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Thread: What's a game you've changed your opinion on?

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Smash What's a game you've changed your opinion on?

    So I've been watching some vi3os on Youtube and as an MGS fan, I get quite a few videos my way, but the ones that keep popping up are usually about die-hard fans changing their mind on MGSV which was a mostly universally acclaimed title when it was released but now fans are poking holes into the issues with it.

    So I was curious to see which games my fellow EoFFers changed their opinions on for better or for worse?

  2. #2


    I don't tend to change my opinion on games that much anymore - usually if I like it I'll probably still like it later.

    There were a few cases as a kid where I didn't like less graphically sophisticated games (like the first two Monkey Island games) because I was used to the visual style of later entries in the series - but now graphical style is probably one of the least important factors for me. The only games that might benefit from a reappraisal are the few games that I have mixed opinions on (like KOTOR 2 for example) because I value some aspects of the writing but have issues with the tone compared to the first game. Maybe I would be less judgmental of the difference now.

  3. #3


    The only times there's much likelihood I'll change my opinion on a game significantly is if I made a prejudgment before playing or made an early judgment that changed as I played the game. It's highly unlikely for me to change my opinion much on a game I commpleted at a later time. I would say MGS is a game I didn't think I would like much both before playing it and early on and ended up liking it a lot. Katamari sounded kind of stupid to me but I loved it, but tjat's because it's the kind of game that's so simple just seeong it xesribed is not going to sound interesting.
    Last edited by Lord Golbez; 07-27-2019 at 06:25 PM.

  4. #4
    WarZidane's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy X - I loved it when I first played it back in 2002, but the more I look back on it, the less I like it.

    Tales of Symphonia - Same as above. Loved it when I first played it in 2004, but again, the more I look back on it, the less I like it.

    Pillars of Eternity - Didn't like this one at all the first time I played it. I revisited it a year or so later to give it another shot, and loved it.

    Resident Evil - The series as a whole, really. I tried the first game briefly in the late 90s and didn't like it, had no interest in the others. Then one day I played Code Veronica X on PS2 and got hooked, after which I revisited the earlier games. Now I like them, including the originals.

  5. #5
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    FFVII used to be my favorite, but it really didn’t hold up upon revisiting. It was pretty heartbreaking.

    Went from initially loving FFX to really despising it back again to being okay with it.

    Persona 4 wowed me at first, while Persona 3 began as a slog. Upon revisiting both numerous times, 3 only became more profound while 4 felt much less visceral and genuine. It doesn’t help that 4 really collided people’s expectations for all MegaTen from them on, for better or worse. Also, hated Persona 1 initially now I kinda love it?

    Used to think the Sims 4 was a terrible, lackluster follow up to 3, but they’ve really done a good job with updates so it’s good for what it is, even if it still can’t live up to 3.

    Kinda hated KH re:coded at first, but coming into it later knowing how insignificant it’s story was, I was really pleasantly surprised with the amazing gameplay.

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    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Main one that comes to mind is Fate/Stay Night, which went about as follows: "Damn this is SO awesome." -> "Well the fights are cool but beyond that there's not much." -> "Man this story has problems but definitely has some of the best character writing and development arcs I've ever seen."

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    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy IX and XII were both that I initially didn’t like but grew to like a good amount.

    XIII I started liking, but I grew colder to it as I was playing. I still enjoyed it in the moment mostly but just felt dissatisfied at the end. Now I’m back to enjoying it somewhat mainly for the battle system.

    Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance was one I didn’t really like when I first played it, but the last time I played it I enjoyed it a lot.

    These are the big ones off the top of my head. I’m sure there are others, but I’ve found most of my changes of opinion go from me disliking something to liking something. If I like it to begin with, my opinion hardly ever changes.

  8. #8
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    The two that come to mind the most in recent memory is FFVII which I initially liked but wasn't floored by, eventually grew to hate it, and I've since kind of came back around to my initial feelings about it. Good but really flawed.

    Xenosaga Episode 3 is an entry I initially loved and praised as the best entry, due to nostalgia and being surprised I finally got my ending to a series I thought would die with the second entry, and now I feel it has way too many problems. I still enjoyed it, but with the Xeno love subsiding, its much easier for me to see the glaring problems with the game.

    The Kingdom Hearts franchise is another I've gone back and forth with, but trying to replay the franchise from the beginning in anticipation for KHIII, I can safely say I fell off the bandwagon and have no real intention of ever getting back onto it. I know KHIII left the series with more mysteries to resolve, but much like Bleach at the end of the Aizen Arc, I don't really feel like the world needs a KHIV or even a spin-off title. Let it end.

  9. #9
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Went from initially loving FFX to really despising it back again to being okay with it.
    Oh, Fynn, this make me so happy! ^_^

    Final Fantasy XIII. Went from hating it with a passion to enjoying it more the second go around than I did the first. Don't know what happened with that first playthrough. Maybe it was because I got the Xbox version first.

  10. #10
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VI I used to love but replaying it just months ago I found it drug on after the World ends and I really had to force myself to finish.

    Kingdom Hearts is a game I liked initially, but on a second play through ended up hating it. Had trouble even playing the sequels and haven’t even wanted to try 3 now.

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    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayen View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Went from initially loving FFX to really despising it back again to being okay with it.
    Oh, Fynn, this make me so happy! ^_^
    Oh don’t get me wrong. I still absolutely feel it is extremely dumb. I’m just much more accepting of its existence.

  12. #12
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Ayen View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Went from initially loving FFX to really despising it back again to being okay with it.
    Oh, Fynn, this make me so happy! ^_^
    Oh don’t get me wrong. I still absolutely feel it is extremely dumb. I’m just much more accepting of its existence.
    Why do you say things you know will hurt me

  13. #13
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    I personally loved Blitzball Manager which had a RPG mini game in it!

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