So I've been recently exposed to the rather toxic fanbase that is the KH fandom, which kind of just threw me for a loop, because I had a very different idea of what KH fans were like but that's what making assumptions does for you. While I was discussing it with a few people, it got me thinking about series and the recent trends of toxicity that spring up with them. Granted, toxicity among a fanbase is as old as fandoms in general, but I do get amazed how quickly it seems to take over nowadays.

So this kind of got me thinking about our own fandom, and perhaps the issues really hurting the franchise is various fanbases that crop up across this rather broad series. Do you still think the FF Fandom is toxic? To the point of being a problem? What do you feel we can do as a community to alleviate it if so? What do you like and dislike the most about other FF fans?