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Thread: Maybee's Top 30 Final Fantasy Ladies List !

  1. #1

    Default Maybee's Top 30 Final Fantasy Ladies List !

    Hello ! I thought I would do this for some fun. First things first, I apologise if a fav girl of yours is not on the list or I've completely forgotten somebody. FF does have a lot of characters. If this does good, then I might do one for the men.

    Okay, let's start off with some Honourable Mentions.

    ⭐Lani- Final Fantasy IX

    The aggressive and un-lady-like assassin from Final Fantasy IX. She's used quite well during throughout the game. She knows that she's not a main character and she's not supposed to be, unlike a certain male red-haired parter of hers. She has a badass and let's admit it here - very sexy design. If Square wanted to include more to her character one day in a future remake, they'll be more than welcome too.

    Also is that blood on your titties girl ? You can't be on my top list if you have dirty titties. Clean your bra girl !

    ⭐Ursula Final Fantasy 4- After Years

    While Final Fantasy 4 The After Years was not the best game nor the best game sequel ever, it did have one charming factor to it, and that was the amazing Ursula.

    ⭐ Drag- Cloud Final Fantasy VII

    "BOOOO ! Only a honourable mention ???! " Well, while Cloud DOES make a beautiful woman in that plumy purple dress, he's still a man, and Cloud considers himself to be a cis man, so he cannot really count on this list.

    Sorry Miss Cloud.

    ⭐Quistis Trepe- Final Fantasy VIII

    While I'm not the biggest fan of hers ever, a lot of people are and people who don't even like the game that she's from, Final Fantasy VIII consider her to be a saving grace, which is a achievement worth noting. She also has some of the best limit breaks in the series and her saving Squall from the robot spider is badass. Too bad she's mostly used as Twilight Love Triangle bait. ( and makes some..... really stupid decisions )

    ⭐Princess Leena- Final Fantasy V/ Penelo- Final Fantasy XII

    These girls are cute and kind, but that's all that they're really are. They're "nice", but not nice, if that makes any sense whatsoever. I admire Penelo for her kindness and her motherly traits towards Vaan, and Leena is a cute Princess that wants to save her Dad. These two could've been a lot more but they're unfortunately lacking a lot of depth.
    Last edited by maybee; 05-19-2019 at 10:53 AM.

  2. #2


    30- Rikku Final Fantasy X

    I wanted to put her higher, I really did. Final Fantasy X's Rikku is a bright and intelligent teenager who's not afraid to speak on what's on her mind. She has a lot of heart and soul and is just always there to support people in need. However I feel like X-2 absolutely destroys her character and just ruins her. Rikku grows up to act like a preschooler and I'm not a fan of her X-2 costume. That thong sneaking out her very short dress. Ugh, Kuja had better tastes in fashion.

    In short, Rikku is low on the list because she had so much potential in the sequel, but she just becomes fanservice and it's frustrating. It's not even GOOD fanservice, because Rikku was smart, she had a brain on her shoulders and then....."Oh poopie !"

    While it's not the end of the world as we know it, I just, why does Rikku act like a three year old in X-2 ? Why ? There's actual children higher than her on this list, and that's saying something.

    Rikku goes from calling Wakka out on his racism and blind faith, to speaking like a baby. And it's annoying, because she had the power to become a mechanic or even the future leader of the Al Bhed.

    X-2 is and can be fun, but it did a huge injustice to a bright and wise character. While there was already some pretty uncomfortable fanservice used with Rikku in FFX, FFX-2 just presses the button to 11.

  3. #3


    I haven't played FFX-2, but I kind of feel like Rikku already acts like a baby in FFX.

  4. #4
    draper hates the caley Cell's Avatar
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    Lani not in the top 30

  5. #5
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Yeah Rikku was just kinda whatever in X-2. Which is a shame because I like her so much in X to call her my favorite character in the series. Hell she's better in the smurfing Eternal Calm short than X-2 proper, and I so wish the game would've run with that more. There's still some elements of X Rikku in X-2 Rikku, but really, the entire Al Bhed family right down to smurfing Cid himself got so ridiculous in X-2 it's depressing.

  6. #6
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Honestly, Rikku was being used as fanservice since the first game. Her incredibly lengthy "changing scene" being one of the most obvious. While I personally hate the Hyper Genki Girl type characters, Rikku is hardly the worst offender, at least until X-2.

    Sad to see so many characters I like get relegated to just Honorable mention.

  7. #7


    29- Rosa Joanna Farrell- Final Fantasy IV

    Rosa is perhaps one of the most romantic and loyal characters within the series. She stays by Cecil's side through thick and thin. Rosa is one of the characters that really should be a cameo in the Kingdom Hearts series, as she's able to see the light within Cecil's darkness. While Cecil just views himself as a Dark Knight with stained hands, Rosa is able to see the good within him, and while Cecil did need to "battle" his darkness, she was basically correct. Rosa is fascinating because she's highly emotionally intelligent. While she does play damsel now and then, she's able to see people as whom they truly are.

    A few years ago, I might of put Rosa on the honourable mentions or not even on this list to begin with, but somebody on EOFF pointed out how Rosa is not as useless as most would think. She helps Rydia recover from her Pyrophobia, she was brave enough to go searching for Cecil alone, in a attempt to try and save him, and as the game points out- Cecil would be nothing without her deadly bow n arrow and powerful White Magic.

    Rosa's character is a lot like herself. You have to dig deep to find something there, and when you do, you'll realise that she's a diamond in the rough. She's not a warrior like Lightning Farron or Tifa Lockhart, but she's kind and sweet, and I think we need some more "Rosa's " in this world right now.

    If you're reading this and you think that there's somebody close to you that needs a big hug right now, why not give them one ? And maybe share some tea and biscuits together.

  8. #8


    28- Serah Farron- Final Fantasy XIII/ XIII-2

    Today is a cute character with her only really huge flaw is her terrible taste in men. Seriously, what is she thinking ? Serah is a character that goes through quite a lot and only really wants to be happy with her older sister Lightning and her fiance Snow, however not everything goes as smoothly as she would like. Serah starts out a bit damsely, but in XIII-2 she takes matters into her own hands.

    Serah is a sweet hero of Final Fantasy XIII-2 and she makes the game feel bright. Though she lacks spice, she lacks vinegar to really make a strong impact.
    Last edited by maybee; 05-19-2019 at 02:19 AM.

  9. #9
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    i would've taken Lani over Amerant any day.

  10. #10


    27- Krile Mayer Baldesion Final Fantasy V

    Poor Krile might have one of the most weirdest names in fiction ever. Though fortunately enough she's a neat character as she feels somewhat rare. She's a younger Final Fantasy character that doesn't act like she's had 7 cups of coffee before waking up in the morning and she doesn't feel annoying either, in fact she's rather sensitive, intelligent and mature.

    One thing I really like about Krile is her relationship towards animals and how she seems to be "in tune" with them. She also follows her heart and intuition and of course her biggest factor, her relationship with her Grandpops Galuf. This is a bit personal, but my Father wasn't really the best growing up, so I've always felt like my Grandfather was more of a "true" Father. So I feel like I can relate to Krile rather strongly.

    Krile seems to be ignored or neglected when it comes to FFV fandom, and I think that's a big shame, because she's a cute and caring girl that's wise beyond her years.
    Last edited by maybee; 05-19-2019 at 10:34 AM.

  11. #11
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Rosa is definitely one of the more underrated female leads in the series. The fact she's sort of remained the template for them within the series is sort of a testament to her. I can't really say much about Serah since the idea of playing XIII-2 is as enticing to me as getting a root canal. Krile... My only real beef with her is that she kind of steals the thunder of most of the cast when she shows up, especially Lenna who I feel is a bit more underrated than she should be. She's not without her own merits, but I feel she does overlap a bit too much with Lenna at times.

  12. #12


    26- Elena- Final Fantasy VII

    Elena while working for the professional Turks is a bit of a clumsy one, but she tries and she feels rather human and reminds us that people who work for Shrina INC are at the end of the day, people doing their careers and just doing their job. While her partners are calm and collected she's rather nervous and you can easily tell that she's rather new to the job. Still, she tries and never gives up or doubts herself and even though she's on the "villians" side of the table, you almost feel like she could be your friend......almost.

  13. #13


    I love the Turks in general, so Elena is definitely a worthy inclusion.

  14. #14


    25- Prishe- Final Fantasy XI

    Prishe is a character that I like, but I wish I knew more about because I haven't played the game that she's originally from and have only experienced her from the FF fighting game spin off Dissidia. Though from what I know about her, is that she is simply awesome. Her design is 10/10 and she's a female monk which is another 10/10. Prishe also has a pretty cool personality, has she sort of has a tomboy feel, but at the same time, feminine in a way. She just speaks her mind and she was friendly and outgoing. I know that many are looking forward towards Tifa's announcement in Dissidia NT, but what about poor Prishe ? Hopefully Prishe comes to NT with Miss Lockhart soon.

    If there's a chance to smack up Snow with Prishe, then I might play NT Square.

  15. #15


    24- Cidney- Final Fantasy XV

    Oooof here comes the opinion/s that everybody may not like, but I found Cidney cute ! Yes cute ! I found her accent so adorable, and her kindness towards Noct's crew even more adorable. Yes, Cidney is sexualized but ..... I don't think it's that bad. It's a open yellow jacket and some short shorts, it's really just the same level as Tifa's titillating clothing and Lulu's 'let the girls hang loose' victory cheer in FFX. What I found more frustrating is that Cidney ( and Iris ) could easily fit into the main team, she just felt like "one of the boys", and she had endearing flousing romantic relationship with Prompto. I don't want the " Backstreet Boys", I want girls on my squad too.

    Cidney was just a ball of sunshine and it felt so warming to see her, not because of her sexual design, just because she was so cheerful, helpful and happy. She was a bright spark on such a disappointing game. And again, another oooof- I think she's one of the best FF Cids.

    Cidney is fine and I love her.

    Also most of the people who complained about her design, turned around and did something like this :

    Lmao. K.

    Note : I tried to post a sexualized male Cidney edit from Tumblr, but it didn't want to post, so this cosplay would have to do. Please don't attack the cosplayer. It's meant to be a horny Tumblr edit.
    Last edited by maybee; 05-20-2019 at 11:23 AM.

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