Inspired by Mr. Carnelian's thread and some other discussions I've had with a few people. I have compiled a list of my ten favorite anime flicks of all time. I even have ten honorable mentions but decided I didn't want to put all the effort into doing a top twenty list. I did give myself some ground rules for myself:

  • One film only for certain directors and Studio Ghibli - I could easily make a list of just films with Studio Ghibli and Satoshi Kon so I limited myself into choosing just one film for each.
  • No OAV/TV Movies - I will not count a film that is basically a re-edited version of a TV series or OAV into film format, so no Mobile Suit Gundam Movie, Endless Waltz, or Macross Plus. With that said, an adaption of a series into film format is perfectly acceptable.
  • One film per franchise - Basically if a film has a sequel or prequel, I'm only going for one film though to be honest, this rule is really only here for one particular entry since I'm sure it will raise some eyebrows.

Fun fact about my list:

  • Only four are standalone films that are not based on a popular manga/book/TV series
  • Two films are based on novels.
  • Three are film adaptions of popular series
  • The youngest film on this list turns eighteen next week.
  • The oldest movie turned forty this month.
  • One film has never received a Western release
  • Only two films feature giant robots