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Thread: Final Fantasy 7-9 Trivia

  1. #1

    Default Final Fantasy 7-9 Trivia

    Many years ago, I was part of this forum in its FFIX heyday. I've been replaying FF9 during shelter-in and have a lot of nostalgia for the great FF quizzes that were running on these forums. I'm seeing if I can be a quizmaster and there would be interest in reliving Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 9 through trivia. Just like in the old days, I can keep a running score.

    1. One post per user each time I review/repost/edit the existing questions.
    2. First person with the correct answer gets the point(s).
    3. Questions will be updated when someone gets it correct.
    4. Trivia is just for fun, so please try to avoid using wiki's or google!


    1) FF7 - What character's namesake is derived a historical philosopher noted for the spread of early Lutherism in Europe? (1 pt)
    2) FF8 - Who quotes, "You think I'd fall for that trick?" (1 pt)
    3) FF9 - Name all the characters who you can use in battle but are not part of the 8 main playable characters cast. (1 pt)
    4) Random - In FF Tactics, who is the first boss you battle that results in the immediate death of that character story-wise? (1 pt)

    Helpful to put your replies in the following format:

    1) my question 1 answer
    2) ???
    3) put question 3 answer here
    4) pass?

  2. #2
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    3) Beatrix Blank and marcus
    4) Argath Thadalfus

    nice idea i like quizzes even if im wrong!

  3. #3


    1. Heidegger
    2. Adel
    3. Beatrix Blank Marcus and um.... Cinna?
    4. Dammit. Pretty sure I know that character but forget her name. Wiegraf's sister. Debatable whether you would consider her a boss but the objective of the battle is to defeat her so I feel like it counts.
    Last edited by Lord Golbez; 04-01-2020 at 03:31 AM.

  4. #4


    Glad to see there is life out there that's interested in classic FF trivia!

    @Galuf - happy to see you! You almost got all of the FF9 characters but you were missing Cinna.
    @Lord Golbez - Heideggar is a great guess as a philosopher but played no noteworthy role in the spread of Lutheranism. You're right on the Adel quote and on the playable NPC's in FF9. Question 4 requires a name though!

    1. One post per user each time I review/repost/edit the existing questions.
    2. First person with the correct answer gets the point(s).
    3. Questions will be updated when someone gets it correct.
    4. Trivia is just for fun, so please try to avoid using wiki's or google!

    Lord Golbez - 2
    Galuf - 0


    1) FF7 - What character's namesake is derived from a 15th century historical philosopher noted for his spread of early Lutheranism in Scandinavia? (1 pt)

    2) FF8 - What do Ifrit, Brothers, Diablo, Cerberus, Bahamut, Cactuar, and Tonberry have in common that is different from the rest of the Guardian Forces? (1 pt)

    3) FF9 - Name all of the Eidolons Queen Brahne summons and the city/region the Eidolon's destruction takes place. (1 pt)

    4) FFT - In FF Tactics, who is the first boss you battle that results in the immediate death of that character story-wise? (1 pt)

    5) FF10 - When Wakka is saying, "well, he never used it", who is the "he" Wakka is referring to and what is the "it"? (1 pt)
    Last edited by FriendlyYan; 04-01-2020 at 10:01 AM.

  5. #5
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    1) Bugenhagen
    2) They’re all fought as bosses
    3) Atomos - Lindblum, Odin - Cleyra, Bahamut - used at Iifa tree against Kuja, but Kuja later takes control of it to attack Alexandria
    4) Milleuda
    5) Chappu and the Brotherhood sword

  6. #6


    That's why I was thinking Meliadoul even though I knew she came later in the game. The names are similar enough to throw me off.

  7. #7


    Fynn, good job clearing the entire question set!
    @Lord Golbez - I agree, lots of similarities between them

    1. One post per user each time I review/repost/edit the existing questions.
    2. First person with the correct answer gets the point(s).
    3. Questions will be updated when someone gets it correct.
    4. Trivia is just for fun, so please try to avoid using wiki's or google!

    Fynn - 5
    Lord Golbez - 2
    Galuf - 0


    1) FF7 - "I have a bad feeling about this..." is said right before what boss battle? (1 pt)

    2) FF8 - What monster can turn one of the characters into a ball, bounce it around to hit your other two party members, and cause everyone to take damage? (1 pt)

    3) FF9 - There is one story battle where a character enters into a battle sequence but don't need to do anything. The character automatically uses one attack to knock out the enemies. Who is in this story battle and what enemies do you see them knock out? (1 pt)

    4) FFT - Who joins your party with 69 brave and 31 faith? (1 pt)

    5) Random - What Final Fantasy playable character can be described as having a ponytail, wearing striped green pants, and having a "Bluff" skill? (1 pt)

  8. #8
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    2) Gero gero?

    4) Agrias

  9. #9

  10. #10


    2. Wendigo

    3. Possibly Eiko using Madeen but I don''t remember the enemies. I'll guess the two jesters. What were their names? Flotsam and Jetsam? Probably no on both counts but better than guessing nothing.
    Last edited by Lord Golbez; 04-01-2020 at 08:08 PM.

  11. #11


    1) FF7 - "I have a bad feeling about this..." is said right before what boss battle? (1 pt)
    Fynn got it with Lost Number.

    2) FF8 - What monster can turn one of the characters into a ball, bounce it around to hit your other two party members, and cause everyone to take damage? (1 pt)
    Lord Galuf got it with Wendigo (with attacks like Dribble and Shoot).

    3) FF9 - There is one story battle where a character enters into a battle sequence but don't need to do anything. The character automatically uses one attack to knock out the enemies. Who is in this story battle and what enemies do you see them knock out? (1 pt)
    Lord Galuf, I'm going to give it to you even though you didn't name Zorn and Thorn, but the battle is right on point with Eiko summoning Madeen and KO-ing them in one shot.

    4) FFT - Who joins your party with 69 brave and 31 faith? (1 pt)
    Fynn got it with Malak / Marach.

    5) Random - What Final Fantasy playable character can be described as having a ponytail, wearing striped green pants, and having a "Bluff" skill? (1 pt)
    Fynn got it with Palom from FF4.

    Fynn - 8
    Lord Golbez - 4
    Galuf - 0


    1) FF7 - Where is there a treasure chest that is locked and unable to be unlocked in the game? (1 pt)

    2) FF8 - In the Summer Olympics, which piece of music was used in competition, and what Olympic event was it? (1 pt)

    3) FF9 - Counting CGI scenes, starting from a New Game, what is the order in which the eight playable FF9 characters appear on screen, assuming you see them as early as possible? (1 pt)

    4) Random - Name a Final Fantasy character with complete heterochromia (without looking up this term ). (1 pt)

    5) Random - What job class that appears in only one Final Fantasy title comes from the Hindi word for "hunter"? (1 pt)

  12. #12
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    2) Liberi Fatali, Ice skating? In scotland it can be cold any time!
    3) Garnet, Zidane, Vivi, Steiner, Freya, Quina, Eiko, Amarant (unsure if Amarant's poster counts but i will assume no)

    4) Yuna from FFX

  13. #13


    1. Mideel?

  14. #14
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    1. Kalm

    2: Liberi Fatali - Synchronized diving

    3. Garnet (Opening flashaback), Zidane (opening Theater ship), Vivi (opening walking into Alexandria), Steiner (during the kidnap the princess), Eiko (during the summon of Alexander), Quina and Amarant are seen at the same time only in the ending.

    4. Yuna

    5. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. Pisces Board specializes in Daggers and Ninja Swords.

  15. #15


    1) FF7 - Where is there a treasure chest that is locked and unable to be unlocked in the game? (1 pt)
    Wolf Kanno got it with Kalm. It's speculated that this locked treasure chest was where you obtain the Titan materia and it was later changed but the chest remained.

    2) FF8 - In the Summer Olympics, which piece of music was used in competition, and what Olympic event was it? (1 pt)
    I'm going to give half a point to Galuf and then dismiss this question. The event was synchronized swimming, so I was on the fence with Wolf Kanno's response of synchronized diving.

    3) FF9 - Counting CGI scenes, starting from a New Game, what is the order in which the eight playable FF9 characters appear on screen, assuming you see them as early as possible? (1 pt)
    @Wolf Kanno - I believe you misread the question to note their appearance in only CGI, but it's just from a new game, and it's counting CGI scenes as appearances on screen in the game.
    @Galuf - I did consider what to do about Amarant's wanted poster, and for all intent and purposes, it does not count. However, the order is not correct whether it is or isn't counted.

    4) Random - Name a Final Fantasy character with complete heterochromia (without looking up this term ). (1 pt)
    @Galuf - yes Yuna has two different colored irises

    5) Random - What job class that appears in only one Final Fantasy title comes from the Hindi word for "hunter"? (1 pt)
    @Wolf Kanno - this was a bit of an odd answer because the answer is Shikari, but your answer has everything that describes it without actually saying the job name that means "hunter". I'm going to count it though.

    Fynn - 8
    Lord Golbez - 4
    Wolf Kanno - 2
    Galuf - 1.5


    1) FF7 - The Ribbon accessory actually does not protect against what three status effects? (1 pt)

    2) FF8 - Who quotes, "In the end, it was my fault for giving up control"? (1 pt)

    3) FF9 - Starting from a new game, what is the order in which the eight playable characters appear on screen assuming you see them as early as possible? Count CGI scenes. (1 pt)

    4) FF9 - "Go outside the building after he opens the hatch door" would describe how to obtain a rare what? What is it called? (1 pt)

    5) FFT - What does Ramza order at the bar at Lesalia Castle? (1 pt)

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