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Thread: Do you feel the 3rd battle against Beatrix should've been winnable?

  1. #1

    Default Do you feel the 3rd battle against Beatrix should've been winnable?

    I honestly feel it should have as it feels like her redemption seem forced and out of nowhere.

    Here's how i felt the battle should have gone, instead of the party facing Beatrix, Freya faces her 1 on 1 with the player entering Trance as the start of the battle due Freya emotions over the attack on Burmecia and the destruction on Cleyra, Freya defeats her and Beatrix is astonished that she could lose the the enemy, Zidane then points out that they are there to save Garnet and the events that follow play out as we already know.

    It would have made her redemption more believable than "I'm the Bad Guy! *see's Garnet laying on a couch* I'm not the Bad Guy!" It also would have added more weight to when her and Freya are fighting together to buy time for Zidane and co to escape.

  2. #2
    Jinx's Avatar
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    I always felt Freya not going into Trance there was a missed opportunity.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Jinx View Post
    I always felt Freya not going into Trance there was a missed opportunity.

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    They didn't even have to do anything special to the fight other than that. But after her hometown is destroyed, and Beatrix is coming to do the same to their sister-city, who has been extremely gracious to them at this point?

    I can't remember Quina getting a story Trance, nor Amarant, but everyone else does. This was her story arc and absolutely the moment for her to happen, and it's sad.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  5. #5
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinx View Post
    I always felt Freya not going into Trance there was a missed opportunity.
    There was so much they could've done with Freya. All those characters you mentioned, Amarant and Quina, got shafted.

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    I definitely agree with you 8ther. The third forced loss always annoyed me, especially once I found out that Zidane was an Angel of Death alien designed for carnage and planetery annihilation. On my second playthrough when I knew of that; the fact that he could even lose to a human was lame to me. I also feel that Freya should have gotten her special chance to avenge her dead friends and people from a plot based trance power up. Hironobu Sakaguchi REALLY dropped the ball on wrapping that story segment up in a way that satisfies the player. Why did he think constant defeat against one opponet would be nice immersion for the player ugh! Honestly it's this reason alone why FFIX is not my fav FF, otherwise it would have been.

    I imagine that end game the party is stronger than Beatrix, what do you all think?
    Last edited by Sorceress Claire; 03-22-2019 at 11:33 PM.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Sorceress Claire View Post
    I imagine that end game the party is stronger than Beatrix, what do you all think?
    Yeah for sure. End game party can defeat a grim reaper alien and a sociopathic narcissist bend on killing everybody. Beatrix struggled to defeat pretty normal monsters during the Alexandrian Vs Bahamut attack.

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    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorceress Claire View Post
    I imagine that end game the party is stronger than Beatrix, what do you all think?
    Yeah for sure. End game party can defeat a grim reaper alien and a sociopathic narcissist bend on killing everybody. Beatrix struggled to defeat pretty normal monsters during the Alexandrian Vs Bahamut attack.

    That's what I think as well. I also heard that there was plans in the plot for Beatrix to die fighting the Party or Kuja at the Iifa Tree battle. There was a unique theme made for it that was scrapped and as a result is unreleased found only on the OST Plus ST, because the scene itself was scrapped. Here is the theme song...

    You can hear the atmosphere of death and dread and sorrow.

  9. #9
    draper hates the caley Cell's Avatar
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    Not having Freya defeat Beatrix which leads to her reconsidering her motivations and loyalty seemed a massive mistake and her redemption seems almost on a whim, which is a shame as FFIX would have been improved by a more in depth look into Beatrix and her story arc.

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