So remember when I said KH1 is actually pretty far down the list of my KH rankings? There are a couple of games below it, and CoM is..not one of them, actually. I prefer it over KH1 despite the issues I have with it. Or rather, them, because I played both the original and the remake.

First of all, wasn't a fan of the Disney worlds being KH1 rehashes. I did, however, like the new story elements. Castle Oblivion, Twilight Town, Org XIII, all that stuff. Plus, once you beat it you get to play as Riku in a different story, which when I played the GBA version was quite the pleasant surprise. After that first playthrough it was still pleasant but obviously not a surprise.

The card system may not be my favorite, but I still like it. My biggest issue with it is simply that I don't like building decks. Good thing Riku's side of the game didn't have any of that! I also liked that you decide what's in the rooms through the cards you use to unlock them.

The combat itself, I really liked. Probably actually more so in the original version, because you don't have to control the camera in that one. I feel like the added camera control and 3D environment doesn't do the card system justice because you have to pay attention to more other stuff. Also, some bosses get a little spammy with their cards, which is annoying when they have a fair amount of 0s available.