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Thread: Kitase says that he would like to do a full remake of FFV

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Boco Kitase says that he would like to do a full remake of FFV

    Granted, he started this comment by saying that its not in the works nor are there any plans for it. When asked what entry he would like to remake after they finish VIIR, he said he would love to return to the first FF he directed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yoshinori Kitase
    Ok, so first of all, you have to promise you're not going to write an article saying Square Enix is remaking Final Fantasy something, something... It's just a purely personal opinion, just so you understand that. With that caveat in place, the first Final Fantasy that I worked on myself was Final Fantasy V, that hasn't been remade with the more realistic kind of approach yet, so I think it might be quite interesting to do a FF5 remake someday.
    Would you be interested in seeing FFV remade and perhaps in a style closer to modern console entries?

  2. #2
    Total Sweetheart
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    I'd really enjoy seeing this game get the modern treatment. Truthfully, I'd say that about all old Final Fantasy games.

    Compared to its contemporaries IV and VI, it's definitely received less love in terms of widespread updated ports. Final Fantasy V should have its time in the sun again.

  3. #3


    I would surely remake FFVI first, but FFV deserves it too. It's not normal that these two games are still in 2D :/

  4. #4
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    After watching the trailer for Bravely Default II, I don't think I would mind a remake done in that style since I feel it would capture the charm of the original. I feel if they went too realistic with the graphics, they would be more inclined to change around a few things that would look off from the visual style.

    I may come back with more ideas of what I would like to see in a remake a little later.

  5. #5
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Funnily, I’ve been thinking about this since the first Bravely Default, what with that game already being pretty much a modern reimagining of III and V. Needless to say, I have a huge soft spot for V and would definitely love to see it remade.

  6. #6
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    Aye i'd totally be down with a remake of this game! Has the most replay value of any FF and also the best character. All i really would like for it is how they did FF IV, no need for something over the top.

  7. #7
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I feel a remake of FFV would be tricky because mechanically speaking, I feel FFV is fairly flawless outside of maybe trying to shoe-horn in some modern popular mechanics like maybe let Chemist class unlock crafting mechanics, which I would be opposed to cause the last thing FFV needs is more reasons for needless grinding. I would keep the optional dungeon and battle with Enuo from the GBA version. I would drop the four classes introduced in that one cause they are unbalanced, not as fun as they should have been, and many of them were basically stepping on the toes of other classes (Cannoneer/Chemist, Gladitoar/Knight/Samurai, Lich/Blue Mage) but instead I'd add in a few new classes just better balanced and have them be obtained in a more sensible way such as having them be attached to the Earth Crystal, but obtained in Galuf's world cause the shards got stuck in Krile or Galuf's clothing when it shattered.

    Classes I thought would work:

    Class Name: Machinist
    Weapons: Guns
    Equipment: Light Armor, Cloth Helmets, Rings, and Gauntlets
    Command: Precision Shot
    Innate: Riposte
    Skills Taught:
    Equip Guns - Self explanatory
    Precision Shot - Fire an attack that either does normal damage or ignores enemy defense 1/16 odds
    Scatter Shot - Use an attack that hits all enemies for half damage.
    Riposte - Works like Hamedo/Strike First from Tactics where the character attacks before the enemy does. Only works on Physical Attacks.
    Overview: I like the idea of the Cannoneer and some of the skills the Gladiator had, but felt they should be better balanced and not feeling like a dumb persons version of a job. Guns are powerful, but have lower accuracy like bows. Most guns will also inflict status effects ranging from Blind to Condemn for the Ultimate weapon. The class is not very strong in terms of stats, but has good damage potential and a skill set very useful for other classes.

    Class Name: Gambler
    Weapons: Knives, Dice, and Cards
    Equipment: Robes, Rings, Cloth Helmets, cloth armor
    Command: Slot
    Innate: Gil Up
    Skills Taught:
    Slot - Summon a slot machine that does various effects depending on what is pulled.
    Coin Flip - Either grant a status buff to the whole party or enemy
    Sleight of Hand - Casts a random Status Ailment on all enemies.
    Gil Up - Doubles amount of Gil enemies drop, also raises item drop rate by 10%. Does not effect Steal rates.
    Overview: Seeing how this class was originally developed for the FFV, it just seems fitting to have the class be put into the game proper. Class is about random chances and good fortune.

    Class Name: Dark Knight
    Weapons: Knightswords, Katana, Axes, and Hammers
    Equipment: Heavy Armor, Heavy Helmets, Gauntlets
    Command: Souleater
    Innate: Reverse
    Skills Taught:
    Souleater - Sacrifice 25% of your health to do non-elemental damage to a group of enemies.
    Reverse - Damage is reversed, enemy physical attacks heal the class while healing magic/item hurts them. Magic attacks works as normal.
    Counter Magic - Innate skill that gives the user a 25% chance to counter cast a spell used on them. Can only Counter spells the user knows through other classes. Does include Blue Magic unless the spell in questions casts a status effect that prevents casting. Silence, Berserk, and Toad will negate the ability.
    Overview: A favorite of mine, this class is a heavily offensive focus but is a bit of a glass cannon. Reverse gives them a chance to keep up their HP but also saddles with them with a lot of problems if you go up against a magic focus enemy. The real prize here is Counter Magic which will be super useful for Mime Mage builds.

    Class Name: Onion Knight
    Weapons: All
    Equipment: All
    Command: Onion Magic - All White and Black magic learned through their respective classes
    Innate: None
    Skills Taught:
    XP UP - Doubles XP gains
    AP UP - Doubles AP gained
    Master Class - Grants an extra slot for all classes. Has a ridiculously high AP cost to earn like 2997 AP
    Overview: This is the game's bragging rights class, it is earned once you unlock the Enuo dungeon, which in my mind will only be available after you beat the game once. The class is powerful with some great skills but few options. The class cannot equip Command Skills only innate ones like Doublehand or First Strike. As you've noticed, Onion Magic is exclusive to the class itself. The class has exclusive access to the Onion Gear which can be found throughout the game by doing certain sidequests or found in hidden treasures. These items have great stats and grants buffs like the Shield giving permanent Protect Status, Helmet giving Shell, and Armor giving Haste. So this class can be super powerful. The skills it does teach are great for endgame farming, and its final skill will open up a lot of new options for the gameplay.

    Another thing I'd add to the game is a NG+ mode where you can restart the game back at starting levels, but carry over any mastered classes with you. NG+ will have altered enemies and bosses built for a tougher game. Beating that Mode opens up Fiesta Mode, where your party starts the game with only one class you choose at the beginning.

  8. #8


    They should remake all FF1-FF6 in the Octopath Traveler art style. Why not? It'd be so cheap on their end, and they'd sell millions of copies.

  9. #9


    Bitch, he better.

    Just not Octopath style, it hurts my eyes.

  10. #10


    How else could they actually "remake" those games though? And have them look vaguely good by modern standards.

  11. #11
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    They could also do it like the FFIII/IV DS remakes if they wanted with better models since they would have more horsepower, it would probably look like the Trials of Mana remake. Or they could also do it like the VII Remake and incorporate Yoshitaka Amano's artwork into the world design, like they did for the PS1 intro/endings. Honestly they have a lot of options on what they could do. My only rule is that if they are going to bother remaking the game in 3D then actually go all in and redesign the world and dungeons to work in a 3D setting. I don't want a Secret of Mana style remake where they just give the game a graphical facelift but keep everything the same.

  12. #12
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'm also not big on them remaking those games in the Octopath style. I don't think it would actually work. Plus, it's not exactly like that team has nothing to do, as it's the same people that handle the Bravely games.

  13. #13
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    Having another game with Bartz's dancer outfit would be wonderful.

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