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Thread: Who is the most memroable boss from each FF?

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Nom nom nom Who is the most memroable boss from each FF?

    What it says on the tin, but to make this a bit more challenging, you can't use the main villain or final boss. Also, I'm specifically thinking in terms of just being an interesting or standout boss fight in itself.

  2. #2
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    So I take it picking Ultros on the grounds of "being an endearing character" is not qualified for this question?

    Gonna have to think on this one for a bit.

  3. #3
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    UMARO! I love his furry penis!

  4. #4


    I don't know. It's kind of hard to think up an answer for each FF, but I can tell you what the first thing that came to mind for FFIV was and that's the Magus Sisters. Their wall based tactics were new to me at the time and pair that with you need to get them in the right order to avoid a revive and they're definitely memorable for the way you have to fight them.

    FFVI - Maybe Doomgaze. It's beat in one go, so generally involves flying around trying to get into battle or just waiting for it to strike again and whittle it down. It really is Ultros though for all his antics. Just not sure if Karifean us right about him being disqualified.
    Last edited by Lord Golbez; 06-30-2019 at 05:29 PM.

  5. #5
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Ultros can count, you just have to whittle it down to one particular battle.

    To make this a bit easier, imagine the games were getting a FFVII style remake, which boss fight would you be looking forward to the most to see how much it changed or see in that graphical style. You just can't use the main villain or final boss fight. Side villains are fine though, just be specific about which battle.

  6. #6


    At the opera would be my number one choice for Ultros battles.

  7. #7
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy - The most obvious choice would be Garland since he's the first boss and secretly the final boss, but I feel Lich would be the first boss to really look out for as he tends to be the first "gloves off" boss that FF throws at you and his infamous arrival as a random encounter is still one of the game's more brilliant moments.

    Final Fantasy II - The bosses in this game are not as memorable for me except for one, and that's the series first encounter with the infamous Behemoth in the Coliseum which is a pretty stellar battle if you don't over-level early. Lamia Queen is also a pretty memorable as well if only for the events leading up to it.

    Final Fantasy III - This was pretty easy, Garuda is probably the most infamous boss in FFIII outside of the boss gauntlet in the end game. Garuda was popular enough to become a summon later as well.

    Final Fantasy IV - Part of me would love to give this to any of the Archfiends, most likely the final battle where you have to fight all four of them in a row, or I could give this the Dark Elf, who was a pretty spectacular battle after one of the game's most infamous dungeons. But I feel there is only one real answer here and that's the Demon Wall. This boss was such a nightmare for fans that SE loves to bring it back just to terrorize us. I think this boss has killed me more times in my early playthroughs than any other in Final Fantasy.

    Final Fantasy V - This was probably one of the toughest because frankly, I feel FFV has the most creative and interesting boss battles in the franchise likely short of the MMO entries. I may give this to Atmos since this boss is a real bastard even if you know what you're doing. It's also just a creepy fight much like the Demon Wall where you watch your poor party members get lost into the void throughout the battle if you don;t revive them quickly enough. Not surprised he's made a few appearances down the road.

    Final Fantasy VI - Easy picks here would be the various Ultros fight or the Ghost Train, but I'm giving this to the debut of the Ultima Weapon who pretty much was a perfect boss to segue into the Ruined World. So good in fact, most people forget he's not even the final boss of the World of Balance. Cool animation for him and the introduction of Flare Star and most likely some players first chance to see Quake, Meteor, and Flare. He's a really nasty piece of work for unprepared or under-leveled party. Sure there is a rematch fight later, but by then your party is so souped up from Magicite steroids that he's just a blip on the radar to the final boss.

    Final Fantasy VII - This was a bit tough for me, largely because I'm trying to avoid story-centric villains on this list and most of VII's most memorable boss fights are ones with major players in the script. Jenova for instance is an easy pick and I would likely choose the battle against her after Aerith is killed but I feel Jenova falls a little too close to "main villain" territory so I won't count her (though anyone else is free to) s for not important bosses, I may give this to Carry Armor as it was one of the few bosses that gave me a game over in my first playthrough, though I also loved the Guard Scorpion as well. Yet I think my favorite fight is still the one against Rufus on the Shinra HQ roof. Not necessarily a challenging fight, but one of the more cinematic ones.

    Final Fantasy VIII - This one was pretty easy. X-ATMO92 is one of the most memorable boss battles in the game and was the star of the game's demo. This was just a creative fight with a lot of cinematic and quirky elements going for it. Easily one of the most memorable parts of the early game and probably the most creative boss in the PS1 era.

    Final Fantasy IX - Hardly the most challenging fight but the battle with Black Waltz #3 is easily one of the coolest moments in the first disk and unlike all the Beatrix battles, is actually winnable. My second choice would be Zorn and Thorn since I love the fact they use Twin Magic. For a non-story relevant boss, probably Gizamaluke or Ark.

    Final Fantasy X - Not a huge fan of the bosses in this game, probably Chcocobo Eater since if like the gimmick for the fight, or Sanctuary Keeper since he's one of the few bosses in the main story that can be pretty tough if you go in unprepared. For a more story-centric boss, probably Yunalesca, especially since multiform bosses are rare outside of final bosses.

    Final Fantasy XII - Part of me wants to give this to Elder Wyrm, especially since its the last boss in the main story that will likely give players a hard time unless they actively avoid doing all of the side content. Yet I may really give this to Belias, especially since he's both a pretty nasty fight on his own and the FFTactics fan in me always appreciated this battle since he was probably the most memorable boss fight in Tactics.

    Final Fantasy XIII - Ugh, probably the toughest one for me since I hate this game. I may give this to Proudclad since I like the reference to FFVII and because I probably died to this boss more times than any other in the game except maybe the first Barthandelus fight. Mainly because I was stubbornly trying not to use a Synergist.

    Final Fantasy XV - Probably the Malboro. That whole chapter is one long giant player punch, but I have to give XV props for really creating a cool and atmospheric build up to the usual "Oh trout" moment that is encountering a Malboro. It's a pretty challenging fight as well since you're effectively handicapped for it with only three effective party members and no access to good food buffs. Leviathan is probably the other big one most people remember but that fight is pure cinematic and like the final boss fight, is mostly a button masher.

  8. #8


    FFV - Gotta be Gilgamesh. Specifically the first time although there are definitely good reasonsnto choose some later ones.

    FFVII - I'm going with Reno or Hojo. I think Hojo, even though he might be a bit more "main" than some Shinra guys is far enough removed to qualify and, like Yunalesca, he's multi-part boss. Reno is because he's one of the few guys to give me a game over the first time through because I didn't realize you could break the pyramids at first. Aside from serious power leveling or luck, beating Reno without breaking pyramids is likely impossible.

    FFVIII - Since we're probably excluding all Seifer and Edea battles (each if which would otherwise be a strong contender, think about the unprecedented use of a boss killing Odin alone), I'd probably go with the same boss as WK.

    FFIX - I feel like I want to refamiliarize myself with all of the bosses for a lot of these. BlackbWaltz is a good choice and I might echo it.

    FFX - I like Yunalesca too, but also that sinspawn boss you fight on the beach maybe.
    Last edited by Lord Golbez; 07-03-2019 at 08:43 PM.

  9. #9
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    FF IV - Demon Wall
    FF V - Gilgamesh in Exdeath's castle
    FF VI - The battle against Vargas that introduces Sabin and his Blitz... but for all the wrong reasons >_> positive side would be Ultros 1.
    FF VII - Carry Armor, mainly due to this.
    FF VIII - The Oil guys on the Garden's MD level. They're actually pretty threatening.
    FF IX - Hilgigars, also for all the wrong reasons. More positively, Black Waltz 1.
    FF X - Yunalesca for sure.
    FF X-2 - I'll count the Den of Woe gauntlet as being the main villain, so instead gonna say Bahamut.
    FF XII - Probably the Mimic Queen.
    FF XIII - The second time you fight the scorpion dude, because I kept dying instantly at first since I thought I was smart in not putting a Sentinel tank on my team since they seemed pretty superfluous. Little did I know having one is near mandatory for the group damage reduction, otherwise the ice attack instakills you. Other than that, Odin and Hecatoncheir, are both high candidates.
    FF XIII-2 - Proto-Fal'Cie Adam

  10. #10


    Somebody's cheating on Tifa's limit breaks.

  11. #11


    I: Lich, either battle. In the first battle, this thing awaits you after five floors of brutal encounters, including the chance of being stoned. That's after having to make a U turn halfway through the dungeon and having to go back in there. It doesn't help that your levels will be lower here than with the other fiends. The second battle can be summed up in one word: NUKE.

    II: Lamia Queen. She alone has caused me more resets than anything else in this game. Blink makes my party nearly useless. I'd rather deal with Entice.

    III: Giant Rat. Although the dungeon is short, you have to fight this thing in Mini status with very limited spell charges. Running isn't a viable option in III, but if you fight the battles throughout the dungeon, you risk running out of magic.

    IV: Valvalis. My guide says she's weak to Lightning. That's great. Nobody in the current party can use black magic. Cecil, Cid, and Yang constantly get that message about her tornado. Meanwhile, Rosa is constantly healing people, especially after the attack that leaves a party member in single digits. And then she needs to be KO'd before she petrifies someone.

    V: Antlion, ugh. Just Butz, er, I mean Bartz and Krile. Pray to God you don't get hit with Dischord. Pack it up if that happens. Oh, and did I mention that leveling up for the fight isn't an option because there is no accessible place with random battles?

    VI: Chadarnook, oh, Chadarnook. Repeated shots of poison, sleep spells until a dog wakes you up, and constant form toggling. This battle is really annoying, even more so that the annoying censor steam.

    VII: Carry Armor. Put me down! With the ability to pick up party members and drain life from them, all strategy can go right out the window.

    VIII: Adel, who will teach you how to junction properly if you didn't already know. And don't forget to keep Rinoa alive.

    IX: Black Waltz #1. You have Zidane fighting alone. Your healing is basically just potions. If you want to steal anything, that just makes the battle even longer.

    X: Overdrive Sin, the battle that made me learn how to use Trio of 9999. It's essentially a timed battle with a ranged segment to start. If Sin or Seymour don't count do to being main villains, then it's Yunalesca.

    XI: Archlich Taber'Quoan. This bonehead has infinite helpers to jump in and fight, and you'll have to start the Genkai quests before this if you want any real chance of beating it. Maybe Lion can Powder Keg them all, but don't count on it.

    XII: Mandragoras. Chasing around pieces of fruit while they run away and regroup is a lot harder than it sounds. Yet, I really enjoy this battle. I really hate the fake save point that follows, though.

    XIII: Alexander. This is a really bad time in the game for that battle, and shoving Hope in as leader with nowhere to level up? YUCK.

    XIV: Haven't gotten far enough into this game yet.

    XV: Leviathan, the thing responsible for the only game over I had.

  12. #12
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karifean View Post
    FF IV - Demon Wall
    FF V - Gilgamesh in Exdeath's castle
    FF VI - The battle against Vargas that introduces Sabin and his Blitz... but for all the wrong reasons >_> positive side would be Ultros 1.
    FF VII - Carry Armor, mainly due to this.
    FF VIII - The Oil guys on the Garden's MD level. They're actually pretty threatening.
    FF IX - Hilgigars, also for all the wrong reasons. More positively, Black Waltz 1.
    FF X - Yunalesca for sure.
    FF X-2 - I'll count the Den of Woe gauntlet as being the main villain, so instead gonna say Bahamut.
    FF XII - Probably the Mimic Queen.
    FF XIII - The second time you fight the scorpion dude, because I kept dying instantly at first since I thought I was smart in not putting a Sentinel tank on my team since they seemed pretty superfluous. Little did I know having one is near mandatory for the group damage reduction, otherwise the ice attack instakills you. Other than that, Odin and Hecatoncheir, are both high candidates.
    FF XIII-2 - Proto-Fal'Cie Adam
    What do you mean by "the wrong reasons", if it's okay to ask?

  13. #13
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJN SEIFER View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Karifean View Post
    FF VI - The battle against Vargas that introduces Sabin and his Blitz... but for all the wrong reasons >_> positive side would be Ultros 1.
    What do you mean by "the wrong reasons", if it's okay to ask?
    Got a Game Over running out the doom timer because I couldn't figure out what the heck the game was expecting me to do to make Blitz work.

  14. #14
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karifean View Post

    Got a Game Over running out the doom timer because I couldn't figure out what the heck the game was expecting me to do to make Blitz work.
    I get what you mean.

    It confused me as well, actually. Mostly because I didn't realise you had to do it before selecting it, or whatever.

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