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Thread: Final Fantasy 7-9 Trivia

  1. #61
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    1. Beautiful Bro?

    3. I'm going to say Zidane's Ultima Weapon and Freya's Dragon Whisker since both are connected to Chocobo Hot and Cold and simply need you to fully upgrade the chocobo to access. They are not even connected to an actual Chocograph, you just need dead peppers and the actual upgrade to reach them.

    5. Malboro

  2. #62


    4) Hard to say Malak is considered to have died in the game, the game is slightly ambiguous on this. Still, he would not still be among the two youngest.

    5) What am I?
    --It's possible to see me in the Battle Square in FF7.
    --I drop an item that can teach Quistis a blue magic in FF8.
    --I can attack with Absorb in FF9.
    Wolf Kanno got it with Marlboro.

    Wolf Kanno - 22
    Lord Golbez - 11
    Fynn - 9
    Karifean - 7
    Galuf - 2.5

    Questions (1 pt each unless otherwise stated)

    1) FF7 - What NPC named character quotes, "I'll give you something SPECIAL!"? The item you then receive is the only way to obtain it in the game.

    2) Random FF - what boss says he was sleeping, and then his ally kept biting on his head because he was hungry?

    3) FF9 - Which two ultimate/final weapons can be obtained earliest in the game?

    4) FFT - Who are the two youngest named characters that we see die in the game?

    5) FF9 - Blank in Evil Forest and Cid at Serpent's Gate. These are the two instances in the game where what occurs?

  3. #63


    4. Then Teta and Ovelia.

    5. What is they fake died?

  4. #64
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    1. Yoshiyuki
    3. Dragon Hair and Gastro Fork if you grind for it I guess.
    4. Tietra and Ovelia I guess if Marach doesn't count.
    5. ATE

  5. #65


    3) FF9 - Which two ultimate/final weapons can be obtained earliest in the game?
    Wolf Kanno got it. It's technically possible to receive Gastro Fork first by intense grinding. The game mitigates for this by the variable attack power of all forks. Dragon Hair can be obtained as early as on the way to Oeilvart, depending on your chocobo.

    4) FFT - Who are the two youngest named characters that we see die in the game?
    Lord Golbez got it.

    Wolf Kanno - 23
    Lord Golbez - 12
    Fynn - 9
    Karifean - 7
    Galuf - 2.5

    Questions (1 pt each unless otherwise stated)

    1) FF7 - What named-NPC quotes, "I'll give you something SPECIAL!"? She then gives you an item you can only have one of in the game.

    2) Random FF - what boss summons an ally to fight alongside him, and says while he was sleeping, his ally kept gnawing on his head because he was hungry?

    3) FF9 - I am a higher-ranked weapon that only appears in FF9. Change one vowel in my name to another vowel, and I become the weakest variant of a weapon in FFT. What am I?

    4) Random FF - what building am I in?

    5) FF9 - Blank in Evil Forest and Cid at Serpent's Gate. These are the [only] two times in the game where what occurs?

  6. #66


    1. Priscilla? Although presumably Shiva can replicate upon being maxed, so I'm probably wrong.

    2. Ultros?

  7. #67
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    2. Gilgamesh?

    3. Cypress Pile?

    4. Julia's room in Deling City

  8. #68


    1) FF7 - What named-NPC quotes, "I'll give you something SPECIAL!"? She then gives you an item you can only have one of in the game.
    Lord Golbez got it, and oops I forgot about the materia replication. It was erroneous choice of wording.

    2) Random FF - what boss summons an ally to fight alongside him, and says while he was sleeping, his ally kept gnawing on his head because he was hungry?
    Lord Golbez got it with Ultros and Typhon in FF6.

    3) FF9 - I am a higher-ranked weapon that only appears in FF9. Change one vowel in my name to another vowel, and I become the weakest variant of a weapon in FFT. What am I?
    Wolf Kanno got it with Cypress Pile. I actually thought this question was going to be hard because it's so vague.

    4) Random FF - what building am I in?
    Wolf Kanno got it. Was looking for Galbadia Hotel.

    Wolf Kanno - 24
    Lord Golbez - 14
    Fynn - 9
    Karifean - 7
    Galuf - 2.5

    Questions (1 pt each unless otherwise stated)

    1) What am I?
    --In FF7 and FFX-2, I am an accessory.
    --In FF8, I am an item.
    --In FF9, FF12, and FFT, I am headgear.
    --I usually boost Magic-related stats.

    2) Random FF - Who has presented the party with these three choices (cut off)?

    3) FF9 - Which is one of the few enemies that speak while attacking in the game, mentioning the wind in one of its phrases?

    4) FF7 - When Cloud says "Did this?", what is he referring to?

    5) FF9 - Blank in Evil Forest and Cid at Serpent's Gate. These are the two times in the game when what are given?

  9. #69
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    1. Circlet

    2. I want to say Hilda in FFIX.

    3. Tiamat

    4. Taking out the Midgar Zolom

    5. a map

  10. #70


    2. Bahamut in FFVIII?

  11. #71
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    2 is Yojimbo in FFX when he asks you what you need him for.

  12. #72


    1) What am I?
    --In FF7 and FFX-2, I am an accessory.
    --In FF8, I am an item.
    --In FF9, FF12, and FFT, I am headgear.
    --I usually boost Magic-related stats.
    Wolf Kanno got it with Circlet.

    2) Random FF - Who has presented the party with these three choices (cut off)?
    Karifean got it with Yojimbo.

    4) FF7 - When Cloud says "Did this?", what is he referring to?
    Wolf Kanno got it with Midgar Zolom.

    5) FF9 - Blank in Evil Forest and Cid at Serpent's Gate. These are the two times in the game when what are given?
    Wolf Kanno got it with when you receive the key item maps in the game.

    Wolf Kanno - 27
    Lord Golbez - 14
    Fynn - 9
    Karifean - 8
    Galuf - 2.5


    1) FF7 - When Tifa enters the doctor's office in Madeen, the doctor compares her "barging in" to what?

    2) Random FF - where am I?

    3) FF9 - Which is one of the few random encounter enemies that speak while attacking in the game, mentioning the wind in one of its phrases?

    4) What am I?
    --I cost 37 more MP to cast in FF6 than in FF5.
    --There isn't a materia of my name in FF7.
    --I can be drawn in FF8.
    --The earliest you can see me in FF9 is in Cleyra's trunk.
    --I can be used by two classes in FF12 Zodiac.

    5) FFT - Whose only line in chapter 1 is "Ughh..."?

  13. #73


    4. Apocalypse - Assuming that's the same as "Merton" in FFVI, which I think it is?

    5. I'm gonna go with Elmdor because if it's some Death Corps guy I'm not playing that guessing game.

  14. #74
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    1. Chocobo I'm guessing

    2. Eryut Village in FFXII

    3. Garuda?

    4. Aero

    5. Simon Penn-Lachish

  15. #75


    Who? Is that a real FFT character or did you just make something up?

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