants more creative control over his future projects and considering half his time working on XV was him trying to "fix" SE's broken development thinking, he may feel he has a better chance of building a strong studio from scratch than trying to fight for change within a relic dominated by senior employees who don't understand the issues.

    I mean when you realize that XV's announcement as a IP coincides with KHIII's announcement and we're already two years in development time difference between both titles despite both games being announced as being developed years before their official reveal, it shows that SE probably didn't take to heart his suggestions on how to fix the company's development time problem. Both KHIII and VIIR had their initial development scratched and restarted which doesn't seem like something you would want to do for two high profile games in light of having to bring in a new team to finish developing a ten year old IP they sat on so the procrastinating director can move onto said projects. I feel like SE didn't really learn anything useful from versusXIII/XV's development struggles, likely because the company is sticking to an outdated corporate structure.

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    Final Fantasy XV - what a disaster. It is and always will be "that game that wasn't Final Fantasy Versus XIII".

    Was Tabata to blame? No. Square Enix were far too ambitious with the announcement of the Fabula Nova Crystallis project in 2006 and it bit them in the ass. Tabata was a victim of circumstance and was left to pick up the pieces and had to get the game out for getting the game outs sake. Thus we ended up with a game with its own anime series, CGI film and DLC episodes just to get the "full" FFXV experience.

    Its a real shame. I wish him all the best with his new studio where he can work at his own pace and release the game when he's ready, not when Square Enix is ready.
    Last edited by fat_moogle; 11-08-2018 at 09:35 PM.
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  10. #10


    All this nonsense makes me embarrassed to have been a Square fan. They are an incompetent joke these days. It's like being a Sega fan. It's ridiculous how clueless these companies are

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     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I think it's just when they get to be so big, they just start becoming an echo chamber within themselves. So strange decisions get made because everyone is "yes man"ing it.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    I think they stretched the DLC thing too far. You can only expect people to still be interested for so long. XV is at about 2 years now. I'm sure SE realized this and probably were having less and less sales for it.

    We were talking about this in discord today. We're not sure if it was Tabata resigning first that caused them to cancel or they canceled and that was what pushed Tabata to resign.
    It was probably the latter. Wasn't he going to do FF Type-1 or FF Type-next or whatever it was called after the XV projects wrapped up?

    Just started the Type-0 manga and it's pretty cool how much lore was compiled for that series. I really hope they still put out the sequel.

  13. #13
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    Here's a prediction for the next 5 years: Square is going to move into the MMO and mobile markets full time and stop making single player titles. The global Android version (so no Japan or iOS sales included in these stats) of their mobile title Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire made $9m in just September, and couple that with Brave Exvius getting $4m and their other assorted titles getting $1m between them. Why would you go through the expensive troutshow that was Versus/XV again when you've got a license to print money for doing comparatively very little?

  14. #14


    I'll be fine with that if they keep funding th Bravely Default studio and maybe other similar studios (rpg factory?). I have thought for a while Square could easily fill a slot in the market similar to Atlus and fund low budget indie style games and throwbacks. And in a lot of ways they have. I disagree with most of their big decisions anyway. And at least this would be more amicable than how Konami flipped the bird to fans and ran into the pachinko world. At least that way there'd still be a connection and conversation with fans

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    Quote Originally Posted by nirojan View Post
    Wasn't he going to do FF Type-1 or FF Type-next or whatever it was called after the XV projects wrapped up?
    Yep. Here's a trailer for a game that's never going to come out:

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