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Thread: Maybee's Top 30 Final Fantasy Ladies List !

  1. #16
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    I always found it funny that people complained about Cidney being fanservice in the same game there's Gladio. Anyway, Cidney is a fun character.

    And people who've played XI told me I would've loved Prishe.

  2. #17
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Elena is tied with Rude as my favorite Turk, she's just a hoot every time she's on the screen and she and the rest of the Turks are about the only thing that makes the insufferable Wutai Quest somewhat enjoyable.

    I also liked Cidney, she turned out to be a better developed character than her detractors feared she would be. Her quest line was pretty nice too and give you my favorite upgrade to the car.

  3. #18


    23- Lightning ( Claire ) Farron

    Lightning is one character that I used to strongly loathe, despise, hate. However she's quickly growing on me. I think one of the big reasons as to why I hated her so strongly was because she reminded me of my past self. So frustrated, angry, pushing people away on purpose and so bitter. However Lightning does apologise for her actions and she realizes that if she wants to be strong for her sister Serah she can't really honestly go this way anymore. What used to also bug me is that she seems to slip back into her old habits, but well, that is human after all. Lightning is still not one of my favourites, but Final Fantasy VI used to be my least favourite Final Fantasy, and now it's my top ultimate favourite, so who knows what the future will bring ?

  4. #19
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I don't necessarily hate Lightning, but I also felt like SE overexposed her too much. I got sick of her pretty quick because of that, but I think my biggest issue with her besides her "roid rage" really was more of how she was marketed. She just feels artificial to me if that makes any sense. It's a similar issue I have with Yuna where I feel both characters are presented as being super special when I really don't see it.

  5. #20


    22- Selphie Tilmitt- Final Fantasy VIII

    Selphie is the underrated wild heroine from Final Fantasy VIII. While Rinoa has a her fandom and hatedom, Quistis has her Trepies in game and in RL, Selphie seems to be left behind and neglected and I don't know why. Selphie in battle is a complete powerhouse that can rivial Edea, Ultimecia and Rinoa. Selphie's The End can shred apart anything, even Ulti herself.
    Selphie at first glance may seem like a excitable, but immature Energizer Bunny, but we learn in Trabia, that she's acting, she puts on a cheerful and happy front so the people around her won't get down, and herself, which is rather deep and can be very relatable.

    In short, Selphie is fun and there seems to be more to her than meets the eye.

  6. #21


    I used to hate Selphie because I found her annoying. I've come around on her a bit, but I still understand why she wouldn't have much of a fandom. Irvine is still awful.

  7. #22
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Despite my usual strong dislike for the "hyper genki girl" archetype, Selphie has always been one of the few exceptions. I think it's because she comes across legitimately violent and crazy at times. That, and as maybee stated, she actually has some interesting depth to her when you get to Trabia Garden as well as a few minor scenes here and there. It probably helps that a lot of the humor for me in the game is watching her, and most of the other playable cast try to bring Squall out of his shell with amusing results and banter.


  8. #23


    21- Ashe. Final Fantasy XII

    Ashe is what I very much like to nickname the " Better Lightning ", because she is. Ashe is a tough, angry, but emotional young woman that feels troubled and battles through those emotions at the same time. Sounds familiar ? Expect, Ashe feels better balanced, and just feels like a better person to be around. She feels more solid, more friendly, more kind. She's a character that goes through too much for most people to handle, and she doesn't feel or transform into a " Edgey Character", or draining to be around. Ashe actually feels like a strong woman character.

    Ashe is what the main character of Final Fantasy XII should've been.

  9. #24
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    I've always hated the trope that tough, badass female (or male) characters don't show emotion. Sometimes, a situation can be ultra-intense and you can't keep check of how you feel. You might momentarily break down.

    A great example of this is Ellen Ripley in the first Alien movie. The captain is killed and she's taking charge and going over the options with the crew. She asks Ash (nice parallel) if they can expect any help from him or the ship computer. He says "No, we're still collating." She replies with "You're what? You're still collating?" With those first two words though she breaks down into a cry and then quickly gathers herself. It's a very small detail but one that gives the character an incredible amount of depth.

  10. #25
    draper hates the caley Cell's Avatar
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    I still hate Selphie to this day, but then I don't have much like for any of the FFVIII SeeD characters.

  11. #26
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Lady Ashe is one of the more underrated female heroines in the series and it always annoys me that she's passed over by the general fandom for "Yamato Nadeshiko" Yuna and "Angry but macho" Lightning Farron. I totally agree she does the characterization for Lightning far much better because Ashe is definitely a very angry person, but she's more than just anger and I feel XII's narrative gives better justification for her rage, and also plays it out well enough to give her one of the most underrated character arcs in the series. Ashe's journey is the heart of XII's story, and she's still one of my fave female characters within the series.


  12. #27


    20- Eiko Carol- Final Fantasy IX

    Eiko is one intellectual despite being what ? 5 years old ? Much real life 5 year old's proudest achievements are learning to tie their shoes, without Mummy's help, and this girl is already a "Shakespeare " expert and knows words like "sophisticated ", I don't why but I just find it to be really funny ? It just makes me laugh. Another thing I like about Eiko is her cute design, large yellow ribbon and how Moogles are her best friends. When I was little, I thought Eiko was just the coolest. In some ways her White Mage/ Summoning skills are even better and stronger than Princess Garnet's/ Dagger's. In short, Eiko is charming, and being alone for what seems to be quite a while, you just want her to become good friends with the rest of the main troop.

    When Eiko becomes a adult, Zidane and Garnet should hire her as some sort of army tactician or something, because this girl is going to become FFIX's version of Albert Einstein or something.

  13. #28
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Eiko is one of those characters I always convince myself that I don't like, but then I play IX and I do find her antics a bit amusing. She's definitely a more useful white mage and her support skill style summons are uber useful. She tends to get overshadowed by the rest of the cast for me, but I certainly hold her in higher standings than say Amarant.

    Fun fact about Eiko:

    She shares her first name with Hironobu Sakaguchi's wife.


  14. #29


    I tend to think of Eiko as a better white mage and a worse summoner. It's been awhile though, and I also never really used her as much as Garnet, so I could be off the mark.

  15. #30


    19- Edea Kramer

    Just like what Final Fantasy VIII says, Edea is a Sorcesses and she uses a special magical attack called Sorcery. Mindblowing. Jokes aside, Edea is a pretty enigmatic, mysterious, and mother-y character that I wish that we got to see more of her true identity, as most of what we see from her is actually Ulti. The Parade ? Ulti. The missile threats ? Ulti. The Garden Wars ? Ulti. Provoking Seifer to join her side ? Most likely Ulti.

    Though, what we do actually see from her, is actually quite tragic and sweet, she's just a young caring woman who wants to protect young orphans and protect Ellone from Adel, and just really be a good "Mother" to them, and when Squall from the future comes along, she knows what she must do. She must become Ulti's puppet, so Selphie and Quistis won't become Sorcesses and Ulti's puppets instead. Edea also does it again, when she loses control of Ulti- she lets Ulti go to Rinoa, a girl she doesn't know, so her female children can be safe.

    Edea is truly a good Mom.

    What stinks though, is how she doesn't fully become a party member.

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