Obviously, there's an industrial-sized septic tank of ridiculous crap that goes on in this show and there are plenty of moments that make me scratch my head in bewilderment.

I just watched the one that introduced PC Principal and I got wound up when Cartman failed to blackmail PC Principal due to using the word "capiche". PC Principal, an adult figure in a position of authority proceeds to pummel Cartman, a child he is legally responsible for protecting as stated in his job description, to the point this young boy must be hospitalized. The other boys, meanwhile, are watching all of this discreetly from the safety of an above-ground window.

What riles me up about all of this is that the boys, whom we already know by this point in the series have cell phones, had they merely taken a moment to record this crime, PC Principal could have actually been sent to prison.

Of course, this is ignoring that plot would find a way to keep this guy safe from consequences 'cause satire.

Still, that's my view on that. Meh. Anybody else have similar ideas pent up and ready to boil over?