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Thread: Your Least Favorite Moment from any RPG

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Braaaaaains Your Least Favorite Moment from any RPG

    This was a question that popped up in my panel this last weekend so let's hear your thoughts.

    Before we start, no smart ass answers like when the game ended, or knowing I paid money for it. Likewise, no personal examples such as trying to beat a hard boss only to have the power go out kind of stuff. I'm talking about narrative choices.

  2. #2
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    The moment when you meet Lymle in Star Ocean 4

  3. #3


    When Namingway asks if I want him to change my name. WTF? No, you weirdo. That's sort of a narrative choice... it's choosing tongive a sort of narrative reason for character name changes and I don't like it.
    Last edited by Lord Golbez; 08-28-2019 at 04:00 AM.

  4. #4
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Sazh not killing himself. Not because I wanted him to because he's the only likeable character in ffxiii but because it was pretty much the only chance the game had at creating a potentially genuinely compelling moment for me and instead it's the usual cheap "did he or didn't he?" thing. Except when you're asking did he or didn't he about suicide in almost anything the answer is pretty much always "he didn't but we want to create a false sense of drama and anticipation so we're not going to show you until later."

  5. #5


    Any scene in Crisis Core with Genesis.

  6. #6
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    Tales of Graces f. This is the single dumbest cast of characters. Between the six of them they share two braincells. And by that I mean, they keep them away from Asbel and Sophie. There's this one point you just finished a fight with the main antagonist. He's all, "WARG I hate Sophie and you and friendship! ARG!" And Asbel's trying to talk him down and it's getting through a little. And then Sophie tries to hug him and it sets him off again and flies away. He doesn't hop in an airship or anything. Just propels himself through pure anger.

  7. #7


    I hate picking on SO4, since I do generally like the game, A LOT, but, man, the first time I hit that area and I realized where they were going with the story and last boss? No. Absolutely $#$%^% not. There has never been a bigger and more disappointing narrative waste than where TA went with the end of that game, and the UPPP deserved far more respect than, 'oh noes, if you make other people smartz then big bad boogie mans will come out of nowhere and eat you all!'. The SO series as a whole has had issues ending their stories, but that one in particular, bleh.

  8. #8
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    I would say Bravely Default if you don't end it early and take it all the way to the last chapter:

    (SPOILER)When Airy reveals her true nature and everyone is just shocked. It's so bizarre. They know already! Especially Ringabel, saying "I ought to have seen through you!" He saw through her the most! They all knew!!! It makes me wonder if it's just a huge translation error, like maybe in Japanese it was more like they were still holding out hope their suspicions were wrong. The last four chapters are a bit of a chore doing the crystals over and over, but you expect the characters to make something of it, and their reaction kind of just makes it all a waste. The better ending is to just do it when Ringabel starts asking questions, but then you miss out on the Eternian forces side quests which I do like. I like to describe the plot of this game as being two lines of dialogue away from being great. Also if you read Ringabel's journal it's clear that the scenes we see are just a condensed version of what is canonically happening, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

    Also, Bravely Second when I learned that in the Japanese version all of the asterisk side quests have four endings each. (SPOILER)No matter what you choose the first time over, you get that choice's bad ending. The second time around you get the good ending of whatever side you choose. In the English release, all the bad endings are cut and you get the good ending both times. Aside from just the lost content that I would have liked to have seen, it seemed like it was for Edea's development of not looking at things in black and white, and now that is missing.

    In Persona 4 (SPOILER)why didn't the protagonist just put his damn hand into the detention room TV so Dojima would believe him? I mean, surely putting one hand in would be ok.
    Last edited by Jessweeee♪; 09-06-2019 at 03:46 PM.

  9. #9
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Speaking of Bravely Second, the story in general is a hot mess, but God damn that final chapter was frustrating. It was basically like, "okay, we wrapped up the main plot, so now we need to put all that lore we hinted at in the first game - you know, the actual sequel hook we had?"

    Like Jesus Christ, it made me feel like the entire game was just padding in preparation for something completely unrelated. Say what you will about the first game's story, but at least it was actually cohesive. Bravely Second in general feels like a complete mess, but the final chapter just puts the nail in the coffin.

  10. #10
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slothy View Post
    Sazh not killing himself. Not because I wanted him to because he's the only likeable character in ffxiii but because it was pretty much the only chance the game had at creating a potentially genuinely compelling moment for me and instead it's the usual cheap "did he or didn't he?" thing. Except when you're asking did he or didn't he about suicide in almost anything the answer is pretty much always "he didn't but we want to create a false sense of drama and anticipation so we're not going to show you until later."
    I was originally going to say the ending to XIII, but on second thought, this right here was the moment that pretty much ended all investment I had with the story. Whereas every stupid thing after it was just more trout that furthered soured my feelings about the cast and plot. This moment, along with the sequence with Hope's dad and subsequent dropping from the narrative, pretty much embodies everything wrong with XIII's narrative as it tries to be interesting and edgy only to retreat back to safety and cheapening any good will I may had for the story. God I hate this game.

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    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    To this day I have no idea what the ending of xiii even is. My PS3 died, the save was gone, and no way was I going to replay it to find out how it ended. Couldn't care less at that point.

    But I do blame it for killing the PS3 so I guess that's my ffxiii ending right there.

  12. #12
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Now that I'm playing it again (again), I have to say the moment you reach the Dwarven Kingdom in FFIV always kills the momentum for me. Sure, there's cool stuff there, what with Rydia joining at the last minute, but just the prospect of getting down there and trudging through that castle fills me with dread.

  13. #13
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slothy View Post
    To this day I have no idea what the ending of xiii even is. My PS3 died, the save was gone, and no way was I going to replay it to find out how it ended. Couldn't care less at that point.

    But I do blame it for killing the PS3 so I guess that's my ffxiii ending right there.
    It's fine, I finished the game and still have no idea how it ended.

  14. #14
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    aggressive lesbianism turned the world into the logo

    it doesn't matter anyway because the sequel just undoes everything

    EDIT: yeah there was this one tumblr post that really did a great job summarizing these games:

    Quote Originally Posted by finalfantasythings

    Serah and Snow: Let’s get married!
    Lightning: No
    Serah: *crystallizes*
    Vanille: *compulsive lying*
    Fang: *aggressive lesbianing*
    Hope: *teen angst*
    Sazh: *side-eye emoji*
    Barthandelus: You will destroy the world
    Lightning: No
    Fang and Vanille: *saves world with aggressive lesbianing*
    *Leona Lewis starts playing*


    Serah: Lightning where u at
    World: she dead
    Caius: Fight me
    Lighting: smurf you
    Noel: Let’s save the timeline!
    Noel: *breaks the timeline*
    Yeul: *dies*
    Caius: *dies*
    Lightning: *dies*
    Serah: *dies*
    Noel: Haha smurf

  15. #15
    Jinx's Avatar
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    Seriously, no one's going to say the Kalm flashback?
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

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