View Poll Results: Which FF did you start with?

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  • I traveled to the Moon and back

    3 17.65%
  • I rode a Chocobo like the Wind

    1 5.88%
  • I sang at the Opera

    3 17.65%
  • I was a terrorist freedom fighter

    6 35.29%
  • I was an amnesiac child soldier

    1 5.88%
  • I kidnapped the princess during the play

    0 0%
  • I also wanted to be a blitzball

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  • I was abused by a Tartaru

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  • I said I was Captain Basch

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  • I challenged Fate and was saved by a goddess

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  • I survived and saw the Realm Reborn

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  • I took a bro trip with the prince

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  • I found the series through a spin-off yo!

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Thread: What was the first Final Fantasy you played?

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Default What was the first Final Fantasy you played?

    So which game introduced you to the series and is it your favorite by chance?

  2. #2
    WarZidane's Avatar
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    My first FF was actually Mystic Quest, although it was titled "Mystic Quest Legend" here, so I had no clue it was Final Fantasy, nor did I even know what Final Fantasy was.

    That one aside, my first was FF7, which is definitely not my favorite.

  3. #3
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    Mystic Quest was my first too. It was called Final Fantasy Mystic Quest over here. And because of the numbering stuff back in the day, I thought Final Fantasy II(IV) was a sequel to it. And that was my favorite for a bit.

  4. #4


    It really depends on whether you consider just playing some of it or completing it. I only rented the first Final Fantasy originally and basically got just past Bikke the pirate. I'm inclined to vote FFIV because I consider it my true introduction into the series. Either way, no it's not my favorite, but I do have a special kind of nostalgia for FFIV that I don't have for the first one.

    Quote Originally Posted by WarZidane View Post
    My first FF was actually Mystic Quest, although it was titled "Mystic Quest Legend" here, so I had no clue it was Final Fantasy, nor did I even know what Final Fantasy was.
    I think it's perfectly fair to say Mystic Quest is no more Final Fantasy than Seiken Densetsu. I guess they got permission to use the name, but really calling it an actual FF game is a stretch.

  5. #5
    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VIII was my introduction into final fantasy, and it is usually my favorite.

    My parents bought the game for my brother as a gift, so I would sit and watch him play. I remember thinking my parents should have gotten FFIX since that one was newer and already out, but I still thought the case for VIII looked pretty cool. He only got as far as the SeeD exam in Dollet, but I was amazed from the moment I saw that opening cinematic. Eventually he just stopped (he liked the cutscenes, but I just think he didn’t like rpgs.) I honestly don’t know why my parents bought for him. Eventually, my brother finally gave me permission to continue his game since he would never play it anymore, and I was hooked. I never experienced a game with much of a story, and I liked that you even got this secondary game of triple triad in there. I honestly sucked at the game since I ran from all battles and never junctions. Got as far as the final boss of the galbadia missile base before I got stuck. That thing could one hit kill my characters once it started doing that beam attack. Bought a game shark just so I could continue the story. I used to play it at least once a year all the way through, and I practically have the game memorized at this point.

    I immediately got a hold of VII after that, and I enjoyed it a good amount. I had a cousin who was way into those games (she also introduced me to anime), and we would get into all of the rumors from VII with reviving Aeris. I kept on with the series from then on, always following Square’s announcements. X was the first game I got to follow before it came out, and I’d read about it in magazines or get excited when the commercial for it would appear on Toonami. Honestly, even when I was ultimately a bit disappointed in a game, I was still super excited while playing them all, and a few I didn’t like at first eventually became some of my favorite games I’d say the only one of the games I just wasn’t quite so excited about while playing was XV. I was excited leading up to it, and I liked that first demo... but the game just kind of stayed mediocre to me throughout. I still liked it though.

  6. #6


    FF V was my introduction to the series; I asked my parents to get it for me for Christmas as I thought the cover artwork looked cool. I liked the game and got FF IV soon afterward, though when I bought it I thought it'd be a prequel with Bartz's dad. They weren't selling any other new FF GBA games in stores at the time, and it wouldn't occur to me to check used game stores much less online until after we got a PS2. FF X was my third game in the series, and it quickly became my favorite. Next was IX, then XII, followed by VIII though I have yet to fully finish that one. After that was Tactics (also unfinished) followed by Tactics advanced and then X-2. I think I finished it up with dawn of souls, VII (unfinished) and VI (also unfinished). I never got to play III since I don't have a DS, nor XI or XIV since I had dial up internet at the time those came out. But the series was a pretty major part of my teen and preteen years, even though I haven't played any titles in years.

  7. #7
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    FF VII was my first, probably a common story for fellow Europeans given it was the first mainline entry we got, and no, it's not my favorite anymore.

  8. #8


    FFVI was my first one because it was (and is still) my dad's favorite, so when I was young, we played the coop mode together and it was his way to introduce me to the series. Even if I love many other FF games, it's still my favorite today for its characters, its story and its music ♥

  9. #9


    Ironically, I learned of the series through a commercial for X-2, but we didn't have the game. Not long after that, I went through the old NES library and found an old Final Fantasy game in there. I put it in and got hooked on it. The ironic thing about this is that X-2 is the game I hate the most that I've played from the series; it's too freeform and too repetitive. If I had started there, I would have hated this series.

  10. #10


    Like many others my first was FF7. However I didn't get very far in it since I was playing it on a PS2 and had no PS1 memory card at the time. The next one I played was the demo of FF10-2. It wasn't until many years later that I really got into the FF series proper when I started playing through 7, 8 and 9 at the same time while on holiday as an adult.

    7 and 10 are currently tied as my favorites. 9 is okay, I liked the story and characters but the gameplay was mediocre at best. I hated 8 when I first played it but in retrospect I think it's a pretty cool game, and I would sooner take twenty more games like it than another 13 or 15. Played about a dozen hours of 12, didn't leave much of an impression on me, maybe I'll enjoy the Zodiac Edition more. I'm planning on tackling the SNES games once I've finished Lost Odyssey.

  11. #11
    Total Sweetheart
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    My first was Final Fantasy VIII, though I of course had heard of the series through other people before.

    IX may have already been out at the time, but X was still off in the distance yet.

    My babysitter (lol) got VIII, Tetris, and a ps1 at a garage sale for like 20 bucks. Every time I went over there I played VIII, so she ended up letting me keep the game.

  12. #12


    I started with the original, and I credit it with largely shaping my tastes in RPGs, though it is not my favorite -- that goes to FF6.

  13. #13


    7 was the first I played, I think. At a cousin's house. I think we played for a day or two, getting as far as shinra HQ...maybe. I don't remember. My cousin was whatever, I thought it was awesome.

    At the time I am pretty sure 8 was about to be released because I remember reading the various playstation magazines and getting hyped the smurf up over how amazing it was going to be.

    We were relatively poor and I think I had the choice between one brand new game or one old one - i went for 8 and then grabbed 7 just as soon as I could afford it

  14. #14
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    The actual first I played was Mystic Quest, but I didn’t get very far and got distracted very quickly, so I’m not counting it. IV was my first and that may be the reason why I think it’s the most quintessential FF, but it’s interesting to note that it’s one of the few games that just gets better and better for me with every replay. It helps that the DS version is as sublime as it is

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