A character that has been around forever and had both good and terrible writers working on the comics, movies, television series, and all points in-between. The character is old enough to be put into the public domain, but DC still manages to keep that from happening. A bit of an underappreciated character at times, as some people think he's boring because he's too powerful, or just not relatable enough because of his powers.

The reason I like him is because, when done right, Clark Kent is the character you're supposed to relate to. The average Joe working class man. Superman is the character you aspire to be, and they're the same person. Meaning that anyone, regardless of their flaws, can aspire to be something great.

So far Supergirl has shown a character like that can still be flawed and relatable despite the power list that has its own wiki page on Wikipedia. But I feel we've yet to see that progress on Superman. Man of Steel was okay, and I liked Dawn of Justice a little bit, but I don't think they're on par with how the television shows are. And with how much they took from Clark Kent/Superman in Supergirl (what with the glasses and same kind of job) I can't help but feel the creators of Supergirl really wanted to do a Superman show, but the powers that be wouldn't let them.

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