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Thread: In Defense of... (RPG Edition)

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    :monster: In Defense of... (RPG Edition)

    I've been replaying me a bit of Xenogears lately, and I've reached one of the "problem areas" that many fans tend to whine about. Yet, honestly I actually like the section and I don't really feel it has any problems. So this thread is about sections of RPGs that you like or don't mind at all that the fandom tends to trout on all the time. What's a controversial section of a game you enjoy and why?

  2. #2


    i didn't hate the hallway section of FFXV

    i liked it a lot less than the open world section, but i didn't hate it

  3. #3
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I feel the two most common I run into is the Kislev section of Xenogears and the Kalm Flashback in FFVII which always seems to get a little flak from people.

    The Kislev sequence always gets docked for being a momentum killer and for that awful sewer dungeon, but... I actually like the fact the game switches gears and leaves us on a cliffhanger with the Aveh story arc, of anything, it's one of the best sequences to get you into Fei's mentality since he's also equally frustrated and annoyed by the whole scenario. I actually really dig the Gear battles in the arena and appreciate that they went for a more traditional fighting game for it than just making it normal battles. Kislev to me is an underrated location lore0wise, and while it's easy to dismiss it since the other half of its lore is lost to Perfect Works, it was still one of the coolest locations in the game up to that point. The sewer mission also gets more flak than it deserves. While it is easy to get turned around, not only do you have a map, the whole scenario of event triggers are actually rather close together. So if you don't swing the damn camera around wildly and lose your orientation, you can actually finish the whole sequence in like twenty minutes including all the dialogue and battles. Of anything, I stay down there longer just to grind deathblows for Rico. The ending to it is also pretty snazzy and has some great character moments for Elly, Rico, and Grahf of all people.

    As for Kalm, I like the tone it sets for both Sephiroth and the rest of the game. There is some great lore elements here and the cool factor of having a broken character like Sephiroth in your team was pretty groovy for me back when I still liked him. Even knowing its all a lie, I still enjoy having that knowledge of where Cloud is fibbing, hunting down the guard who is Cloud in the flashback, and some of the other screwy things you can do like chat with his mom and snoop in Tifa's panty drawers. For a really dark moment in the game, you can do some whacky stuff. Its also the only point in the game where you get to see the pre-"a god amI" Sephiroth in the narrative.

    The Reptite sections in CT have also grown on me over the years as well. Largely due to Chrono Cross giving them a new spin when you think about the fact that they would have been the masters of the planet had Lavos not interfered. The dungeons are also more creative than I give them credit for.
    Last edited by Wolf Kanno; 12-31-2019 at 12:02 AM. Reason: me oh my

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    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    I actually quite like the Bump system in the early Ys games. Not gonna claim it's as good as the later games' gameplay systems but it's fun as it is.

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    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, for the longest time I never even knew people disliked the Kalm flashback. It was pretty excellent.

  6. #6
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    I loved the Kalm flashback the first time around. The 12th time or so, not so much. But that's a problem with me playing this game too much and not the game lol

  7. #7
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Another one I just thought of, the first ten hours of Suikoden V. This game takes a very long time before it removes the rails and let's you do all the stuff you like about Suikoden, and I know a lot of fans who criticize this part. Honestly though? I think the opening sections are some of the best since it really ingrains you into Falena's politics so the whole conflict makes sense. It also had the funness of introducing a bunch of character's you would recruit later and not make them feel like one note wonders like in Suikoden 4.

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    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Saying Cloud is fibbing is a joke, right?

    But yeah, I like the Kalm flashback, I've never had any problem with it other than you can't control Sephiroth, which leads to him killing the enemies in one go before you can do anything, but I get that that's the point - you're supposed to be nowhere near his level at that point. Also, the flashback did happen, but we're seeing it wrong, with characters in the wrong place etc.

    I also like the Orphanage Scene in FFVIII and don't really see anything forced about it, other than it had to be GF usage that caused it rather than simply, you know, growing up away from each other. The fact that they were subtle about it until the big reveal was a good thing in my opinion, but if they had made it really obvious like "You seem familiar..." it would have taken the impact away in my opinion.

  9. #9


    Weird that the Reptite sections have generally been called out as bad. Not that they're among my favorites, but I always felt that future sections were more boring. Especially because it kind of drags on with multiple areas to get through. HP/MP restored, but you're still depressed by this color scheme.

    I never knew the Kalm flashback was hated, but it's among my favorite parts of the game, so I definitely defend it.

  10. #10
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    The Kalm flashback is more of something unique to this forum, or at least a thread a few years back.

    I think a lot of people rail against the Reptites due to game mechanic change ups. The dungeons in these sections tend to have more guide dang it moments like Reptite Cave where you have to wait around for the Wood Bug enemies to dig holes in the right spots to get that one token treasure, or the fact all the dinosaur enemies have ridiculously high defense until you zap them with lightning. In comparison, the future doesn't feel quite as awful, especially when you consider that a good chunk of it is optional, whereas the Reptite sections are not. I honestly hear more gripes for these sections than any other from CT.

    **************************************************************************************************** ***
    I think the other one that comes to my mind is the Roxas prologue in KHII. While I agree that it's an abnormally long tutorial section, I feel the narrative its wrapped around keeps it way more interesting. Frankly, between it and KH1's tutorial section, I'll take KHII's if only for the smoother control interface making doing the minigame stuff less frustrating. Yet, honestly I still stand by the fact the Roxas sequence was probably the only truly interesting and well written part of KHII's plot.

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    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Now that I've really started to immerse myself into the series, I've decided that SaGa gets a bad rep from JRPG enthusiasts. The series may be unconventional but I've found most entries I've played to be really solid games overall. It has been nice to see SE finally give this franchise a second shot this gen, and I hope it starts garnering more fans. I feel the real turn off for most fans is the hands off approach to storytelling. Even I had to get used to it, and I still stand by my assessment that had Saga Frontier 2's plot had more investment put into it, it could have easily been a gateway entry for the franchise.

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    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    I agree about the Roxas prologue, it's honestly the part I look forward to most when I do a play of the whole series. Also it has this:

  13. #13
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Another one just came to mind: Bravely Default. I still thing the whole controversial bit that I can't mention because spoilers has a role and a purpose and actually works quite effectively.

    Also, the timer in Dragon Quarter is the best part about it and I love how it builds tension while also being dependant on your actions

  14. #14
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Also, the timer in Dragon Quarter is the best part about it and I love how it builds tension while also being dependent on your actions
    I agree, you honestly never even have to use the Dragon Form outside of the first battle it activates and the final encounter of the game where you go all DBZ on the boss. I also feel the SOL system complaints are overplayed too.

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