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  1. #16
    draper hates the caley Cell's Avatar
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    If there's more time with Avalanche, I'm cool with optional missions that aren't required to progress the plot but fill out the supporting cast in the early parts of the game.

  2. #17
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    My issue is really more about relevance. I mean if Top Side Sector 5 turns into a place where I have dozens of NPCs with exclamations over their heads to ask me to go retrieve trout for them from the slums, then I feel we're better off not seeing that. It really depends on how they try to expand the story and setting because we have a clashing issue of Midgar being filled with interesting lore implications, but we're also trying to expand one of the most tightly designed narrative points in the whole game that really never left much room for expansion. I keep worrying that every time something new comes up in the plot, I'm going to feel like it's just the developers padding out the game instead of feeling like something that needed to be said. I already got that vibe from the Jessie motorcycle chase sequence which I keep trying to think of where such a moment would actually take place, and whether it was a good idea to take one of the most iconic moments from Midgar and just have you do it a few more times instead of just making that one moment better.
    Yeah, I get that it can be kind of annoying to be going "Oh, yet another motorbike getaway", but I really want more flesh to be given to the characters and if that means stuff like what Cell and Golbez said then I'm all for it. A lot of iconic moments are never going to be iconic again in the remake, at least in my opinion. I'm interested in seeing cool graphics and discovering new things. If it was just exactly the same plot and gameplay with better graphics... I mean that'd be cool but this is probably the only game I'd bother buying for that alone, and I'd still be wishing there were at least a few new things thrown in. The more the better... for now. We'll see if I still think so after playing it. xD
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  3. #18
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I get the idea of doing new things for a game. I agree a remake should be more than a 1:1 port with better graphics. My hesitation comes from a combination of the Compilation giving me no faith in the remaining creators combined with taking a portion of the game that takes five to eight hours to complete and extending that content by four fold, which just sends up a red flag of redundant conversations and busy work when translated into actual game design.

    I'm all for expanding Midgar, I just don't know if I have faith that SE in general can do it in a satisfactory way. It's not about ruining my nostalgia, as everyone knows, I don't have that for this game, it's more about padding out a remake with what I feel is cancerous game design in order to milk this victory lap. Going back to our discussion concerning how long that Guard Scorpion fight got stretched out, it's looking like from videos of the unedited fight taken afterwards that it may range about fifteen minutes to complete, and I'm just feeling that's a bit excessive. So I'm more concerned about playing a game that could have potentially been awesome but gets consistently dragged down by the creators stretching and milking every opportunity. "Let's expand the rest of AVALANCHE", great idea, but if that translates to the three of them stopping the plot so they can hand out quests that basically involve MMO/Monster Hunter shenanigans of twenty missions of "go here and kill X amount of Y" and then I'll reward you with a bit of dialogue about my character when it's complete; I'm going to be really disappointed.

  4. #19


    i want to see barret interact with bougie top-platers

  5. #20
    fat_moogle's Avatar
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    15 minutes for the Guard Scorpion fight does seem slightly excessive. However, I'm all for it. The Remake is going to be cutscene heavy. I mean. Cut. Scene. Heavy. Which I'm also all for. Boss battles might feel "stretched out" to balance out the gameplay-to-story.
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