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Thread: Questions about FF II and III (Original NES Versions)

  1. #1

    Default Questions about FF II and III (Original NES Versions)

    I know this is the FFI forum, but my questions are based from that game.

    Basically, regarding FFI-III, I played the NES version of I, but remakes of II and III.

    Two things in particular about FFI NES really bothered me, and I am wondering if these 2 things are also the case for FFII (NES) and FFIII (NES)?

    So here are the two questions:

    1 - On FFI (NES), it doesn't auto-retarget enemies after you've killed one, so your characters will try to attack thin air and get the "ineffective" message. Is this still a problem on FFII (NES) and FFIII (NES)?

    2 - What is the saving system for FFII NES and III NES? On the PSP remake of II, you can save any time anywhere. Is this on the original NES II as well, or is it more restrictive like FFI NES?

    Sorry if confusing. I just want to get to the bottom of this, because these two things really effected my enjoyment of FFI, which from my signature you can see is ranked bottom of my list.

  2. #2
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarvio View Post

    1 - On FFI (NES), it doesn't auto-retarget enemies after you've killed one, so your characters will try to attack thin air and get the "ineffective" message. Is this still a problem on FFII (NES) and FFIII (NES)?
    Auto-retargeting didn't come to be until FFIII (NES) so FFII original will still have the problem.

    2 - What is the saving system for FFII NES and III NES? On the PSP remake of II, you can save any time anywhere. Is this on the original NES II as well, or is it more restrictive like FFI NES?
    You can only save on the world map if you're playing the originals, though since it's easier to play the original games through emulation, you can always use save states to save wherever you want. Save points in dungeons didn't become a thing until FFIV, and later "save anywhere" features were introduced for the mobile versions of the games to give them a pick up and go feel suitable for the medium.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarvio View Post

    1 - On FFI (NES), it doesn't auto-retarget enemies after you've killed one, so your characters will try to attack thin air and get the "ineffective" message. Is this still a problem on FFII (NES) and FFIII (NES)?
    Auto-retargeting didn't come to be until FFIII (NES) so FFII original will still have the problem.

    2 - What is the saving system for FFII NES and III NES? On the PSP remake of II, you can save any time anywhere. Is this on the original NES II as well, or is it more restrictive like FFI NES?
    You can only save on the world map if you're playing the originals, though since it's easier to play the original games through emulation, you can always use save states to save wherever you want. Save points in dungeons didn't become a thing until FFIV, and later "save anywhere" features were introduced for the mobile versions of the games to give them a pick up and go feel suitable for the medium.
    Ah ok, thanks for the info.

    Hmm, at least it's fixed for FFIII then. Looks like FFII though, would drop on my list if I was to play the NES original.

    I don't use save states as I consider it cheating, each to their own I guess, do you think there's any chance that FFII and III original versions will get an official release in the UK? As I don't really use emulators.

  4. #4
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Not very likely. SE seems more interested in remakes than porting the originals. They usually only port the originals for the large anniversary collections which tend to stay as Japanese exclusives. The closest you'll get to playing the "original" version of FFII is through FF Origins for the PS1. Of course, FFII starys on Easy Mode and you have to beat it once before the game let's you play the game in Normal Mode which scales its features back to the original.

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